Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 49 responses by waxwaves

I had similar issues with brightness. Now I use all Analysis Plus speaker & ic cable, except for a pair of Discovery Essence sending signal from my Bottlehead phono amp. This has created what I believe is cable synergy in my McCormack/Hales system. The sound is now well balanced from top to bottom and just sounds "right" to me. Good luck with you setup!
Grey9hound & Tls49,
I think you may need try a pair of Solo Crystal Oval. They are in your price range Grey9hound and they are hard not to love. Try'll hear what I mean. You want great dynamics and bass slam correct? I use them between amp and preamp, as well as source to preamp. Sound best after a few days playing in your system. If you don't like them, they are easy to resell. Have fun!
Hey Dennis, glad everyone has been so helpful to you and you are enjoying the process of setting up a great sounding music system. These forums are a great place for aquiring advice from the most experienced and knowledgable enthusiasts! Sounds like you already have a good plan man. Don't give up too soon on the Solo Crystals, another pair will come around for you if you can't secure that pair. Try them in both positions(from source as well as between amp/preamp) to see which you like best. IMO, they are interconnects that one could put in the system and enjoy for life. Afterwards, you can forget about that part of your setup and spend the $ on new music, etc. Peace -Adam
The sound of your system after inserting the new Solo Crystal Oval interconnects will probably change as the cables are burning in. They will be good out of the box, but it takes them some time to sound their best in my experience. In the end, it is well worth the wait! Just keep signal running through them for a couple weeks. One day soon you will walk into the listening room to a pleasant surprise. Enjoy. bad LOL! Sorry for the confusion, I should have read further into this thread. I realize my posts could also have been construed as sales pitches. I do really enjoy using the Solo Crystal Oval interconnects. They are a product I believe to be of good quality and a bargain in the used market, therefore an easy recommendation. I hope Grey9hound will like them in his system. On the other hand Audiolabyrinth, this thread and your comments on the forum regarding Tara Labs(especially the Air 1 interconnects), have definitely sparked my interest in these cables!
Grey9hound, member Audiolab has labeled me a pusher(I think) of Analysis Plus products. That couldn't be further from the truth. I am a granite countertop installer and a tile guy. No ties to AP in any way.
Hey Grey9hound and Jmcgrogan2, did you give the Solo Crystal Oval time to break in? This "forward" soundstage may be a result of the cable not being broken in?
Wait a minute Audiolabyrinth, you said in a previous post that you do not have experience with Analysis Plus cable? LOL! Will the Tara Labs Air 1 really "blow the doors off" of the solo crystal oval??

Well...I plan to find out!! I have a Tara Labs Air 1 ic on the way! Audiolabyrinth, should I put the Air 1 between my amp and preamp OR from source to preamp? What do you think??

BTW, the AP solo crystal oval interconnect needs 250-300hrs of burn-in before it really does it's thing. My experience with the ic is more like what Geoffkait has experienced in his system. On the other hand, my experience with the solo crystal oval speaker cable (after about 4 months), is similar to Jmcgrogan2's description.

Gotta say, I'm exited to hear the Tara interconnect cable after all talk on the forum here!
Grey9hound, the Emotiva sounds kinda hot on top in my experience, and not so resolute in the mids. The Emotiva did exibit a nice wide soundstage. Tried several, x-pa2, upa5... but my fav was the UPA-2. I will definately give my opinion of the Tara cable and am extremely pumped to hear it!

Audiolabyrinth, thanks again for the great input. What do you think of the Air 2 ics? Have you listened to those too? LOL! Honestly I am Looking forward to trying out the less forward sound of the Taras! Yeah,Good deals are nice!!! Would really like to hear the Quads 63 mentioned previously and learn more about those classics, maybe one day..

I usually use my best ic between amp and preamp for best results, but you never know what you're gonna get til you try... Always interested to hear others theories on this audio question. Maybe a new thread..."favorite interconnect from pre to amp or from source to pre?"

Thanks fellows!

