Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?

Dear friends: We can read through different threads/posts in this forum that people always want/ask to know for the " best " " audio item " that IMHO and till today does not exist in " absolute " meaning.
Well I already have and I'm " living " a unique experience that makes me to share with all of you what IMHO could be in Absolute terms " the best cartridge ever ".

Please read this Technics EPC-P100C-MK4 information that could help you for you can share with us your experiences/thoughts on the subject of this thread:

Thank you in advance.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Dear friends: A new " The Best " member:

highly recommended and not to dificult to find like the Technics or the Acutex " The Best " members.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Downunder: +++++ " I have had it on my P3 for a couple of months now - and it passes the long term satisfaction test easily, not just the short term WOW factor.
This is the only way to judge a cartridge, or any piece of equipment - not just a few hours or a day or so of joy. " +++++

certainly that was not " the only way to judge a cartridge " because through my " fast track " process I achieve and know in precise way what take you two months.
Different " roads " to get the same target. IMHO there is NO " the only way " in this matter.

Another " only ":
+++++ " It is the only MM cartridge I have heard that is truely world class. the others are just nice and a bit of fun to play with. " +++++

Well the Technics is so good tha's IMHO is almost impossible that could performs in poor way. There are many reasons why other cartridges you own does not performs as " world class " ones:

- wrong tonearm matching
- wrong cartridge set up
- wrong impedance/capacitance loads.
- no direct connection in a 4P-mount cartridge model.
- not fully broken.
- due to its aged: cartridge out of specs.
- does not makes synergy with your " ears ".
- even phono stages not up to the task.
- or maybe your syste$$$$ has no " world class " performance.

these and other factors has a definitive influence in any cartridge quality performance level.

I don't know for sure what is happenning on your system than with other MM/MI cartridges you can't achieve a better quality performance when many people with the same cartridges already did.
Maybe you have to try again and hard on the subject.

regards and enjoy the music,
Sorry about the above post. I thought I was on the MM/MI thread at the time. I do not claim that the Azden YM-P50VL is the "absolute" best cartridge, by any means. The rest of that post was OT, too.
Dear Halcro: When you start with this kind of process " things " could be frustrated till you learn the relationship of those track you choose and learn to discern what is happening but when you have the right practice ( this could be take it months or years depend on each person. I take months but the " refinement " in the process take me years. What am I saying with " process refinement "?, that I now achieve that 90%/95% of confidence ( no fails. )) you can make the whole precise process in less than a hour, sometimes more time that depend on the item/system performance.

This " fast track " process is the one that permit that I can test so many cartridges in a short time with IMHO :success or any other audio item or audio system even if I'm hearing it for the first time.

I hope that Downunder now could understand why the " cartridge of the week/month " like he say.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Halcro: Yes.

+++++ " I'm not sure exactly how you can 'nullify' the characteristics of the various speaker systems " +++++

examples: looking for system/item resolution I take the PB track and the first step is try to hear/heard how many Patricia breaths you can discern in the first three minutes of that track: here I don't care about speakers or my preferences, I only have to count.
In the same track ( somewhere ) I have to discern how the system/item perform when the battery/drum player hit ( several fast hitting. ) the big cymbal in the outer cymbal place/side: some items only can give you a shshshshsh sound when in other with better resolution you can hear the initial stick hit ( each one ) followed for the shshshshsh: again I don't care about preferences or the like, it has the resolution or not.
There is other part on that same cymbal where the player hits in the inside cymbal part where different items give you different resolution level.

In the Hotel California track between other things I use it for azymuth where I/you either don't care about preferences or system signature.

That's why is very difficult that a process of this kind can fail, certainly is not perfect but IMHO and due to my experience on it is 90%-95% secure.

You can " design " your own process and over the time with practice you can attain that same 90%-95% of confidence with.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Thanks for the clarification Raul.
What I gather you are that your 'test' tracks are really used for a system 'diagnosis'. In other words, to assure yourself that the turntable/arm/cartridge combination is setup to its optimum capabilities?

