Is computer audio a bust?

In recent months, I have had several audio acquaintances return to CDPs claiming improved SQ versus their highly optimized computer transports (SS drives, external power supplies, etc, etc).

I wanted to poll people on their experiences with computer "transports." What variables have had the most impact on sonics? If you bailed on computers, why?

I personally have always believed that the transport, whether its a plastic disc spinner or computer, is as or more important than the dac itself and thus considerable thought and energy is required.

No two anything perform exactly the same, but to date difference from one SPDIF digital cable to another is not significant to me. Differences with many analog wires I try are. Many other things that have much more significant effects on the sound, in practice as well as in theory it seems, and are much better places for one to invest their time getting the sound just right.

Not to say all digital wires always sound the same....just that I do not hear enough difference to date in general to be concerned about it when things are already sounding excellent on the grand scale of things. My mistake maybe, but one I can live with easily.

USB digital connections is the one type I suspect will tend towards more noticeable variation in sound quality case by case depending on implementation, which is why I am happy I have mostly been able to avoid having to deal much with those to-date. USB, unlike SPDIF is not designed solely for audio, so many outcomes are possible.

WHen the time comes, I will shoot for an asynchronous USB implementation where DAC-side clock rather than general purpose computer manages timing and required bandwidth reliably and use a USB wire of good quality from a reputable maker like I do with most things and expect that to do the job quite well.
No response from Audiolabyrinth regarding his system???

No two anything perform exactly the same, but to date difference from one SPDIF digital cable to another is not significant to me. Differences with many analog wires I try are.
Mapman, I have heard sizable differences with digital cabling. Some cable manufacturers tell me it can be the most sensitive of all. The best RCA SPDIF cabling I have owned were the Teos liquid cables. I have heard others say Rick Schultz's stuff is the shizzle. Who knows.

USB digital connections is the one type I suspect will tend towards more noticeable variation in sound quality case by case depending on implementation, which is why I am happy I have mostly been able to avoid having to deal much with those to-date. USB, unlike SPDIF is not designed solely for audio, so many outcomes are possible.

Agreed. I am in the middle of muddling through that.

WHen the time comes, I will shoot for an asynchronous USB implementation where DAC-side clock rather than general purpose computer manages timing and required bandwidth reliably and use a USB wire of good quality from a reputable maker like I do with most things and expect that to do the job quite well.

I also agree. I have heard that the Trinity dac's USB implementation is impervious to source, reclockers, etc. That is really the ideal. I think its a weakness of many current designs that you need all this extra crap...
Agear, I'm sorry, I said goodby in my last post, If you like, you can find me on the Tara Labs cable thread, I will accomadate all your questions there, I'm done here!
08-01-14: Audiolabyrinth
Agear, I'm sorry, I said goodby in my last post, If you like, you can find me on the Tara Labs cable thread, I will accomadate all your questions there, I'm done here!

That makes about as much as much sense as rambling about Tara labs cables on a computer audio thread...
why would you say a remark like that, was not nice at all, I invited you to come to another thread, we talk about anything there, it is the peoples thread, any topic is welcomed there.
Uhrn... Children... please do chill out and start making nice PDQ, lest the Agon proctors get wind of the emerging electrobrawl and shut down this lovely thread *grins!*

08-03-14: Guidocorona
Uhrn... Children... please do chill out and start making nice PDQ, lest the Agon proctors get wind of the emerging electrobrawl and shut down this lovely thread *grins!*

Guido, it was not meant to be inflammatory. I invited him to contribute more specifics relevant to this thread. He refused and instead offered an invitation to the very thing that multiple other posters deemed a distraction. C'est la vie.
08-04-14: Guidocorona
Lighten up AGear... audiophilia is seldom that serious. G.

Stop reading into this Guido. This is not some high tension drama that warrants commentary or policing.

Go spend some time at the asylum to back the focus out even further and you can laugh at your own solemn pronouncements too.....;)
Thank you guys... I do in fact chuckle at my own audiophrenic scribblings every day of the week... Pepto-bismol anyone? ... Heard it does wonders when one feels a little corrosively inclined *grins!*
Grins!, yes, this hobby needs more good humor, after all, they are just mere stereo systems, or are they?, LOL!
Humor is a balm, yes, but so is logic. :/

07-23-14: Onhwy61
Audiolabyrinth, you're becoming overwrought and approaching troll like comments. You're just another person with a profound tweak. It speaks for itself.
Onhwy61 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

For those not in the know, the definition of troll taken from the Urban dictionary is:

07-23-14: Onhwy61
Audiolabyrinth, you're becoming overwrought and approaching troll like comments. You're just another person with a profound tweak. It speaks for itself.
Onhwy61 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