Still here Audiolabyrinth! I will definitely post my impressions of the Tara Air 1 ic for you and Grey9hound, don't worry. I still think the Solo Crystal Oval is a great cable, but I am expecting the Tara to better it. Gonna try it in place of the AP that is now between amp and preamp. I don't know if anybody noticed but, I am using Discovery Essence with Cardas Silver RCAs from sources to pre now. The Essence helped with some of the forward presentation I was getting while using all Solo Crystal Oval ics. I think the Essence is a really good cable too. Perfect ic from source components imo. Sound is just more laid back than the AP. I am really itching to hook up the Taras tho and now I'm wondering about the need for a grounding station? Is this gonna be necessary? Also thought about buying the Air 2 ic to go between DAC-1 and TLC-1...
@ Audiolabyrinth. Thanks for clearing that up sir, I was unsure about the grounding and knew you would have the answer! Really appreciate the help and seemingly endless Tara Labs knowledge! BTW, I read about the Zero Gold and now I want to come to your house for a music listening/beer drinking session! LOL! As far as the newer version of the Air 1 goes...I'm gonna take Jmcgrogan2's advice and use babysteps here. Thank you Jmcgrogan2! I'm sure putting the Air 1 in the system will be an awesome experience on it's own.

When I really think about it, I am already enjoying the sound here, especially after implementing the Essence from DAC-1 to TLC-1. So now I'm just having fun. I need to pick the cables I will use in what location, and sell some of the others!

@Grey9hound, I will try the Air 1 from DAC-1 to TLC-1 and see what happens 1st. I will let you know what I think asap. Then I'm gonna have to put the Air 1 between amp and pre and give it a listen. My brain is thinking the sound of the DAC and phono amp may both benefit with the cable in this position... if it is indeed such a badass interconnect, we shall see, I mean hear.

I got sidetracked with the cables, but it's a lot of fun and my gut tells me I'm gonna be glad I did. My main objective with my system was some SMcAudio amp upgrades! And then maybe a really good power cable for the amp. And then after that...and then after that!
Thanks Audiolabyrinth! For the informative correspondence and the invite! I really am glad that you are here man, we all can really benefit from your experience! I may love the Tara Labs and it may be my kinda sound too. I just had to find out and read that the Air 1 was a good place to start! I'll make sure to give them 300 hours. This system stays on 24-7 playing music unless I am working or sleeping, so it won't take too long.
Grey9hound, I will give initial impressions for you immediately as promised!
@Grey9hound and Audiolabyrinth, the Tara Air 1 Rev 2 ics continue to get better!!! The 3D holographic soundstage being presented is fast, coherent, yet at the same time laid back behind the speakers. The sense air and space surrounding instruments and voices is incredible. The Hales are doing a serious "disappearing act".

Some friends came to visit yesterday and we had ourselves a good listening session. Yes... cocktails were involved and everyone was floored by the sound of this system. Lots of fun listening our favorite music since the Tara Air 1 Rev 2 went in the system. So much fun that I had to purchase Hiroshi's last pair of Tara Labs Air 2 Rev 2 RCA ics!!! I will use these in between the DAC-1 Rev. A and TLC-1 DLx. Very exited to hear what will probably be more of a good thing! I'll let you guys know when the Air 2 Rev 2 gets here. Thanks again Keith for recommending Tara Labs, I will keep you posted sir! Dennis, we should definitely meet up next time I'm in K-town. Also, Dennis, based on my experience with Tara Labs so far, I can still very highly recommend them to you for your system.
Ok fellows the Tara Labs Air 1 ics are here and playing in my system now! The first thing I recognized was a couple of small tears running out of the corner of my eye and down my cheek when I heard them....

LOL...Just kidding, there is no crying in audio!