I'm not sure exactly how you can 'nullify' the characteristics of the various speaker systems which can project differently, those sonic clues you are listening for?
And yes Raul, I am still enjoying the fabulous Empire ZE/X thanks to you.
OK. Now I think I can place the Azden cartridge. It is a great one for sure. Now I have to go listen to more different cartridges and also try the Azden in different set-ups, before I could ever give it a rating on a 1 to 10 scale. (But surely is up there at between 8 and 10 based on my past.

Raul, you have to realize that until I "took the plunge" about 2-3 years ago, I never before owned more than one turntable/tonearm/cartridge at any one time. And turntables lived in my system for a very long time between "upgrades" from one to the next. I never would have believed that tonearms (once one limits oneself to "good" ones) and turntables of a similar cost and quality could sound so different and affect one's impression of a cartridge so greatly. For stimulating me to embark upon this learning experience, I do thank you, Raul, and I also have to thank the Lenco users for first provoking me to think outside the belt-drive box. That odyssey led to this one.
Dear Danwkw: I can't agree more with you on your post.

Btw, maybe could be interesting that you can test/try some time in the near future the MM/MI vintage analog source alternative, these humble items are so good that through them you can discover a new " audio world " that the AHEE had hidden for you.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Halcro: What I discern through that process is not only the obvious but more important what is not obvious even by you that are the ornwer system.

My method/process is the one that ( between other things and one way or the other ) permit that many people now are enjoying other analog source alternative like you with your great Empire 1000 ZE/x.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Downunder/Halcro: I don't think that you are understanding ( because my bad explanation ) what and why I choose those specific 8-9 different music tracks and I can't explain with detail about because we need to hear it to be aware what I looking for with each track.

Through these tracks I check the cartridge set up mainly on VTA/SRA and Azymuth, I check low mid-bass/bass/hf, specific different sounds/instrument not only the specific timbre but its sound stage specific position where the sounds comes ( sometimes the voice is in focus but other track sounds are in different " normal " position because azymuth not in target. ), I check even the breath on singers with its position/timbre/intensity, even how some LP clicks performs, etc, etc.

I don't heard/hear the recording track as a whole music recording but with those especial tracks I'm only try to detect what I know is there and how is there when I'm playing that recording.

For you can do this you need first to choose the different recording tracks where you think could make the job, then know in deep every single second playing time on those tracks, then choose what are you looking for in each part of the track ( not the whole track ), then that your process can be repetitive and always with success on any system or audio item.

Halcro maybe this is easy for you ( like you say ) but I take it some years to be here.

I can tell you that ( till today ) I almost ( I can't remember when. ) never fail about in my system and in several other systems/audio items.

Do you think that was at random that only in ten seconds I can ( past of can. ) tell my friend that there was a trouble with his system tweeter ( this was the first time I heard that system. ) and tell him why where he and the other friend that was with us were unaware about?.
But not only my friends were unaware on that you or any one else be unaware in exactly the same way my friends were.

Do you know why?, simple you don't know what to look for in that recording track where I'm training to do it.

Btw, after those tests any other recording will be on shape for the bad or good.

I remember when I was in USA hearing a top audio system and I was hearing the PB ( Cafe Blue ) track:

in that moment the system owner was in other adjacent room and then suddenly comes to me and told me " now I see why you choose this PB track to test " that he I think never heard it before. Btw, I think I help him with my system advise to improve it.

Any one can do it if has the training to do it. Part of this training is how deep is your audio experience, live music events experiences ( how often? ), how many audio system you alredy heard? how many different audio items do you know/heard? how good is your audio system? how precise/right/well choose those test recording tracks and how good are you? , oh! I forgot: no bias mind!

Unfortunatelly you are not near of me to make a test live in your system where you can understand what I'm talking about that is totally different of what you are talking about. Is complex as a process and complex to explain.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Only when most of our LP collection sounds so authentic and touching, feeling almost like "being there". Then it will be the absolute best cart for you in your system.

I tend to agree with Shane on the issue of 'judgement' according to 'favourite test material'.

