Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Well Audiolabyrinth , I just haven't had much to say lately.
I have put the Q10 speaker Cables back in my sytem and have the Cardas Golden Cross Speaker Cables on ebay right now. I am kind of keeping my eye on trying some tara labs air 1 interconnects.I just don't like the prices i am seeing . So , it may be a bit before i try them.
I am still waiting fo Waxwaves final thoughts on the air one compared to the Analysis Plus solo crystal oval . I am also hoping he will try them from source to Pre in place of the discovery essence , just to see how they are. I personally think the most diffence in a cable can be heard from the source to the pre , rather than pre to amp. I have always heard the most discernable differences when the cable was in that spot.
I am also considerring building or buying a PC to use as a music server , and running optical out to a DAC. The Dac i am considering the most is the Wyred4sound DAC2.
I will admit , it will probably be this fall before i venture into this . I will, however, be doing a lot of research in the meantime regarding this venture .
Take Care
@ grey9hound,sounds like a very good plan!,you are working on with your set-up,still in all you can talk to us,we wont bite,LOL!,hell,we can even talk about systems we wish for and the differences between what we all come up with here,that alone grey9hound will be an extensive topic to talk about here!,I liked your passion when we first talked and so I enjoy talking with you,waxwaves likes talking to you,everybody does!I enjoy your input!,post something.cheers!
@ waxwaves, pops took the plunge!,He bought a 5-meter taralabs 0.8EX for the pre to amp,go to our other thread and post your thoughts ole chap!,and while you at it pass me a beer!,cheers!
where are you at waxwaves?,I pm you a few days ago and have no response yet,and you have not got to my post for you here and the other thread,the one,0.8 thread,waxwaves?
After trying many cables over the years I found and really enjoyed Solo Crystal IC's. I used those throughout my entire system. After a few years I got "the itch" and sold them all and started using something else. Well, now I am once again running all Solo Crystal ICs. Selling them in the first place was a mistake but I bought them all used, sold them for what I paid, and rebought them used once again. I think I paid less the 2nd time around.

I really enjoy these cables. I find them dynamic and not at all thin. I am not a fan of the ultra detail brigade thus these wires fit well with what I am looking for and at the price are reasonable (especially 2nd hand).

I'm running the following gear- Rogue electronics except for a Pass phono stage, Linn TT, Sim Moon CD, MD tuner all into large Revels. Speaker wire is Nordost. I think the system is resolving enough to let me know that in this application the Solos are first rate.
I tried the solo crystal ovals . There are very revealing . I did not like their forward presentation though
@ Wig
What is Acoustic Zen Absolute copper ?
I see that maybe they introed it at CES 2013 , but it doesn't show that it is available on their website yet ?
Where would you get this from ?
Contact AZ for disposition but I can tell you that they are phenominal and the best cable I have ever heard. Many sources but here's one:
A couple years ago, I sent a couple powercords back to Robert Lee to be reterminated and he mentioned working on a new cable that would eliminate skin effect and sound really smooth. Are the absolute copper cables those? Maybe. I love their products and look forward to hearing these.
@ grey9hound,, stick to the Taras! you have a good plan to follow with the taras,, as you can see, nobody that bought them had no regrets! cheers!
I wouldn't mine trying those AZ Absolute copper , But they are out of my price range.!
I'll keep my eyes open for the Air 1 or the One to try first,used of course .
@Grey9hound and Audiolabyrinth, the Tara Air 1 Rev 2 ics continue to get better!!! The 3D holographic soundstage being presented is fast, coherent, yet at the same time laid back behind the speakers. The sense air and space surrounding instruments and voices is incredible. The Hales are doing a serious "disappearing act".