Ok seriously, the Air 1 do sound very very nice in this system! The first thing that I recognized as being different was a nice ripe, round quality to some seriously solid & deep bottom end. Then I realized that I was experiencing better clarity and definition of middle bass frequency stuff that was simply not heard before. The Air 1 is not forward sounding at all, in fact it imparts a much more recessed soundstage when compared to SoloCrystalOval. With the Air 1 in the system, midrange and top end information does sound accurate, tonally correct, and without loss of detailz! The background is also extremely quiet and this is usually a sign of a better cable. The speakers are doing an even more convincing "disappearing act" and the soundstage has stretched out wider! At this point, I already feel pretty confident I will enjoy this cable more than the Solo Crystal Oval.

I got some "juicy" sounds oozing out of the Hales Rev 3s and I like it! Thank you Keith! I'll give more impressions after these babies run in for a few hundred hours. So far, the Tara Air 1 gets a BIG thumbs up from me!

Grey9hound, these are my first impressions of the Air 1 ics. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this cable to you based on what I have heard thus far!!! But... I must also recommend for you a McCormack amplifier. Probably a DNA-1 so you could keep your biamp thing going(using both sets of binding posts).

I used Emotiva amps for 6 or 7 months and the McCormack sound just beat up on the Emo in every way! Definately another level of refinement with DNA- 0.5 Deluxe or the DNA- 1 Deluxe in my system. I have also had a Rev. B+ DNA-1 Deluxe in this system and am still kicking myself for letting it go!!! If you can find one jump on it. Have fun and best of luck to you!
If it's any more help to you Dennis, I am very happy that I bought the Tara labs cables and would do it again in a New York minute. I'm sure Pops and Audiolab would say the same thing. No regrets here, just good sound. They really changed my system into a much more serious audio rig! I don't know how they do it but they certainly do. My closest buddy noticed the difference immediately. I did not mention the new cables to him on purpose, just to see if he would say something about the new improved sound. He said "Wow, that sounds perfect, what'd you do?" I can't wait to get back home from work and listen!!! LOL! In fact I do NOT want to work ANYMORE! I just want to listen to tunes all day!
The Air 1 are able to convey some emotional type 3d music info in my system. The timing and pace is perfect. You'll love them!
Hey Keith, thanks alot man, I love these things! I can tell that you are really enjoying your Ayon also. This type of sound is addictive!!! I've been downloading some new tunes(Tame Impala, Iron & Wine, James Hunter Six) listening to some old vinyl(Leon Russell "Stop All That Jazz", Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen "Lost in the Ozone" to name a few)and enjoying some cold Budlights too buddy. I haven't left the listening room yet this weekend. There's a full bath down here and it's still cold enough up here on the mountain to leave the beer outside the sliding door, so no need to go anywhere LOL!

Hey Dennis, did you get those Air 1 speaker cables dude?!?
Hey Congrats Dennis! I'm sure you will let us know what you think about the Tara Labs Air 1. You'll notice the quality immediately and the sound is awesome at first listen. But, as they adapt to your setup and burn in after about a week of normal listening, then they really start to make magic!

Yes! A toast to Dennis, good cables are amazing! here here...

Also a toast to Audiolabyrinth on his 56th B-Day LOL!!!
Ok Keith I was just pokin at ya with the 57 joke! Hope you had a fun time on your B Day buddy.

I think Dennis would be better off with a McCormack DNA 1 Deluxe and some Tara Labs jumpers!!!! How bout it? Thoughts? Can we spend his money for him? Diving boards are dangerous...causes insurance premium to go way up too! Money better spent on audio gear and music IMO! Hehe

Guess I the baby of our thread over there. Really enjoy all you fellows!
Hey Dennis I knew you would really like the Air 1 speaker cable man!! Awesome stuff I say! Everyday I come home from work and jam this stereo.

Even with fully broken in used cable, it took 200 hours for mine to really sound their best. I think maybe the cable just has to settle in with your own combination of gear. I don't really understand it, but Audiolab knows where I am coming from.