Raul, you have assembled and refined your entire system so that it suits your tastes as precisely and happily as is currently possible.
This does not imply that everyone else will like the sound of your system or agree that it is the way music should sound.

When you listen quickly to your favourite test records on another system, you are simply correlating how the tracks 'differ' in presentation to your own system.
This is a very easy thing to do and requires very little 'training' as you seem to imply, however it should not be confused with validating the true worth of another system?
I wasn't suggesting any answer to the question per se - intellectually I prefer to stay out of discussions of 'absolute' as arguments about semantics are a favorite on this forum and accomplish little (but sometimes I just have to throw myself in the mud too :^). That said, I think you have hit on the issue with your point about musical taste and ears.

There are lots of ways to skin the cat and once one gets a fair ways down the path of quality, things are much more alike than different in the grand scheme. Where carts are concerned, if one has a canvas of excellent table/arm/isolation/setup (a big if), it allows the carts to render their individual flavors differently and thus while the base level of great carts is 'greatness', there is still quite a bit of 'personality' to many carts.
Hi Travis

I agree entirely and you for one would understand given your great collection of Japanese audio treasures. There never has been one absolute best cartridge. It is impossible for anything to be best given all the variables with equipment, rooms, musical taste and our ears.

I have found that the tunrtble to have a bigger contribution to any sound I hear than any cartridge. Especially when comparing excellently designed belt trive to DD drive tables.
The issue raised by this new "tie" for best cartridge is that the original premise of this thread is now endangered... there is no longer one "absolute best cartridge", but now two absolute bests... which brings into question the definition of 'absolute'...
While it is good and may seem logical to have your 8-9 prime demo cuts you always go to when evaluating a new component, it is also fraut with danger - "familiarity breeds contempt".

We humans can have a tendancy with very familar material to all ready have a " preferred sound" we are evaluating in our heads. We begin to somewhat stop listening to the music and listen to our pre conceived "preferred sound" checklist. As Lew said, you then play less familar/new music and the results are not always as convincing.

I fully agree with Lew. You need to live with a new component and play LOTS of different music over a reasonable period of time, then go back to see if it really was an improvement or just different.

Of course, like Siniy said - there is no perfect cartridge for all music genres or recordinds within a genre - but sweepeing statements that MM is good for ex and MC's are better for y is also not correct.

And, I feel a lot better within myself that my Technics EPC100C is back as equal " best cartrigde" :-)

Dear No_regrest: The source is the net, you have to convert in a " hunting man " on MM/MI cartridges.

It is a patience work but the rewards are very often great ones.

Our time ( today ) IMHO is the best time to try to find and test these vintage and humble MM/MI cartridges. We can find it at " ridiculous " low prices and enjoy it with our current audio system that is a lot lot better than the one we owned 30-40 years ago that is the time where all those cartridges " belong ".

I really think that the people that already give ( and give him self ) an opportunity ( where no one has nothing to loose. ) to this analog source MM/MI alternative have the privilege a unique privilege to hear/heard a " new " audio experience with notable differences on the LOMC alternative.

Yes, IMHO this is the time and maybe never come back because this analog source alternative is not part of the AHEE.

I have to say that the MM/MI alternative is so good that even cartridge owners with system limitations on a better set up : load impedance/capacitance/direct connection on P-mount ones or samples with integrated headshell, etc. are enjoying it even that are not on optimum circumstances!!!

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Alexl7333: LPM 315 and 320 share same cartridge body/motor but not the 312.

regards and enjoy the music,
Can anybody advise the differences between the Acutex 312, 315 and 320 III bodies - are they the same and it is only the stylus-cantilever that differs between the models, or is each body manufactured to different specifications?

Pardon my ignorance of this detail but any help would be gratefully appreciated in the search for low cost MM nirvana.


Alex L
Hello Raul,

I love reading your posts because your excitiment and enthusiam is contagious. I'd love to be able to get my hands on Acutex or Techniques to hear what you feel is the best.....but where do you find these?

