Intimate, warm and holographic alternative

Me another time... Sorry for the inconveniences.

Yes, recently I started a discussion here with the title: " ATC SCM150 (or JBL Synthesis) (or JBL vintage) (or new Klipsch Jubilee)". See:
Last post from ohlala, advising that studio monitor type sound is not the most "enjoyable" for him, was revealing. I could hear yesterday an SCM20 (yes, I know it´s not comparable in many aspects with the SCM150) but the type of sound have not convinced me.

So now I´m more on the warm side, looking for a intimate and holographic sound with great scene. Really useful some old threadas about this, especially: 

I would like to hear personal opinions and experiences about the best speakers that give that musical sensation in which the devices "disappear". Suggestions, brand, models...

I was searching some brands and models and here are some that have caught my attention:

- Gershman Acoustics: Avant Garde
- Legacy Audio: Aeris + Wavelet
- Devore Fidelity: Orangutan O/96 (fatigue??; little too "in your face"??; fleshy bass??)
- Harbeth: 40.3 XD (not a true rock and roll speaker??)
- Klipsch
- Spendor
- Tannoy

Listening position is 9 feet from the speakers. My room is big: 41 square meters. I´m worried about bass. I hear a lot of music but specially rock, so I would like something capable.

Thanks so much to everyone. You are very helpful.


Showing 1 response by mcfran

Thanks so much to everyone for all the information and comments.

I´m not surprised that there are few coincidences in the suggested speakers (hahaha).

Yes, as many of you said, it´s absolutely necessary to hear the speakers "in person". The problem: I live in a region with no specific audio commerces and, also, many of the brands in which I´m interested have no distribution on my country. In most cases also, an offical distributor doesn´t guarantees that they are going to have in stock speakers to hear them, beacuse with specific models they only work on request.

Consequently, the comments and suggestions of the people in this forum are so important to me (experts advices from people with many speakers "on his shoulders").

Let´s talk about my room. It´s a big space of 41 square meters (if I´m not mistaken they are 441,33 square feet aprox.). The speakers are at 13 feet between each other and they are at 2 feet from the wall. The sofa is at 12 feet from the speakers aprox. This is my actual room. No specific treatment. Is a rented home so I´m not going (I can´t) make any change. In two years I´ll go to a new home. The dimensions of the new "audio space" will be similar or even bigger.

My budget: yes, they are differences on many of the speakers that I´m looking for. I don´t think that necessarily more money is going to guarantee me better sound. 30.000,00 is my probably budget but I´m not close to other options (of more or less money).

What I´m lookig for: dynamic sound, holographic experience, warm sound (I´m not closed to neutral fidelity but I don´t want fatigue and "in your face sound"), deep bass (but I don´t want independent subs) and good speakers at low level volumes (does it mean efficient speakers??).

Possibilities (or technologies) that doesn´t convince me at all (I´m not closed to anything and I´m not an expert): horns and electrostatic. Horns speakers, in many cases, are described as holographic (the sensation of been part of the concert) but the nasal sound could be a problem. Electrostatic speakers on the other hand are incredible on the holographic experience but they have two big problems: they are not the most dynamics and the bass is poor (as I said, I don´t want independent subs; yes Martin Logan have speakers with subs incorporated but the bass seems to not go at the same time of the rest of frequencies).

Let´s talk now about omnidirectional speakers. I always was impressed by MBL. When you talk about holographic sound always appears this brand (and omnidirectional technology). My doubst: the bass (another time) seems to be incapable and, also, I don´t know if it´s a must separate the spekers from the wall a lot, because the sound is a 360 degrees sound and if you have a wall very near (like in my case) it could be a problem. I don´t know.

Some options that I´m looking too. The DeVore Fidelity Orangutan O´96. I talked with John. He told me that "they are planning a new Orangutan model, but it will not replace the O/96, it will be a higher model. We will still make the O/96". Maybe could be a great option.

Tannoy seems to be an alternative but I don´t have any experience with them.

On the other hand we have Legacy Audio or Gershman.

At last Vandersteen. Another brand that always appears when you talk about holographic sound.

As you can see I´m really losted (hahah) so any suggestion would be helpful.

Thank so much

Well well.. So did you decide smth finally?