So, one last time:

labyrinth, what does your system consist of? What % of expenditure do your cables comprise? I do agree that cables can have a major impact on a system, but the impact can vary based on other variables such as noise floor.
Oops. Here is the definition from Urban dictionary:

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
For those not in the know, the definition of troll taken from the Urban dictionary is:

07-23-14: Onhwy61
Audiolabyrinth, you're becoming overwrought and approaching troll like comments. You're just another person with a profound tweak. It speaks for itself.
Onhwy61 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

08-05-14: Agear
Oops. Here is the definition from Urban dictionary:

One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
Are you trying to be kind??? You're giving him way too much credit.
wow!, you guys do not have nothing better to do, really, come on, a tweak, I do not think so!, my cables are the main componet of the system!, I build like no one you know, If a componet does not sound good or has a forward sound stage, that componet is gone!, there is more ways to skin a cat here to get a sound an individual wants, I am not asking anyone to like my cables or the way I build, the answer to your question, I have a 1-meter balanced Tara Labs Zero Gold with HFX grounding station interconnect running from digital source direct to amplifier, and I have the Tara labs Omega 10" jumper cables on my bi-amp speakers, I have the Tara Labs Omega Gold 6ft speaker cables on the speakers as well, and I have the Tara Labs 3ft cobalt power cord with oyaide terminations, on the cd-player, The amp is a brand new moddified Krell 700cx, meaning the caps are 2014 that was not available in the production year of my amp in 2005, yes they sound a whole lot better than the caps previously, that Krell did them selfs a couple months back, yes my interconnect cost more than any one thing in my system, yes my speaker cables cost more than my interconnect, the sound is very profound to me, at the end of the day, all that matters is what I live with for a system that sounds good to my ears, thankyou gentleman.
opps, oh, the noise floor, My cables do a staggering 4 pico/farads per foot of capacitance, what does you cables do?, I can litterally hear the musicians turn the pages of their music books and feet shoffel on the floor while the music is played, a spectacular wow factor to me!
08-06-14: Joecasey

Are you trying to be kind??? You're giving him way too much credit.

Now you're the one being bad Joecasey (but also funny...)
08-06-14: Audiolabyrinth
one more time!, computer audio is a bust!

Ha! At least your a good natured troll with a sense of humor....

For the record, I agree with your statements about the influence of cabling. I have experienced it too. Happy listening....
08-06-14: Agear
08-06-14: Joecasey

Are you trying to be kind??? You're giving him way too much credit.

Now you're the one being bad Joecasey (but also funny...)
If the shoe fits, wear it!
Computer audio via USB is an absolute BUST! USB is for connecting peripherials - not for music!
08-06-14: Cerrot
Computer audio via USB is an absolute BUST! USB is for connecting peripherials - not for music!

I know a lot of people who feel that way including an engineer who designs outstanding digital front ends (Exemplar Audio).....

So, that begs the question as to WHAT IS NECESSARY to make USB work?

Galvanic isolation?
Asynchronous streaming?
Isolation of power and data within cabling (Light Harmonic, etc)
Active reconstruction after the fact (BMC Pure USB cable)

08-06-14: Cerrot
Computer audio via USB is an absolute BUST! USB is for connecting peripherials - not for music!
I don't have experience with computer audio via USB but isn't DACs consider a peripheral? Like a printer, ... it receives data from server? So why is it a BUST? They can't improve the USB hardware, drivers and cables?
"Computer audio via USB is an absolute BUST! USB is for connecting peripherials - not for music!"

IT can work well for music but not designed only for that.

The USB based setup has to be designed to work properly for high quality sound. Not all are, which makes it trickier to get right than SPDIF, which was designed for A/V use.

So it may be a bust in some cases, but not if done right.

Good news its probably much easier and affordable to get really good sound with computer audio than with lp vinyl.

I'd be willing to bet the % of good quality home computer setups out there today is way higher than the corresponding % of vinyl rigs ever out there at any time. That's good news for most people, but if your vinyl setup is high quality, then you have a higher reference quality to meet or better and some effort of a different type will be required to do it.
OR just take the easy way out and blame the product or format or technology in general. Much easier that way....
I probably should not enter into these conversation because like the man said "you don't spit into the wind". Having said that I love my server and it sounds fantastic. "You don't pull on supermans cape". Now cables I have tried some and owned some very expensive highly reviewed cables(speaker, inter connectors and USB). But I only bought when the price was so good I knew could sell with out loosing money. I am yet to hear any significant difference or any at all for that matter. "You don't mess around with Jim". Du du du du du du du.....
I've petitioned congress to create national "Computer Audio is Dead!" and "USB cables should not be used for anything except tying shoes!" days for Audiolabyrinth and Cerrot, respectively. I admire Agear and others for attempting honest, rational discourse, but I'm quite certain that Audiolabyrinth and Cerrot are as interested in discussing both sides of the issue as John Corzine is in talking about where the missing MF Global money went. You guys can keep trying, but you'll probably have better luck getting the neighbor's dog to explain why he picked the last place he excreted his breakfast.