They seem to be unobtainable.
Dear Lewm: You already had and has to much time with the Azden and seems to me that you are less than satisfied with.

It is hard with out heard your cartridge sample what's going on because the Azden quality performance is first rate after 20 hours.

There are many factors that could affect its performance and mainly how the cartridge is surrounded to play ( your system. ) that I don't want to analyze this time.
What I want to put on the table is that due that these cartridges are really vintage ones ( 25-35+ years old. ) even if like the Azden are NOS items it is for sure that thre is differences between samples on the same model and maybe your sample is not right on specs against other Azden cartridges like mine or the other people that love it.
You own different tonearms and have wide experience on cartridge set up and fine tunning, my advise is that you try it not only in different headshells but different tonearms.

+++++ " But then I have to ask myself whether it was just fortuitous that there is a particular affinity between the Azden and those tracks that I like to use as standards, because on some less familiar material, the Azden does not always crush the competition. " +++++

different cartridges different distortions, maybe and just maybe you and the Azden are out of " synergy ".

Anyway, try to find the Acutex.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Raul, Sometimes I write things just to stimulate discussion, but I am also "hampered" in a way by my training as a scientist. In real science, nothing should be subjective; in audio, we are usually left with subjective judgements, and we cannot do any better. Thus I have a hard time making a commitment based on what are always flawed and usually subjective data. Of course, when something sounds really terrible (to my ears), it's easy. But we are picking and choosing among high quality bits of merchandise here.

I know what you mean about tracks on particular LPs. I have two or three of those, too. I must admit the Azden kicks butt on the LP tracks I know so well. But then I have to ask myself whether it was just fortuitous that there is a particular affinity between the Azden and those tracks that I like to use as standards, because on some less familiar material, the Azden does not always crush the competition.
Dear friends: I was thinking these last days ( again and again ) on the quality level performance in the Technics EPC-P100CMK4 and the Acutex 315III STR and what I was thinking is mainly where are similar and where different and the importance of those " where " and how ner/far are those differences and I'm asking me: hey could be the other way around? that people could like more the Technics trade-offs against the Acutex?

Both cartridges have so high quality performance level and are more similar than differents that here maybe was/is a little unnfair to put one cartridge over the other on quality performance level.
It is true that the Technics has not that " live energy " that the Acutex shows ( no cartridge I know has it. ) but it is true too that the Technics has other characteristics that the Acutex can't shows at same level.

Unfortunatelly I can't edit the Acutex review but through this post I want to make a correction ( My mistake, the Technics deserve that correction. ) in the quality performance level of the Acutex in the cartridge ladder level performance.

The Acutex 315III STR belongs at 10+ ( not 10++ like I posted. ) level sharing this position along the Technics EPC-P100CMK4: Honor to whom deserve Honor!!!!

Now we not only have one " The Best/The One " cartridge but two great analog source alternatives: one MM and one MI.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Lewm: So your " fruitles " that in my dictionary is a synonym of " useless " then is not exactly " useless ", fine.

+++++ " But you certainly have changed your mind quite a bit over the course of those 2000+ posts " +++++ ( more than two years I have to say. ), in that time I learn and this learning makes things change " quite a bit " and in the other side I have adapt me to different circumstances over the time, that not always is an easy task.

+++++ " "greatness of the cartridge will be evident from few first hours". I could not agree more, and its shortcomings will be evident only after a longer audition and careful comparison to some in-house standard, IMO. " +++++

I can say " evident from few first minutes " as its shortcomings.
This statement has foundation: standards to compare it ( like you point out ), depending of the effectivity and capacity of those standards to make a " value/measure " and your own skills, experience and training through the use of those standards you can achieve/know the cartridge or any audio item performance level with true confidence on what you find.

I'm " tired " to say that I have that kind of training and standards to do that in " fast track " way. I have 8-9 different LP tracks to make the 90% of that job: how many time take me to hear and discern trhough those tracks, that I know in deep like I know my hands, after cartridge set up/settle down? hours?, normally I can do it in less than a hour but not always this depends on the cartridge performance level. With the Acutex I really take hours because I was not perfectly sure if its performance level was/is at the same Technics P100C.

