Is there any one piece of vintage gear you most wished you owned?

Assuming vintage interests you, what one piece of vintage equipment would you most like to own? 


Back then it would have been the Infinity Servo-Statiks, which were the first speakers to truly dumbfound me.  Now, it would be a room big enough for them (rooms that big are pretty "vintage" in the homes of today!)

A mint pair of Altec Lansing A7, or Dunlavy SC-VI. But I'd need a BIG room as part of the deal. So $200,000 ought to do it.


Pioneer SX-1980

So I could sell it for the ridiculous prices they bring.

And no, I'm not against owning and keeping vintage. I own several vintage amps and receivers, but the SX-1980 is overkill and overpriced.

Found a pair of AR-2ax in Illinois, bought them, wish me luck.

Thanks for this discussion.


Now, my garage/shop system, recently purchased a nice Yamaha CR-1040, 80 wpc, I run two sets of speakers. It has a hard to find part that blows if you push them too hard.

For these AR-2ax and the shop pair, I may buy a CR-2040, 120 wpc (without that problem), sell the CR-1040. I replaced the burnt out lights, looks and sounds terrific, don't need/want tubes down there.

Wish I had my Infinity FET preamp back. My bad trading it for a Bedini 66DE preamp, removed in short order. Didn't know anything back then. Never will decide based on a quick swap and listen with time constraints... need time to assess gear, at least a few days.

STAX CP-Y and ECP-1. Loved the line input phono set up.

....oh and the audiogirl in the OPs profile photo? ;)

 Nakamichi Dragon,I have 3 Nakamichi but not a Dragon..I do own lots of vintage stereo equipment. 


Happily, you only cost me $500. for the pair of AR-2ax speakers I just bought/fixed. Happily they fit in my office, and sound great with my little 10wpc Luxman Tube Amp. (they are not very efficient). so, out with the small Wharfedales and Sub, in with these.

I posted photos of the speakers and crossover work here

Glad you got me to do this, I’ve missed them since they were stolen in 1973.

Make that 'You Cost Me $750'.

After I got them in place, a good listen to familiar music, I discovered 1 tweeter is blown. I requested and seller gave a partial refund.

So, a pair of new tweeters, might as well put 4 new level controls, so now the total will be $740. Luckily I can do this myself.

Actually, I'm kinda glad it happened this way.