Is the Last Record Preservative system a worthwhile investment?

I take great care in my record collection.
1. I have a manual record vacuum cleaning machine. I also use an enzyme cleaner on a few really dirty ones.
2. I replace all paper sleeves with plastic ones.
3. I use groove glide on only the records in really bad shape. Around 1 percent.
4. I use a record jacket to protect the covers.
5. I meticulously keep the stylus clean.
6. Use a brush everytime I play a record.
  My question being is; will the Last system actually improve the sonics even after all the care I put in to my collection?
How much time is involved treating a record? How much per record does it cost if I buy the larger treatment kits? Id like to hear your experiences with this product. I have close to 3000 records. My analogy is like a great movie that I have never seen. Wow you just now saw that? Will I have an aha moment using the Last system like oh wow, I should have seen that movie years ago. Lol
Yet another happy user since 1982 here.  I can't say that it improves the sound quality, but it does drop surface noise near to the limit of whatever the vinyl material can deliver.  That might seem like it improves the sound simply because the S/N ratio is maximized.

I have found LAST works quite well on all the vinyl I've purchased pressed from ~1955 to the present.  As others have noted, the key is starting with a clean, dry surface.  If the vinyl is new, I use the LAST Power Cleaner (mold release remover) first, then I use an ultrasonic cleaner with distilled water and a splash of LAST machine cleaner solution for everything, new or used.  Another wet clean with LAST cleaning solution and my trusty Discwasher brush, a thorough dry and then the surface is ready for preservative.  If you've gotten everything right, you can actually feel the preservative bonding with the vinyl while applying it; the brush seems to move with less friction. I'm sure that's due to the molecular effects visible in the micrographs referenced above.

FWIW, I've also used Stylast and the LAST stylus cleaner since they became available.  I've never identified any audible difference, but I can say I've never worn out a stylus.  The magnets have gone south first.

From my perspective, a good value proposition for a modest investment in happy listening.
I decided to use Lyra stylus cleaner instead of LAST because they claim it does not dissolve the glue, and it doesn't.
Besides, I have $500 MM cartridge and don't worry about stylus wear, it's $375 to replace. For now, after about 700 hours of play it is not far from new.
If any who haven't tried Last lives in or near West Palm Beach, Florida, I would be happy to have you bring a record or two over to the house and I will treat them for you.  You can listen before and after treatment and decide for yourself if you hear a difference.  My system is state of the art and will reveal all. 
By the way, tape also sounds a little better when the play head is treated with head preservative, and record head when recording. Tape moves more smoothly, very simple. I don't use LAST tape preservative because I can't apply it with cassettes, with open reel deck you can.
My experience with Last initially was not good. I found it really deadened the sound, the dynamics of the recordings. It seemed to make them a lot darker. I was cleaning the older records I had purchased more recently and that had surface noise. I used the GEM Dandy record cleaner and then followed with ultrasonic bath and then Groove Lube, which must be used very sparingly and according to instructions. Then, at the end, I applied the Last. I found the initial results quite disappointing to say the least. The records were, however, much quieter and the surface noise was pretty much gone. The Groove Lube left a bit of gunk on the stylus but I removed that easily enough on each side with the Magic Sponge that's been recommended here many times for stylus cleaning. I got busy and then came back a few weeks later and listened to other LPs I had cleaned with this method. Well, after waiting several weeks, the Last preservative was no longer imparting any kind of unwanted sonic effects. The sound had changed completely back to normal. I still have not applied it to the brand new records I've purchased, but I will say that I will continue to use it for older LPs and I might try it on new ones after I've had more experience with it. So I would recommend it then so long as one gives it enough time to fully settle in.
@blueranger , I am curious why you only use Gruv Glide on your most worn records? I was/am a big fan of Sound Guard back in the day. The LPs I treated are still new looking and sounding. I was hoping Gruv Glide was a vert similar product.

As for my experience with LAST, I used it foe a bout a year after each LP I cleaned. I examined my stylus under a microscope after playing a few LPs and saw no residue. I did hear subtle improvement in sound and noise. Nothing earth shattering; but as has been said it's intended to be a preservative more than a sound enhancer. So time will tell.

The reason I've stopped using it is because I now clean my LPs with a formula with Turgitol, similar to that used by the Library of Congress. That formula is said to leave a molecular layer that reduces static (and friction?) on the vinyl surface. It improves sound quality noticeably and seems to be lasting (no pun intended) quite well, so far - I only started using it at the end of 2016.

The reason I don't continue using LAST is that I don't know how it will react with my home brew. Which would I apply first? So if anyone has any experience, ....

Records need no coating imo.  Keep em clean, don't apply any gunk to them is what works for me.

I've never worn a record out yet, I surely don't need a preservative.

Obviously your experience may be different than mine.

Don't worry about it.   You should get bomb with a 1000 ideas.   Stick with what your are doing 
Forget about it. You will end up in a hospital tied
According to the website, Last has been available since 1979 and I could find no negative reviews or comments posted on line after hours of searching.  All reports were similar in that the sonic signature was not degraded with use and albums treated maintained decades long quiet play.  I have been using it for about 5 years.  I have found no short term adverse affects.  I clean all records first ultrasonically and then reclean and rinse x 2 with ultraclean water and vacuum dry with my VPI, then apply the LAST.  On the LAST website, Walter does discuss a "hairball on the stylus" that he felt after microscopic inspection was the mold release agent leaching from the vinyl which diminishes after several plays.  He also recommends reapplication if ultrasonic cleaning is done after the product is applied.
Using the LAST All Purpose Cleaner with their brushes, along with the preservative and the StyLAST.  The difference in sound quality with a good cleaning and the preservative is extremely noticeable.  I have 60 year old records and some highly worn records from the 70s that it brought back to life.  I listened before and after each time.  It really quiets the background noise down.
I got some as a present. Do you apply it while the record is on your vacuum machine or lay it flat on your record jacket? Thanks?
I find it easier to apply by holding the brush on the grooves and spinning the record slowly with my other hand, so if your RCM can do that, it's fine (after the LP is clean and dry); if not, the stuff will not drip off the brush, so it's safe to do on your turntable.
Thanks. So it won't contaminate the velvet brush on the RVM? and how long does it take to dry?
I wouldn't get it on the velvet RVM brush. It might be OK; but I don't know. Can you remove the brush while you apply the LAST? 

I'm slowly working my way through cleaning all my records in an Audio System machine, and just came across one with the LAST sticker on the label. Can I clean it like any other record? Will the LAST treatment come off and befoul my cleaning solution? Should I not clean it?


Inquiring minds want to know!

When I adopted the Neil Antin PAVCR manual cleaning method, I soon come to learn that method along with the controlled Solutions produced and Tools used to do the cleaning. Were more than capable of cleaning out historical crud, especially that which was residual cleaning solutions from previous adopted cleaning methods.

The PAVCR method has supplied to me, the very best Vinyl I have known, it is now purified as my offered description of cleanliness achieved.