Have enjoyed every post with you guys, cheers! Mouthful of Miller and a roomful of good sound!!
John, I just studied up some more on our thread here. John, here's to you getting back on your isolation feet buddy....:) It's obvious that you are very well liked here on the forum and I must say I think you are real asset to us all. Thanks for all the good news, well informed suggestions, superlative sense of humor, and for always keeping it real. I sure am glad you are still here man.
I gotta tell you guys exactly what started this extremely strong ongoing passion for audio gear that I have so wholeheartedly embraced!

"IT" was a nice, clean Marantz 2270 that I picked up used in the early 90's. I loved it so much! More than my 280zx, more than my FJ-40 Landcruiser, and more than my girlfriend at the time too! LOL It sounded so damn nice(just "a bit" on the warm musical side of course, hehe). It changed my life. Music sounded better thru the 2270 than anything else I had heard. I had some Kimber 4PR hooked up to a pair of Large Advent loudspeakers with beautiful beveled walnut veneered cabinets. The Marantz and the Advents were both as old as I was. It did not matter to me because newer equipment in my price range at that time didn't sound half as good as that combo. I'll never forget that excitement. I think that is what keeps me going with this expensive hobby. It really is such a thrill to hear great music presented with such grace and beauty!!!

I have obviously bettered the old Marantz by a good margin with the gear I have now, but not by enormous leaps and bounds. Sometimes I wonder how much $$ I would have in the bank if I would have just kept the 2270 and Advents? LOL! Hey, do you think Tara Labs would re-terminate my Air 1 speaker cable with some straight pin connectors??? LOL!
Thanks for the nice comments. Dad used to say the same thing, John! Well, it takes one to know one John. Ain't that right Keith?! You all seem to be gentlemen as well as deans list audio scholars!

Like you, I let my stereophile subscription lapse. The forums are a much better source for me. It's like I have my very own commitee to consult with! That's you guys!!!

Working hard, yes! Long hours too. Springtime remodeling is underway here! The good news is that a fellow in Raliegh has a SMcAudio Gold edition DNA-1 Deluxe that I am drooling over! Trying hard to put together the funds!
Lol you may have! Yes I really enjoy the DNA .5 Deluxe, it is a nice sounding amp imo. Which McCormack amps have you had expererience with? Thanks John, also...check out New Orleans Jazz Fest live on AXS TV and streaming on the net!
Hello Gents, I see we are talking about different kinds of music now. That sounds like my cup o tea! Grey9hound, K&D is alright man, how old are you? I am a Thievery Corporation kinda guy myself. "The Outernational Sound" is my fav. Did you try Little Dragon?
Audiolabyrinth, my man, hope you are enjoying Dennis' favorite tunes played on your jaw dropping setup and havn some cold ones buddy! Give us some of you favs dude, and I hope it's not gonna be any of that "new rock" trash brother. That is almost as bad as this "pop country" crap that is all over the radio here. I want the classics! And some hip new artists like Neko Case, M. Ward, Jason Collett, Dr. Dog, Blitzen Trapper, Nick Waterhouse, Jenny Lewis, & Ryan Adams.
Hello fellas, it's been a fun weekend here! We have had lots of visitors, so I missed you earlier. Yeah the McCormack Gold Edition amp is awesome, a fine addition to my system. A dream come true actually!! I think that "It's so choice" as Ferris Bueller might say, and like Jmcgrogan2 would say..."it has my speakers in a VICE-GRIP!" Serious musical power and control without any artifacts, nastiness, or overemphasis of sonic detail. Lifelike presentation that is extremely dynamic and precise and at the same time musically satisfying which I love. It presents a real sonic picture that keeps me involved in the performance, especially with good recordings. Bass is incredibly powerful and clean down to the lowest note. I love it!

John, after hearing this amp my AudioNervousa has grown stronger. I want full SMcAudio mods to everything!!!LOL!

I also picked up a 4 foot Tara Labs Decade power cable for $200. Put it on the DAC-1 to burn in. Too early to tell about it really, but I think it may be an improvement and towards the musical side! I still do not know if this is a high current amp kind of power cable. It may be designed around front end source type equipment???? It will stay on the McCormack REV.A DAC-1 until I figure out it's place in the system. I'm really curious as to what gauge it is. Any input would be welcome!

