Room treatment is required to achieve your stated desire : "
intimate and holographic sound with great scene" Without treatment you could find yourself on the downward spiral of endlessly changing speakers. After finding a warm and less offensive speaker you may then decide to add some treatment and now find the chosen speaker is lacking detail and a bit dull, so back to searching for another speaker.
I have witnessed the above scenario with friends. I have visited them with my mic. and computer, measured the room, (it's easy - the computer does it) and shown them the horrible performance of their room. Occasionally they agree to experiment with dragging a couple of mattresses into the listening room and then remeasure and see and hear the difference which usually amazes all in the room. Using broad-band absorption in the correct places works a lot better than a mattress and avoids someone bored with your sound from taking a snooze on said mattress.
A few posters have suggested speakers that 'do not need subs' I disagree. Perhaps these guys have never heard the benefit of a sub or subs properly set up. Apart from improving bass it improves the entire spectrum. Plenty of reports on how this is possible on the net.
I have witnessed the above scenario with friends. I have visited them with my mic. and computer, measured the room, (it's easy - the computer does it) and shown them the horrible performance of their room. Occasionally they agree to experiment with dragging a couple of mattresses into the listening room and then remeasure and see and hear the difference which usually amazes all in the room. Using broad-band absorption in the correct places works a lot better than a mattress and avoids someone bored with your sound from taking a snooze on said mattress.
A few posters have suggested speakers that 'do not need subs' I disagree. Perhaps these guys have never heard the benefit of a sub or subs properly set up. Apart from improving bass it improves the entire spectrum. Plenty of reports on how this is possible on the net.