Is participating in this Forum infringing on and spoiling some of your listening time?

I think the question is listening vs reading. I have a great system that I adore. However, I regularly check my email, read the news and then go to this Forum… all while listening to music. All while not giving my undivided attention my music time.

I do look up frequently and marvel but get it gets a bit boring to just look at the space between the speakers.

Think my eyes need to be engaged as well as my ears. 
When at a live performance, I do watch the performers. I don’t close my eyes and just space out.

However, I do frequently enjoy listening to my system and going into a meditative space. But while involved with the Forum, etc, I do split my attention.


I've heard Steve Guttenberg define audiophiles as people who do nothing else while listening to music.


With the TV between my speakers, I like to watch people walk the streets of other country’s on YouTube in 4k while listening, on occasion. I guess I can’t always be an audiophile.

Glad I posted this thread.

I have kept splitting my attention but now more scan what I look at and pay more attention to the music. Notice that when I follow my breath the music pulls me into a meditative state. It’s like I breath in the music. Interesting…

I don’t post all that often. I used to spend too much time reading equipment threads when I was looking for new gear.  Now I mostly scan the music threads and albums for sale.  Not really to buy, but for ideas on what music to select from my large vinyl collection. Discussions on classical and jazz have been particularly helpful.  Audiogon has enhanced my love for this hobby and the art of music. My bs filter has improved as well.

It's perfect reading while listening to my system. Yeah, I'll skim through the longer posts but I enjoy the comradery with my fellow audio enthusiasts. By the same token, though, reading poetry or classic novels while listening to music does take a little too much intellectual effort for me. I need to immerse myself totally in one or the other. I've also never quite been able to pick up one of my musical instruments and just jam with the pros I'm listening to on the stereo. Jamming with live musicians is much, much easier and more intuitive.

I'm thinking of a 30 day spin dry..  As long as I don't start having hallucinations and seeing pink keyboard and sleep texting. :-)


I multi task all the time. I stream while I work. But in the evening when I am spinning CD's or Vinyl I tune all other media out.

Never multi task when listening, except on occasions when burning in equipment. At the very moment burning in amp power tubes and dht's in pre.

Interesting question. While I can walk and chew gum at the same time (if I chewed gum), I've never been one for reading and listening to music at the same time. I read A LOT. I listen to music A LOT. I watch movies, telly, vids A LOT. A time for everything! I used to be a concert photographer, and when I'd bring my camera to a gig, I could either enjoy the music or concentrate on the photos, but not both. That is why I have no pictures of some of my favorite artists....