Keith, I live in Roan Mountain, TN and work in Linville, NC. I ship anything I sell on Audiogon from work. I have available all the best packing materials for a professional job and a safe shipment!
Yes, The NC high country is beautiful and all the nice folks here make me feel right at home. I am originally from a small town 20 miles north of Knoxville. I slowly moved up the mountain, where it's not so hot in the Summer! Plus we can ski in the Winter! Dennis has a pool, that's a very good thing to have down in K-town. Up here we have a spring fed pond! No diving board... but there is a little dock to jump off of! The water is nice and clean and you're swimming with Catfish, Bluegill, some frogs, turtles, two little watersnakes, a bunch of dogs, and one big orange and white Koy! LOL!! We take the HarmanKardon Go+PlayII, ipod, a tennis ball, a cooler with sandwiches and cold bevs and have a ball! I'll try to post a photo soon.
Wow Davea33, Where the heck did you come from??? Hehehe. Glad you could join in! Keep going guys I think you're onto something???
Waxwaves loves the blues too!!! Got a killer copy of Muddy Waters "Electric Mud". Buddy Guy &Junior Wells? Jimmy Reed? Taj Mahal....Anybody here heard of The Nighthawks? Another of my favs in the blues genre. They play Down Home in Johnson City every year which is close to me in wonderful Johnson City, TN. Down Home has an excellent sound system BTW.
Come on Keith, lick those wounds and get back out here. You are loved even if you do listen to Nickelback buddy... Dennis is chomping at the bit to hear what is in your cd collection!!
Anybody use Black Diamond Racing isolation cones? Just got a couple sets of MkIII and I really like them!
Also still in love with my Air series Tara Labs!!! Awesome stuff by most folks standards I am sure of it.
Hello Gentlemen...Is there a hater on our thread? He could be buddies with Irv, Lol!

Hessec must have one hesseck of a setup if he thinks the Tara Labs cables mentioned are just another drop in the bucket! Maybe he did not give those jewels enough time to burn in with his high end equipment?? 300 hours, come on now! Maybe he hooked them up backwards?!? OR, Maybe he needs to try the $2 hydrogen peroxide treatment? LOL!

This person is obviously bored with his system or he wouldn't be dogging' our buddy Audiolab on the forum, he'd be listen to some good tunes on his awesome stereo.
You're welcome Keith, I enjoy your lighted hearted and fun nature dude...Your passion for sound and the hobby as well.

I am very happy with my Air Series cables and the price I paid for them thanks very much. I won't be getting any Zero or Omega Gold in the next few years, unless they are willed to me or I hit the Powerball buddy! I like to think that I have a glimpse of what the big ones can do. Even tho I am extremely pleased with what Air 1 allowed my system, I can imagine what serious amazing sound one could achieve with the top line Tara Labs cable in the right system! I have to get a VRE-1 before I get Zero Golds!!!! Hehe

Keith, do yourself a favor and get one of those VHAudio or Signal Cable power cables until you can do the big Tara Labs PC thing. You will not regret it my friend!!!

I must have the disease too fellas! Can't think of a better affliction tho LOL! Oh well, he who dies with the most jawdroppingly awesome sounding stereo setup wins! You guys got the jump on me so far...hehe!
I was wondering when someone would mention Bonamassa! Yep, he's good. Anybody ever try the Nighthawks? King Biscuit Boy? Or the great Jimmy Reed? Junior Kimbrough? Kimbrough was apparently a large influence on the Black Keys...I'm a big fan of both. Also check out R.L. Burnside for some hard driven dirty blues....
More blues favs would be:
Freddy King
Leon Russel & Marc Benno Asylum Choir albums
Roy Buchanan
Jeff Beck Group (First album is my fav)
Lightnin Hopkins
And the GREAT Howlin Wolf!!!