As I understand it, USB asynch mode is one of several mmodes of operation for USB. It is intended to assure bandwidth,which is needed for high res audio to stream fast enough to keep up with playback. It also allows the "peripheral"device to be in control. You want that to be a DAC of high quality which includes an accurate clock to keep jitter minimal. In lieu of that, computer/server assumes that responsibility and other modes not as well suited for audio sound quality may come into play.
Hi Bcgator, I enjoyed your post, you are correct, however, I will not take the plunge of computer audio on my main system that I am tring to build, computer audio along with a vinyl set-up would be great for a second system that I will be building, this will have an active pre-amp or likly an intergrated amp, Here is one thing no one on this thread realized, at the cost of the cables I have and that I will be up-grading to, I cannot afford all them cables!, to keep my main system as simple as I can for pure signal transmission, and attempt to get the clearest sound I can afford, the main system will have nothing but an interconnect and speaker cables, and jumper cables on the speakers, these fellas do not know that I agree that I should be up with the times, it would be fun to do a second system consisting of computer audio and a turn table set-up, of course I already have the Tara Labs model The One 1-meter balanced analog interconnect and 6ft speaker cables in the closet to start a second system, I will ask these gentleman for their help with computer audio when the time comes, when the money is available!, right now, this main system is killing me money wise!, I do not have regrets for the cables I have on that system at all, these two systems will be two different anaimals, the main, the Best state of the art that I can afford, the second would be a build to a particular price point consisting of the computer audio these chaps have talked me into, all I was saying all along was that a usb cable and the usb terminations cannot perform to the caliber of the cables I have now on the main system, I would be very happy to get some performance out of alot cheaper cables, the Tara The one is no cheap cable by no means!, It's performance is very musical and I will always love the sound of that model, However, the cost of out-fitting with that cable model will not cause a re-morgage of the house like the cables on the main system!, cheers gentleman.
You don't use USB for audio. You use SPDIF, USB is too polluted. There is no proper way of using USB. It transmits data in packets, not streams.

Bandwidth + good design is the key. The data must be available at the time needed. Then as in all cases, the d2a conversion process must be done well. All within the capabilities of the technology, but only if done right.

Same with any source. How many cheap crappy ceramic cart turntables are out there compared to the good stuff? Same story.
If one simply buys a recent design good quality USB DAC designed for optimal performance, like BEnchmark for example, (need not cost much), you should be in very good shape.

Much easier than getting a good turntable and then having to match everything and set it up properly. Its a relative piece of cake.
I'm with you Mapman, but I think you're beating your head against the wall, unfortunately.

"You don't use USB for audio"

"USB is too polluted"

"There is no proper way of using USB"

Cerrot isn't talking in terms of potential, or possibilities, or advancing technology, or implementations. He talks in absolutes - USB is unusable for audio in his mind. To him, there is no other answer, end of discussion, don't bother with further examination.

We've had this discussion with him in another thread, explaining that I'm getting great audio quality over USB, and to him this is all a fig newton of my imagination. He doesn't care if aliens from 5000 years into the future show up with some nanoo-nanoo technology that makes USB sound like angels caroling in your ears - he'll tell the aliens the same thing, "you aliens need to use SPDIF". The fact that, just for example, the Oppo BDP-105 (which I don't own, but may buy for a 2nd system) is getting rave upon rave reviews, including for its sound quality over USB (it has XMOS chip + asynch USB), has no bearing in Cerrot's thinking. To him, all those reviews are a USB conspiracy, not unlike the Loch Ness conspiracy. The ONLY thing USB should be used for, other than computer mice, is to put some marinara sauce on top and to be enjoyed with a nice Chianti.

And with that, I'm going to go listen to my Coby $10 walkman-clone playing a heat-damaged Debbie Gibson CD through an 89 cent USB cable into a pair of speakers I made from Adidas shoeboxes and drivers pulled from the doors of a '71 Plymouth station wagon. That's not actually my system, but that's the system that Cerrot will tell you is the only system that should consider USB.
cerrot, I agree with your truth!, usb is a fricken bust!,I have said that here till i'm tired of it, any way, doing computer auio without usb is possible and should be done by all!

I hear you.

I am a glutton for punishment sometimes I suppose, but I do like to refute inaccurate or questionable things that get published when I feel I am knowledgeable enough or qualified to do so. Jut to help keep things straight. Its a dirty job, but one that every knowledgeable music and audio lover should partake in.