Using always the same your own standards/Lp tracks/tools is a must for audio item/system evaluation that facilitate this evaluation tests.

Two days ago with two friends of mine made a two different system evaluations where I carry with me only three of those 8-9 LP tracks.
Well in the first system with the first LP track ( Patricia Barber. I know in the PB track/Nardis even how many times she take air/breath through the track and even where/soundstage position those " breathe " happen. Btw, do you already heard and find the right number of those PB " breathes "?, in the Technics P100C review comes exactly what you have to hear, try it and see how good is your source. ) ) I detect in 10 seconds that something was not in shape with the performance of the tweeters. I explain my friends how I knew about and tell them that now hear/heard it again and then they heard it and the problem was fix it. Three minutes latter I discern on other different " problem " and in less than 40 minutes we all determine where the systems problems were and a process to try fix it.

Then we go to the other home audio system and in less than four minutes I was aware of atrouble in the low midbass/low bass that between other things were in detriment of the high frequency quality performance.

Why can I do that so fast? Am I really different from you?, certainly not what happen is that I have the right " tools " ( that right tools are the ones that you know and that you have it. ) and deep/long time training to do it, that's all.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Siniy123: Democracy is the name in this kind of forum. I agree on almost all you posted.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Raul, You have an endless reservoir of self-confidence. This will overcome any amount of self-doubt. But you certainly have changed your mind quite a bit over the course of those 2000+ posts that you have in part stimulated. This is your perfect right, but it does illustrate my point, so I won't retract it. One reason I take so long to evaluate a cartridge is that I only can listen for about 5-10 hours/week. I think you are able to put in much more time per day or week, so of course you can move faster and still do a good job of it, most of the time.

Siniy, You wrote, "greatness of the cartridge will be evident from few first hours". I could not agree more, and its shortcomings will be evident only after a longer audition and careful comparison to some in-house standard, IMO. However, I do agree with you on the idea of the cartridge as musical instrument. This is precisely where I am going with my long audition of the Azden, comparing it to either the Koetsu Urushi (lush, romantic) or to the Colibri (speed and detail), mounted on other turntables. If you accept that concept, then of course there can be no absolute "best" for all purposes.

A typically thought provoking and interesting take on the performance of MCs and IMs compared to MMs. Something to consider and explore in the days ahead.

I think that greatness of the cartridge will be evident from few first hours. Whether its great everyday cartridge it is a different matter. Great piece of art or sound of Stradivarius violin will impress you from very first minutes. Many cartridges are doing 2-3-4 things exceptionally well or they best suited for some music stile and content. Some cartridges are well balanced, but don't shine on anything is particular. We call them "neural", I guess. They are great, but they are not touching our feelings as deeply as more "specialized" cartridges during their glory moments. I stopped long ago to treat cartridges as do-it-all devices, but as musical instruments. Every one has its own strengths, weaknesses, "preferences" and time-to-boredom factor. Some trend is shaping up: MCs and IM for jazz, acoustic music and classics, MM for rock-n-roll.
Dear Lewm: Fruitless?, IMHO the long/short time cartridge test is only different people capacity with different training and maybe different needs/targets and certainly not fruitless if you have the characteristics I'm talking about.
Anyway that fruitless that you are refering till today give over 2.1K posts on " that " thread where at least my posts were " fruitless " cartridge test but almost all the people that try those short time test recomendations agree with the cartridge performance when they test in their different audio systems.

Btw, your two months by cartridge that works so well for you just can't works for me: 100+ cartridges needs more than 17 years following your method ( that I'm not against it or argue against it. ) and that's with out returning to comparisons with cartridges already tested, if not then you could need around 20 years!!!!!

