Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,

I recently purchased some Cardas Golden cross sepaker cables. They replaced my Dh Lab Q10s. I replaced the Q10s because i was getting some upper mid freq brightness.
I have Golden Cross interconnects from preamp to amp and from cd player to pre amp. The sound is very smooth and detailed .The bass and mid bass is not as authorative or as tight. The highs are better - more detailed and smooth.
The problem is the sound is almost too smooth the bass is kind of rounded off now .The sound is less dynamic.
My Question is.
Is there an interconnect that could give me back that great bass and dynamics of that i had with the Q10s, without the harshness i was getting. I think i would like to keep the Golden Cross speaker cables and try changing the ICs. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 50 responses by jmcgrogan2

Interesting topic, I just finished posting something similar on a Nordost Valhalla thread. I have found that when I go too far down a path with ANY cable, eventually I find that cables weakness and find that cable intolerable. For instance, while Valhalla power cords worked well, adding Valhalla interconnects and speaker cable got progressively worse. Too thin, too anemic.

I've had similar experience with Cardas, Jade Audio, Stealth Audio, Purist Audio, and others, with similar results. Some = Good. More = Bad.

I find that a cable works well in the system, so I think that more will be better, and it never works out that way. I have learned that the best way to go is to have unmatched cables within my system. Tune one component at a time and do not assume that more will = better.

Currently I am running Jade Audio between CDP and preamp, Purist Audio between turntable and preamp, Tara Labs between preamp and amp, and Acoustic Zen speaker cables. I am close to the sound that I'm looking for, closer than with all cables being from any one line. I can't explain it, but after decades of experimentation, I don't think that ONE perfect cable for the whole system is out there.

So it sounds as if you have just discovered that too much of a good thing can make a bad thing. It sounds like you are looking for interconnects to add more speed and resolution now. Try Nordost, Tara Labs or Stealth Audio interconnects.
Here is a pair of Tara Labs The Two, which are higher up the line than the Air 1 series. I'm currently running a 2 meter pair of The One with grounding station, and they are eerily quiet background, as well as nicely musically balanced cables.
It looks like the moderators took it down. It was an ad on another website, Sound Offers. $600 for a 1 meter pair of Tara Labs The Two interconnects. Note, there is a difference between Air 2 and The Two.
Yeah, I saw that the $600 was at the upper end of your range, but they are good interconnects. They look like they are 1 meter, but you can e-mail him or call him, he lists his phone number. Since his ad already has expired and then re-posted at the same $600 price, I'm guessing if you make an offer for $500, you can probably have them if you want.
Grey9hound, enjoy the new cables. :)

I just sold a pair of Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 speaker cables, they had many good tonal qualities, but their forward soundstage just wasn't my cup of tea. I know many who enjoy that 'immediacy', or feeling of being transported to the front row. I prefer a deeper, more 3-Dimensional soundstage. To each their own.
@Misternice, The One power cords do have a hump in the lower midrange/upper bass region, which is fine if that is what you are looking for. I do not use those cords though. However, The One cables do not have that 'hump' like The One power cords do.

@Audiolabyrinth, I like Tara Labs cables, but I don't have as much invested in them as you do. I am using one pair of their interconnects from preamp to power amp at this moment. I like it a lot, but I'm not trying to push them on anyone. Everyone likes different things, it's all good.

@Grey9hound, enjoy the Analysis Plus cables, they have a very nice tonality to them. I hope they make you happy.
LOL Grey9hound!! On another cable thread, Audiolabyrinth had me selling a kidney to buy some cables!! LOL!!

I may envy Audiolabryinth's cables, but he can keep his Krell, I'm more of a tube guy. If I'm selling body parts, I'm gonna get me a VAC Phi 300.1a. hahaha
Well, I'm also a vinyl guy too. Black licorice and some valves make music to me. To each their own. Enjoy.
@Audiolabryinth, I hope the Ayon works out for you. I have no experience with the Ayon line, but I do have experience with the 6H30 tube, with BAT and ARC gear. IMHO, the 6H30 has many fine qualities, dynamics and power come to mind.

In the long run, I tend to prefer the 6SN7 or 12AX7 tube types for small signal amplification. They are not quite as dynamic and powerful as the 6H30's, but they have a more liquid, or sweeter midrange. Just like ice cream, that's why they make so many different flavors. ;)
Yea, you can just throw a pair of Monster M1 on the bass. There's a pair for sale now, I have no relation with the seller.
No, the M1 is a speaker cable, sorry. I would imagine any inexpensive interconnect should drive the bass frequencies.
02-28-13: Jmcgrogan2
Grey9hound, enjoy the new cables. :)

I just sold a pair of Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8 speaker cables, they had many good tonal qualities, but their forward soundstage just wasn't my cup of tea.

03-11-13: Grey9hound
#4 I tried the Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval interconnect from CD player to pre-amp ans they are too forward to my liking,

Yeah, that's what I heard too.
Maybe he has enough name recognition now that he doesn't need to run auctions on Audiogon anymore. I'd like to try a pair of the Silkworm +'s too. I have heard a lot of good things about them, but they rarely come up for sale used.

I've really enjoyed Jade Audio's cables, and the Gabriel Gold's are pretty good too. So I am a fan of gold conductors.
@Waxwaves, I gave them a month or so, but I bought them used, so I don't know how much more time they might have needed. In my experiences, burn in may help a cable sound better, but it has never changed a sound that I didn't like into a sound that I did like. A good sound may get better, and a bad sound may get more tolerable, but that's about it. Not that the AP was bad, it had many good attributes, but soundstaging was not one of them.