Some friends came to visit yesterday and we had ourselves a good listening session. Yes... cocktails were involved and everyone was floored by the sound of this system. Lots of fun listening our favorite music since the Tara Air 1 Rev 2 went in the system. So much fun that I had to purchase Hiroshi's last pair of Tara Labs Air 2 Rev 2 RCA ics!!! I will use these in between the DAC-1 Rev. A and TLC-1 DLx. Very exited to hear what will probably be more of a good thing! I'll let you guys know when the Air 2 Rev 2 gets here. Thanks again Keith for recommending Tara Labs, I will keep you posted sir! Dennis, we should definitely meet up next time I'm in K-town. Also, Dennis, based on my experience with Tara Labs so far, I can still very highly recommend them to you for your system.
I am hoping that After i win that 1.7 Million in Mondays drawing, that is up for grabs in the Tennessee Cash Lottery, i will be able to buy those Tara "The Omega Gold " Speaker cables . Waxwaves you better get you a ticket !
Well adam , That sounds like high praise indeed for those Taras . I'll have to keep an eye out for a good deal (cause i am a tightwad )on those. I think that you have my numbers ,if not PM me. Thanks again for the review on tha Tharas and all of the other info you have provided to us on the forum .
Audiolabyrinth, you too deserve a lot of thanks for pushing everone over to the Taras. Thanks for your persistence and your insight.
Grey9hound, just listen to the High Fidelity CT-1 cables and you will hear all you are missing.
@ waxwaves and @ grey9hound,, Thankyou gentlemen for the kind words and putting up with me and my persistence,, I get passionate about taras!,I love them! Happy listening!
@ waxwaves, wow! I really enjoyed reading your review on the taralabs cables you have ,Awsome!,,that was so good,you should be a reviewer! Happy listening!
I don't know how much differences there are between different interconnects specifically in "dynamics and bass slam", but I agree with the High Fidelity CT-1 recommendation. I don't understand how these work, but boy, do they. The clarity, sound stage and imaging, natural reproduction of voices and instruments is amazing.
@ Grey9hound, go to our other thread! look,waxwaves liked the Taras so much he bought another I/C and speaker cables! cheers!
@ Tbg,, Thankyou, My I/c was $15,000.00 a meter, The Taralabs zero gold! cheers!
04-10-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ Tbg,, Thankyou, My I/c was $15,000.00 a meter, The Taralabs zero gold! cheers!

Audiolab, remember when you said that you did not think that a speaker or cartridges price had any relation to how good it sounded? The same can also be said for cables. A $15,000 cable does not necessarily sound better than a $1600 cable anymore than a $15,000 cartridge sounds better than a $1600 cartridge. Money and sound quality do not walk hand in hand in any aspect of this hobby. :)
Audiolabyrinth, I was perplexed with what you were saying in your post. Is Jmcgrogan2 right? I'm speechless.

I have heard of many guys who are selling cables that cost them many time more than the basis CT-1, not the Enhanced($2800 first meter) or Ultimates($4900 first meter), after heard them.
Norm, Keith is relatively new here at Audiogon, and he is not familiar with your past experiences, which I have a lot of respect for. He has a burning passion for Tara Labs cables, which should explain his enthusiasm.

The CT-1 design sounds intriguing. The only cables I've heard before that used magnets were the Virtual Dynamics, which I really enjoyed the tonal qualities of, but did not care for the soundstaging. I see that the CT-1 doesn't use magnets, but magnetic conduction. Can you compare the sound of the HF CT-1 to some other cables that I may have heard? Stealth Indra, PAD Dominus, K-S Emotion, Jade Hybrid Gold, etc.
@ tbg, Hi, jmcgrogan2 is correct about I am new to the gon, however not to the industry! I have heard numerous cables!many years of them, no, I have not listened to the cables you speak of, I would love too thou!, my thing is I know what the best available cables are out there, consist of about 6 or 7 brands, there is no best!, however there is a handfull of best available!,, I do not need to change cables ever! for what?, I am happy with what I have!,,,regarless, I am interested in the cables you mentioned out of the love of audio and always wanting to learn! cheers!
@ tbg, Hi, I am serious that I do have a $15,000.00 retail a meter I/C,,, seems you got a little confused, No, I would never sell my profound state of the art cable for any high fidelity cable!,,,I would like to here them, you seem like a gentlemen and you are passionate about high fidelity cables!, will you tell me more about them?,, I hear good things about them here on the gon,,, what have you compaired them to TBG?, and what price points are in question here with the compairisions? thankyou much, cheers!
@ Tbg, I live in mobile, ala,, where can I go and listen to the high fidelity cables?, I want to hear them!,They created quite the buzz here on the audiogon! thankyou! cheers!
Audiolabyrinth, These cables are still in short supply, especially the Ultimate grade. You might check out A Audio Imports as they are the US distributor. I know many new dealers have come on board, but as you were told on another thread, you can audition them from the Cable Company. Actually, that is where I got my first listen to them. You can also go on Google and find dealers.

