

Responses from timeltel

Concerningly loud pops in vinyl playback
  Regards mulveling: mbmi may be on the right "track". There is no recording standard for the maximum allowable value common for cutting LPs. An owners’ setting which is fine on one LP may clip when playing another. Set up a Goldring 1042 (6.5... 
Comparing Grace F9 to Empire EDR9 cartridge
Regards, crazybookman: My first F9E was mounted to a Grace HS-2, a perforated version. It then transitioned to an ADC magnesium headshell, then to one of ebony. Each was an improvement. In a drawer is a near NOS F9-L, a third F-9 with the SoundSm... 
Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges?
  Regards maxson:   Compliance for the LPM 320STR is given at 42 x 10-6 cm./dyne at 100 Hz. Suggested tracking from 0.8 to (IIRC) 1.7 VTF. You might take the lower figure with "a grain of salt", maybe several. Considering the eff. mass of you... 
Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges?
Regards: Least Possible Mass (LPM), Shibata Tri-Radial (STR). "LPM" is obvious, "STR" refers to Acutex’s additional cut to the stylus.   Maxson, early literature states the LPM carts track at 1.2gm (+ -). Practical application reveals best resu... 
Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges?
Regards, Lewm, Islandmandan:   Lew, I tried the Saturn V, seemed to diminish that intangible referred to as "air". Resonances can be either constructive or destructive, I'm unable to support it but it seems to me the flimsy mount of the LPM seri... 
Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges?
Regards, Lewm: The 320 has been listed for more than a week, I'm surprised it's still available. I have the Soundsmith stylus for Grace F-9 as well as the OCC160. For retrieval of micro detail, rise and decay without overshoot the AT cart is sup... 
Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges?
Regards, Lewm: A vendor," PickeringUK" offered the low output cartridges some time ago, I received a XLZ-4500 and thought it wonderfully true to the recording. The third day of ownership a coincidental glance at the stylus revealed it snapped in ... 
Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges?
Regards, Lewm:   Thanks for setting the record straight.   Several years ago a cache of the LPM 4xx cartridges emerged from a vendor who became referred to as "the Italian seller". The cartridges were shipped in the original packaging. Examina... 
Time for a new MM cartridge
Regards hedgehog:   Other suggestions? The AT22 and 24 cartridges are both well reviewed as are their running mates, the Signet TK9ea and the TK9LCA. The TK9LCA was at the time the top of the AT/Signet line. There are also the AT-23 and 25 inte... 
What phono cartridge is suited for metal and heavy rock?
Regards, Alex-77: Lots of good suggestions above.   Recently excavated from my pile of pickups, a rather primitive Shure M75ED body already mounted to an ADC 6gm magnesium headshell. Tags appear to be sturdy AT6101’s. No memory of where/when it... 
A new way of adjusting anti skate!
Regards Lew(m): Thanks for the gracious "hello". You wrote: "a lot of so-called authorities have run too far with that ball, saying that headshell offset is THE cause of skating". I too have heard that. One might ask those audio gurus what would... 
A new way of adjusting anti skate!
Regards: Published to AES, 1967: "The Skating-Force Phenomenon. What it is, how it's measured, and its influence on performance of modern, lightweight phono cartridges." JAMES H. KOGEN ... 6 pages PDF, copy/paste Google search:  "1967 paper by... 
Anyone Using A Boston TT Mat
Regards:BA Mat2 for (8?) years with no problem. Peace, 
Turntable? Arm or cartridge?
Regards gentlemen:GIGO. It's pretty much accepted that each component in a system makes its own more or less significant contribution but transducers are where the rubber meets the road. IMHO, source precedes support.Peace,  
Matching favourite Stylus to another Cartridge
Regards, samplivist:The answer to your question is yes and no.   First, the stylus assembly should be dimensionally correct for your replacement cartridge.  Next, styli and cartridges are "tuned" for best frequency response (paraphrased from Shure...