Just be sure to keep a sense of humor around as well.....
You're a good egg Mapman. Wish I could talk more, but I have to get back to the kitchen...I'm very carefully unwrapping the outer sleeve of a salami in one long 1/8" strip - I plan to use it to replace my USB cable.
Oh, it's not only a bust, but a "fricken" bust? Well, when you put it THAT way I think we have no choice but to acquiesce.
Regarding those of you using USB - how many of you understand the 2.0 and 3.0 and how many understand that the stock USB interface on the mobo is horrible and if you are actually SERIOUS of trying to get the most out of usb audio, get a PCIe 3.0 USB card and hear the difference. Maybe then you will understand where I am coming from. Its like putting vegetable oil in your ferrari - why??? get real gas. Once you try the 3.0, now that you are not afraid of opening up your computer-buy an ESI Juli@ soundcard for $149 and you will hear how that blows away the 3.0 - and now you can return the expensive USB/spdif converter & cables. Dont the logical ones out there see how silly the USB thing is?
I would always tend to steer away from converters. One more hard to quantify variable to throw in the mix. Keep it simple. USe good quality devices and wires intended to work together out of the gate. Things can never be better using a converter/adapter, only worse.
Get-em Cerrot!, I was made fun of extensivly on this thread for saying all that I have about usb cables and terminations, I was polite as I could be, and explained very well, did not matter, I suppose we know NOTHING, and the mass knows it all, Ha,Ha,LOL!, It's all fun gentleman, do whats best for you, I plan on it.
USB was what kept me away from computer audio, but I finally decided to give it a try because of the convenience and my player supported it. Since digital is not my primary source I figured I had nothing to lose. However, after moving to wired Ethernet I have to say I would not go back to USB or playing discs. It has been a noticeable difference.
Cerrot, are you trying to say that for moving audio bits from a computer to a DAC, USB 3.0 will give better sound quality than USB 2.0? I already know the answer to the question, I just want to understand if that's what you're trying to say.
No. I'm saying usb is really bad and the stock is the worse. If you're gonna use it, at least get a dedicated PCIe card. At least use the optimum USB platform.
I live my life based on generalizations, so it comes natural to do so with audio.

Thus, I wish all decisions in life were as easy as this one! I must agree with Cerrot and all the other naysayers. PC audio especially done via USB is a bust!

Tubes, box speakers, solid state amps and pre-amps, horns, vinyl, electrostatic speakers are either good or bad and the 100’s of other generalizations about equipment are also applicable.

Who cares about the component’s design and more importantly, its implementation? I’ve tried a few of component type “A’s” with a few component type “G’s” and the “A’s” just suck, end of story! No way could the component’s implementation or the other components I used with it, have had an effect on the outcome!

No need to audition the 100's or 1,000's of each type of products out there. The various designs and their implementation are irrelevant! Let’s just lump equipment together by some homogeneous topography based on our individualized limited exposer and apply an absolute, yeah that’s the ticket!

In fact, one need not worry about the effects of upstream and downstream equipment. USB PC audio just sucks. In fact tubes do also. How 'bout vinyl, it's absolutely prehistoric! And who the heck would want a box speaker, when open baffle speakers are the only ones to own! Everyone knows that the box thingy just gets in the way and negatively impacts a speaker’s sonics .blah, blah, blah

Threads such as this would be laughable, if they weren’t so darn sad! If only this hobby, let alone all the variables in life were as applicable to generalizations and then firmly ensconced theorems as some posters in this thread would have us believe, they believe!

There is a very popular current thread that is about as contrary to this thread as one can be. There have been 1,000’s of views and hundreds of posts which have been very congenial and for the most part non-confrontational. While I may disagree with some of the conclusions, I can’t fault most of the posters for their open-minded perspectives, or the thread’s author for his very open approach and cogent thoughts.

Yeah, PC audio is a bust and the earth is flat, don’t fall off!
when pc audio started everyone was getting poor sound via usb direct from their computers. then they went asynch; then they created the usb/spdif converters. I'm just trying to save you all a few steps.
OK, I'm a CA idiot. What would be the least expensive route for a guy like me to take to have very good CA without using USB? ballpark...

See my system page. I'd use my ASUS X551C notebook.
By your analogy when the record player was invented they were getting bad sound so someone created ............ I am aware that you know all there is to know about USB and sound and everything audio. I am just a dumb follower of USB. Being delusional and just excepting that this is the best there is because I know no better. Thank you I now see the way and will follow your advice and trash my system and do exactly what you say obi one kenobi. Whew thank the audio gods that I woke up from that nightmare. My system still in tack and sounding great!