I just got the top Ultimate Grade of the High Fidelity ics. This weekend they are going on my burner for three days.

Frankly, I have not heard other cables that sound like these. They have no copper, silver or other normal metals in them. Rather the conductor is mu metal like and magnets are used extensively.
@ Tbg, those cables you described,, all the high fidelity cables, are at my top list to check out, congrats on your top tier cable of high fidelity!, report back here, and tell me all about them! cool! thanks TBG,, happy listening!
I heard good feedback on the kcI silk worm + cables!,I would like to know what KCI stands for? Cheers!
looks like you can put your items in your cart at his website and pay with paypal . I did not go as far as paying
So i am thinking .. Yes
Maybe he has enough name recognition now that he doesn't need to run auctions on Audiogon anymore. I'd like to try a pair of the Silkworm +'s too. I have heard a lot of good things about them, but they rarely come up for sale used.

I've really enjoyed Jade Audio's cables, and the Gabriel Gold's are pretty good too. So I am a fan of gold conductors.
@ Grey9hound, there is a pair of Air 1 speaker cable for an unheard of price of $750.00,, you can buy that, then sell all the cables you really do not need, thus get your money back for the Tara speaker cable!, you will not be out nothing!,, go for it grey9hound!, this is a great chance to up-grade,, consult in jmcgrogan2 if you do not believe me,, good luck! cheers!
Can you ezxplain the differences between the DH Labs Q10 speaker cables Versus the Tara Air 1 .I think you said that you owned both .
04-16-13: Grey9hound
Can you ezxplain the differences between the DH Labs Q10 speaker cables Versus the Tara Air 1 .I think you said that you owned both .

Sorry, no can do. I never bought any DH Labs cables because of their reputation for brightness.

I am a little ticked at how far the prices have dropped on the Tara Labs Air 1 speaker cables though. When I first started looking the two pair were listed at $1250 and $1200. I wound up waiting 3 1/2 weeks and buying one pair for $900, and now I see the other one's asking price is down to $750!! Sometimes I wish I was more patient. :)
@ jmcgrogan2, the prices do not always work out like that my friend!, on used Tara cabls!, cheers!
04-16-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ jmcgrogan2, the prices do not always work out like that my friend!

Ahhhh, but patience usually pays off, as a buyer and a seller. I have become more patient than I used to be, but the lesson is that I should be even more patient in the future. :)
Arg!! I don't really want to spend the money right now.
I have to buy a a/c compressor for my car , a diving board for my pool and i just purchased some $400 dollar saddlebags for mhy motorcycle. I am just going to have to wait a bit . I do thank everyone for the insight on the Tara cables and i will definately try some ICs next or maybe speaker cables , at least the Air 1 or above .
I sure would like to hear from anyone who has tried the Air 1 speaker cables and the DH Labs Q10s .
Thanks again to all
@ grey9hound, Set your audio goals!, you will get your cables, patience!, The pay-off will be rewarding!, cheers!
Yes, stay patient Grey9hound. The seller of those Air 1 cables started out asking $1250 5 weeks ago, and now he's down to $750. Wait another few weeks, and you maybe able to grab 'em for $250!!! ;)
If it's any more help to you Dennis, I am very happy that I bought the Tara labs cables and would do it again in a New York minute. I'm sure Pops and Audiolab would say the same thing. No regrets here, just good sound. They really changed my system into a much more serious audio rig! I don't know how they do it but they certainly do. My closest buddy noticed the difference immediately. I did not mention the new cables to him on purpose, just to see if he would say something about the new improved sound. He said "Wow, that sounds perfect, what'd you do?" I can't wait to get back home from work and listen!!! LOL! In fact I do NOT want to work ANYMORE! I just want to listen to tunes all day!
I just made an offer of $650. for those Tara Labs Air 1 speaker cables .
Will we see what happens