I am a big fan of J. J. Cale too
That just means you have discovered some good new music Keith! We were discussing blues. Those are just a few great artist from the blues genre. There are many more styles to choose from...;)

As far as harder rock goes...I just don't get into anything super heavy anymore. I must have mellowd out somewhere along the way. And I have been branching out, listening to other styles of music. I do still enjoy and have in my collection music from:
Alice in Chains
Dead Kennedys
Desert Sessions Vol. 1-10 (you gotta love this)
Eagles of Death Metal "Peace, Love, Death Metal" is my fav, gotta lp copy!
Jane's Addiction
Kings of Leon
Led f@kn Zeppelin baby!
Mad Season
Mammoth Volume
The Mars Volta
Masters of Reality
Orange Goblin
A Perfect Circle
The Ramones
Screaming Trees
Social Distortion
Sonic Youth
Stone Temple Pilots
Temple of the Dog
Them Crooked Vultures
The White Stripes
Try Clutch Keith, they are really hard driving rock and bluesy at the same time. Try some of these other guys I listed too. The ones that you aren't familiar with...try them out on your system dude and tell us what you think?
Yes sir ree! That's what I'm talkin bout! Gotta love that blues music!

Lately, I been playin all different kinda music so I don't get bored with one genre or another.

Now playing:

Leon Russell Willow the Wisp
The Everly Bros. 57-62
Gil-Scott Heron & Brian Jackson 1980
Doc & Merle Watson Red Rocking Chair
Bob Marley & the Wailers Positive Vibration
Rolling Stones Exile on Main Street (Keith, you like)
Bob Dylan Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
Levon Helm American Son
Willie Nelson Stardust
Billy Preston The Kids & Me
Paul Simon Rhythm of the Saints

These are all vinyl copies that sound nice! The McCormack Amp gets better and wax is the preferred format....!
Let the music play!!!
John, I gotta Japanese audiophile pressing of "Idlewild South" that sounds great, I love it! Digging your selections, btw! God Bless ya Ray Manzarek, may your memory and music live on!
Hey gents, I have decided I need to upgrade the power cable that I use with my upgraded amplifier! Looking for suggestions. Now I am using Signal Cable Magic Power and I like the sound of a copper pc with the McCormack amp. But the Signal Cable is a little foggy in the resolution dept. Its a very thin fog, but a fog nevertheless. The LAT AC-2 mkII cables that I use are very good for source components and pre, a bit too hot on top with the amp due to the silver..I think. Now, I am leaning toward Paul Kaplan's least expensive offering. Need a 3 or 4 footer. Suggestions welcome! Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
The Kaplan power cable that I am considering is the H.E. II model. John, are you familiar with this one? Seems like it might be the top "budget" power cable on the market today.
I'll take bass weight. I have top end extension covered.

Thank you for the informative reply John. Where does the Elrod cable that you have for sale fall into the mix?
Typing class was for sissies, I don't care who you are. That's why we created secrataries. It was torute(in more ways than one), BUT typing class did come in handy later in life. The gal that used sit next to me in typing class was real cute and she could type 98 words a minute! So, I wasn't paying full on attention to my typing(especially when she wore a skirt) and on top of that I felt like an idiot(for being so slow and having to look down at keys all the time). I'm still not using proper typing technique and staring at good looking women in skirts, but I do have a handle on the grammar, hehe!

Yeah, Dennis is a cool dude! I talked to him on the phone for a bit. Memorial Day weekend is a busy family time for both of us, so we just couldn't get together. Probably some time in the near future tho. We did discover that we are both big fans of a good Bloody Mary! That ZingZang is good stuff!! Yeah, I was exited for Dennis to try out the McCormack amp in his system, but there was going to have to be partial system break down and reconstruction for this to happen. That's way too much to do on MDW!

Dennis, I also have some Discovery Signature and Essence ics you may like to try out!

Has anyone been watching "Live From Daryl's House"? I really enjoyed the episodes with Smokey Robinson, Todd Rundgren, Nick Waterhouse, and Booker T among others! There's some interesting history involving the houses that are "Daryl's House", where the show is filmed most of the time. Still pretty cheesy, but some good tunes make it worth checking out.