Different/same targets different ways to achieve it.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I agree with your implication that rapid evaluations are fruitless, DU. I take at least a month or two with each cartridge. That's why so far I have only gone thru the Azden and the Ortofon. I completely agree, at least for me, that snap judgements are worthless where novel audio gear is concerned. Moreover, I advocate going back and forth between the new and the familiar (i.e., an A-B-A comparison instead of an A-B comparison), because it has been proven that the brain is biased in favor of the new or novel sensory experience vs the old or familiar one. One of the virtues of having a couple of turntables is that one can keep a familiar cartridge up and running whilst listening also to new ones. Right now I am actually tired of auditioning the Azden but I am reluctant to go away from it until I have figured out what I think of it. I still have not got a bead on it, except to say it is good but certainly not perfect. And I am not ready to say it is categorically better than the Ortofon.
Raul and Timeltel, I distinctly recall a stash of the 412STR and 315STR cartridges going begging with a low BIN price on that auction site, about 18-24 months ago. At the time I came close to getting one of each but alas did not.

A M315III-STR stylus is now on the way, though.

Lew buddy

I'll swap you my Technics EPC-P100C MK4 for the current cartridge of the month - Acutex 315III STR :-)

Perhaps we can get a MM swap club going as it seems that not many of us keep any one cartridge on our tables for any long term listening/evaluation.

Its no wonder every new cartridge sounds better than the last, and even if it doesn't after a few hours, one would never know if it got better as we have moved on to the next.

this way we can all get our short term fixes :-)

Bad luck boys, its just my Aussie dry humour.My Technics EPC-P100C MK4 ain't going anywhere, except to van Den Hull for a re-build one day.

I have had it on my P3 for a couple of months now - and it passes the long term satisfaction test easily, not just the short term WOW factor.
This is the only way to judge a cartridge, or any piece of equipment - not just a few hours or a day or so of joy.

It is the only MM cartridge I have heard that is truely world class. the others are just nice and a bit of fun to play with.

Downunder: That's going to be a long list, throw my name in the hat, too.

Regarding the Acutex, two months ago I purchased an LPM 412STR for approx. $50, NOS and free shipping from Greece. The intended use was to test used vinyl and I anticipated the stylus would be demolished in short order. Within two hours of finishing preliminary setup it was apparent the Acutex was something special. Intrigued, I found another (on that auction site), a LPM 312E, $27 delivered. It's now upgraded with the modified Shibata M312STR-111 stylus. Currently I'm waiting for delivery of several NOS M315STR-111 stylii.

I did suggest to Raul that as he had the Acutex LPM 315STR in his possesion and as I found it's later incarnation and little brother the LPM 412STR very enjoyable, he might give his 315 another listen. Although I've had occasion to question Raul's statements (forgive me, Raul) it's been a matter of semantics, not his discernment relating to audio.

Power and presence are the hallmark of the Acutex. I'm listening further into the music than any other MM/MI/IM cartridge I've heard, including several "legendary" carts I own and am quite familiar with. Downunder, your Technics cartridge would be welcome to stay with the Grace F9E and F9L, AKG P8E and P8ES, Empire 1000ZE/X, Azden YP50VL and other well regarded (by some) Shure, Orto., Goldring, AT and others I've collected over the decades. None (IMHO) equal the Acutex.

I'm neither pushing or peddling. There is currently a window of opportunity to obtain a limited number of rare NOS 312, 315 and (perhaps) 320 stylii. The cartridge body LPM 3XXE-111 or LPM 3XXSTR-111 show up from time to time, stylii are interchangable but only within the series. With reluctance and reservation I suggest those who take advantage of this availability and have the persistence to locate these items should have no regrets they did so.

Usual disclaimers and please understand I've said more than needs to be said. This is Raul's thread and besides, Raul is much more knowlegable (and entertaining) in his response.

Dear Downunder: If you don't like it any more then send to me, I take it at once.

Regards and enjoy the music,

The moment of glory didn't last that long. It's yesterday news already.
I will happily take it off your hand.;)
Oh thanks a lot Raul

Who wants to buy my Technics EPC-P100C MK4 ?

Its clearly not cartridge of the month anymore :-)
Tpreavesa: Yes is a matter of taste but only which kind of music you like: jazz over rock or classic.