Keith, will you be needing a good amp while the BIG Krell is getting it's oil changed?!? Did the folks at Krell tell you how long it would take?? Cheers! Dudes have a Budice and a Bloody for me, and a great weekend too!
Dennis, You mean to tell me that you don't have a copy of Hall & Oats "Rock & Soul Part 1" ?!?! This one will take you back to the radio days man! Hall & Oats blanketed the airwaves here in the 80s and 90s. Daryl still has quite a good set of pipes on him to this day! Set the ol' DVR and check out some of the episodes mentioned. He has some newer younger acts on the show that I was not really impressed with but Nick waterhouse was definately a standout in that dept. I liked the Joe Walsh, Sharon Jones, and Toots Hibbard episodes also.
Thank You Audiolabyrinth!!! That's what I needed to know man! I wasn't going to put the Tara Decade power cable on the amp if construction was 14 gauge. I've had it in the system since Sat morning (on the dac-1)and I can tell the Tara Decade is a really good power cable. I just switched it over to the modded MCCormack DNA-1 Dlx. I will give my full impressions soon.

Yes buddy, I wish today would have been a little bit warmer and sunny here on the mountain. May have been able to enjoy that big pond, instead we stayed inside with the music playing.
Hey Gents, sorry I have been MIA, looks like I missed out on alot of ACTION! LOL!!

I have been busy with all kinds of crap, but there has been music playing most of the time, thank God!

First of all, I gotta say the new amp is a serious bad ass and at the same time so pleasant to hear. It is supremely musical(yes.. I said musical, you know, makes you wanna tap your toes or actually get up off your ass and dance around!)and lovely sounding, yet mega detailed, resolute, and powerful too. I feel very involved in the recorded music folks. The McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe Gold edition just has heart and soul man! What else can I say, I love it. It mates so well with my Hales Revelation Three and the rest of the system too. That is what I am really exited about!!

@Audiolab, I will admit...the Tara Labs Decade power cable may not have been used for 300hrs on the amp before I moved it from the amp and to the TLC-1 Deluxe outboard power supply. That's because I felt like it's hot sonic signature would probably not cut the mustard with this big amplifier even after break in.

Here's the good news Keith!!! It sounds wonderful for digital, preamp, and on the phono amp too.

The Bad News: I ascertain that the Decade pc does not have enough "balls" for my power amp. When the Tara Decade was on the big amp, the sound was super articulate with an amazing wide presentation, every instrument, voice, etc separated in its own space. Just an amazing presentation of the tunes! BUT, to my ears it lacked a sense of thickness, bloom, and full-bodied sound in the lower end that we all want. It had awesome tight and deep bass but something was missing down there. There was a THINNESS to the sound that I CAN'T DEAL WITH. I think the design of the cable leans towards a big presentation, a wide/deep soundstage thing that Tara Labs cables do so well. In order to have this type of presentation, IMO, the lower mids and upper bass usually suffers.

What we have been describing here on these threads as "full bodied" or warm is the Signal Cable Magic Power Cable that I use with the amp now. I will go so far as to say this pc is "very impressive" for the cost!!! It lacks the beautiful crystalline picture that the Tara Decade pc paints, and yes there is a veil or haze over the music in a way. BUT... it has balls the size of a bull and it gives the full bodied sound the the rest of my Tara Air 1 cabling needs to sound it's best!

I really do think the Tara Labs cables are the BOMB! I mean they really can help a good system to sound amazing! They are designed to amaze the listener! I also believe that in order for them to sound best you may need some warmer, more full bodied power cable or interconnect cable thrown into the mix. The full Tara sound in my experience and in my system is almost to hot to handle!!
I can add to my last post by saying that I do not have a top of the line Tara Labs cable setup with Zero Gold, Omega Gold and Cobalt pc. Not even the One or 0.8. If I did, I would probably be amazed by the "full on Tara Labs sound" with a "full loom" of these great cables that may be the best on earth. I have in my system the lower down the Tara Labs line Air 1 and Air 2 model ics and Air 1 speaker cable.