Anyway, maybe you don't read all this thread where I discuss some kind of habilities that some persons that made/has training on purpose to discern between : good, bad or excellent in a universal way. May be you are not trained about and that's why is difficult to understand my means.

Anyway, thank you for your contribution and if you can try to find that Acutex and then come back to share your experiences.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear DT. Thank you for the kind invitation to meet up with you in Munich. However, I have a tendency to forget that my government places stringent rules on international travel by its employees, of which I am one. Under those rules, I can only vacation for an extra day or two when I travel to attend scientific meetings. (In the good old days of the 70s and 80s, I would vacation in Europe for as much as two weeks in connection with travel to a meeting held there.) Thus I have already returned from Geneva and could not have gone on to Munich. I saw some wonderful cars in Geneva, and that's about it. See you in Denver, perhaps. I am determined to attend RMAF this year, on my own time.

Dear Downunder, I am "really" Lew, and my last name begins with M. If I were to do it again, I would use a more creative moniker, like "Upover".
Music is no matters of taste: it's just music

Yes Raul,music is a matter of taste.You like what you like,I like what I like.Everyone perceives sound differently.
Dear Tpreaves: Music is no matters of taste: it's just music.

I'm speaking of music. It seems to me that you can't understand what I posted in the Acutex review because you did not yet " live " that kind of music quality level performance, that's all.
I hope you can have it in your audio near future, there is no doubt that for you will be IMHO a " revelation " too.

Regards and enjoy the music,
03-10-10: Rauliruegas
Dear Tpreaves: In some ways you are right till you find " something " that break your everyday paradigms and this Technics cartridge break audio paradigms and myths.

It's still up to the individual's taste no matter how great it seems to someone else.Everyone doesn't like the same things,whether it's audio,movies,wine,beer,food,etc.Just because something is a revelation to you doesn't mean it is to everyone.Break all the paradigms you want,that's just human nature my friend.
Dear friends: For not " hurt " any one and not wake up " bad feelings " how if instead to name the Acutex 315III STR " The Best " I call it just: " The One ", seems and sounds fine.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear friends: Well, the Timeltel " pressure " asking to try one of my Acutex cartridges give me the opportunity to heard the humble LPM 315III STR model that I never try/test it before.

What a fantastic and so unique cartridge. This MM/MI analog source alternative is IMHO an endless experience of great " gem " discoveries. This sole fact is a high pleasure that help to be in the continue audio learning.
In my case discoveries like the Acutex experiences is so exciting/stimulating because this tell me that the quest of audio heaven is worth our each one efforts.

I never imagine that in my " stock " of cartridges I could have a cartridge that can/could surpass the greatness of the Technics EPC-P100C MK4 and this Acutex did/do it.

This is my new " The Best " ( Nandric, no problem to add: " The Best " I heard. ) and with a solid 10++ level in the cartridge quality performance ladder, just amazing!!!

You can read and see the Acutex in the cartridge review here:

Regards and enjoy the music,
Given the huge distances between us, I still believe the very best and most promising option is one of the major international audio events.
As these are ever diminishing in number, Munich as well as Denver seem to me the most suitable options. To coordinate the holiday vacation with our families and an audio meeting .... I certainly don't want to spoil the party, but that seems a really serious challenge to me.
At least my wife and son want me around during holidays and they both are interested in audio too......
Maybe Munich in early May is a good first step .... would be great if someone shows up.
Hi All,

I really hope you guys do meet up to establish some values regarding equipment and capacity. I'm sure that as the time fast approaches for any agreed meeting antagonism will be replaced by increasing mutuality and respect. However, as long as acknowledged truths (few as these might be!!) about equipment is the end result of the proposed meetings, the hifi world and Audiogon will surely be the winners.

Now the question: who blinks first?

Dear Lewm, don't worry - I for one are married to a beautiful and shapely blonde.
And any sonic impression is only a matter of the moment anyway.
But -it will be fun.
4-5 hours by car from Geneva - or 40 minutes by plane.
Munich show is May 6th to 9th.
And believe me - Munich is at its very best in spring !