I love what the Air 1 and 2 cable has allowed my system to do sonically! I will say again that my system sounds even better with a well balanced sounding power cable or a warmer more full bodied sounding power cable in the mix.

I REALLY LOVE the sound of my system with Tara Labs cables in the speaker cable slot and in the interconnect between preamp and amp spot!!! This is where the Tara cables shine IMO!

The LAT International AC-2 MkII power cables I use are very well balanced sounding and quiet, especially with Oyaide rhodium plated connectors. The Signal Cable Magic Power cable I use is a warm and full bodied sounding copper cable with slightly veiled mid range and highs. These 2 power cables seem to give weight and balance were needed, and help to create an extremely enjoyable sound when used with my Tara Labs Air 1 series 2 ics and Tara Labs Air 1 speaker cable that sound very resolving and airy with huge 3d holographic presentation of the music!

In summary, I think too much of a good thing is often too much of a good thing! So, maybe a "Full Tara Loom" would be too hot and chaotic sounding for most folks? UNLESS maybe you have 0.8 or higher up the Tara Labs line, which I have not had the pleasure yet.
Hey dudes, hope all is good with you fellows, it has been awhile. @ Dennis and Keith, The company I have referred to as having pretty good power cables is in fact VH Audio...not AV Audio. Another good place to start with budget power cables is Signal Cable. Hard to beat for the money IMO! The VH Audio Airsines are not budget tho, they are VH Audio's top o the line pc. Could be used in higher end systems no problem. The VH Flavor 4 or the Signal Cable Magic pc would be a good choices for Grey9hound's amps IMO! Also, I really can't say enough abouta man named Lou and his Lat International AC-2mkII power cables. These cables have a very balanced sonic signature. They are articulate but not overly bright, they have great bass slam without sounding bloated or exaggerated, and they are dead quiet and just stay out of the way of the music. These are great with source components! The three power cables brands discussed above sell my budget favorites! Of course...There are many other good budget minded power cables out there to chose from too. Hope this helps
Thank you Dennis, appreciate the hospitality, I can tell you are a cool dude and a good fellow. There are two SignalCableMagic pcs on AA trading post for $30-$35! This would be a great place to start man. It is exiting to hear what a decent power cable will do! You will definately experience an improvement in dynamics and bass slam!

Audiolabyrinth, my Tara Labs the One power cable is the best I have owned. It really helps makes music happen. It sounds tonally correct with my mostly Tara Labs loom, LOL! I am getting incredible sound from my system with the One pc on my amp. Tho my power cable experience is not vast, I have heard a few of the most popular models of late. All other power cables that I have tried fail in comparison. The Tara Labs the One power cable has done everything I could have expected in my system. I'd recommend it!
Cheers Audiolabyrinth!!!! Feels great to have that taken care of and off your mind huh?. Your new amp should be awesome! You will finally have "The Real Thing "... right Keith!? . I know you are looking forward to that day when she arrives back home! Hell, I bet it sounds better than it did before it left, even before it has burned in! LOL! All in all, I think you gonna be in for a nice surprise!
Hey dudes, you can visit anytime! I'll show ya'll how us Roan Mountain hillbillies enjoy music, grill ribeye(med-rare), and drink brews... some other funny thangs too, ifn' ya know what I mean..;) It's beautiful ride from K-town to the mountain Dennis, takes about three hours. I think you'll be impressed with the McCormack/Hales combo, as well as the Tara Labs cables(of course)!

@Audiolab, It took four days to reburn the Tara Labs the One power cable into my system before the lifelike presentation I am used to fleshed out fully again. It actually fleshed out quite a bit more towads the full bodied side with a deeper soundstage. So it took about 100hrs... I leave the McCormack stuff on 24/7 unless there's an electrical storm. The One pc is really impressive in my setup...

Back to work for me, I'll catch up again soon!