@Audiolabyrinth, I think you are confusing bi-amping with bi-wiring. There is quite a difference.
03-12-13: Geoffkait
Sound in my system is open, dynamic with exquisite detail and terrific soundstaging.

Hey enjoy them, that's why they make so many different flavors. I know many audiophiles who love that immediacy, that feeling of being transported to the front row, however, that's not my cup 'o tea. I bought the Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval after doing much research through various websites. Most talked about it's tonal qualities, which I concur are very good. No one seems to mention it's soundstage perspective though.

I like that mid-hall, laid back presentation that cables like Purist Audio, Tara Labs, Jade Audio and Stealth Audio present. I understand that what I like, others may not. I just feel that it is fair to mention, to save others in the future, from having to buy and then turn around and sell these cables like I did.

You can't just say terrific soundstaging, that's like saying sounds great. It's too vague. It doesn't tell me if the cable is musical or transparent. I understand that you love the soundstaging capabilities of the Analysis Plus cables, and that's great. What that says to me is that you enjoy the immediacy of their soundstage presentation as opposed to the laid back soundstage that I am looking for.

I'm not saying that my way is the only way, I'm just trying to help others understand different directions of sound in cables. Warm vs. Transparent tone, or somewhere in between. Soundstage is either deep or forward or somewhere in between.
@Audiolabyrnith, I would recommend the The Two for $600 over the two pairs of the Air 1 Series 2 that you mentioned. The Two in that ad comes with the Isolated Floating Ground Station, and since that ad has been running for a month and a half, he could probably get them for $500.
The Discovery Essence is a very good cable. I haven't heard it in many years, but I still recall being amazed at how much better it sounded than an expensive Transparent interconnect that it replaced. Probably about 8-10 years ago. If memory serves me right, I kept it for a year or so, which is a long time in my system. :)

I wouldn't buy another Tara Labs cable until you see what you think of the first one Waxwaves. Don't get caught up in the hype. I've made that mistake myself far too often. If you like the Tara Labs, THEN consider buying another one.
04-10-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ Tbg,, Thankyou, My I/c was $15,000.00 a meter, The Taralabs zero gold! cheers!

Audiolab, remember when you said that you did not think that a speaker or cartridges price had any relation to how good it sounded? The same can also be said for cables. A $15,000 cable does not necessarily sound better than a $1600 cable anymore than a $15,000 cartridge sounds better than a $1600 cartridge. Money and sound quality do not walk hand in hand in any aspect of this hobby. :)
Norm, Keith is relatively new here at Audiogon, and he is not familiar with your past experiences, which I have a lot of respect for. He has a burning passion for Tara Labs cables, which should explain his enthusiasm.

The CT-1 design sounds intriguing. The only cables I've heard before that used magnets were the Virtual Dynamics, which I really enjoyed the tonal qualities of, but did not care for the soundstaging. I see that the CT-1 doesn't use magnets, but magnetic conduction. Can you compare the sound of the HF CT-1 to some other cables that I may have heard? Stealth Indra, PAD Dominus, K-S Emotion, Jade Hybrid Gold, etc.
04-16-13: Grey9hound
Can you ezxplain the differences between the DH Labs Q10 speaker cables Versus the Tara Air 1 .I think you said that you owned both .

Sorry, no can do. I never bought any DH Labs cables because of their reputation for brightness.

I am a little ticked at how far the prices have dropped on the Tara Labs Air 1 speaker cables though. When I first started looking the two pair were listed at $1250 and $1200. I wound up waiting 3 1/2 weeks and buying one pair for $900, and now I see the other one's asking price is down to $750!! Sometimes I wish I was more patient. :)
04-16-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ jmcgrogan2, the prices do not always work out like that my friend!

Ahhhh, but patience usually pays off, as a buyer and a seller. I have become more patient than I used to be, but the lesson is that I should be even more patient in the future. :)
Yes, stay patient Grey9hound. The seller of those Air 1 cables started out asking $1250 5 weeks ago, and now he's down to $750. Wait another few weeks, and you maybe able to grab 'em for $250!!! ;)
04-26-13: Audiolabyrinth
Ride off in the sunset!, sounds good thou!

Sounds very good indeed! It's MUCH easier said then done though. Read this thread that I posted less than 3 years ago, as I rode off into the sunset. That hiatus lasted just over 2 years. This disease has a way of clawing it's way out of remission. LOL!!
04-25-13: Audiolabyrinth
I have done without alot to get my audio!, Iresponsible!, maybe!, My system comes before everything!, period!, thats my priority!, not everyone can do that!

That was me for a lot of years Keith! That's how I would up with a system that listed for well over $100K (~$115K). Life has a way of throwing you curveballs that force you to reconsider your priorities. At least it did for me it did. Something about a major health scare and a loss of income within a two year period has a way to make a man reconsider his priorities in life. :)
@Audiolab, satisfied??? Riding off into the sunset??? That's not so easy my friend, this disease goes much deeper than you think. The hunger NEVER ends......just ask Norm (Tbg). LOL!!

Better strap yourself in for the next few decades!! I find that even when I am perfectly happy with the sound of my system, I still peruse the for sale NEVER ends!!

As I sit here and type this right now, I'm trying to figure out how to NOT buy something that I REALLY want, but which would be financially irresponsible. LOL!!
@Audiolab, I let my subscriptions lapse several years ago. I have no intention of re-subscribing, as it just fans the flames of this disease by constantly making you believe that what you have now is inferior, and the newest version X.3.5 is the best by a wide margin now. LOL!!

It's all a scam!!! I find much more realistic information here on these threads with REAL audiophiles, then by reading professional reviews by reviewers whose bias' are very transparent to me now.
I was diagnosed with CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) in 2009, and then in 2010, I lost my job of 30+ years. So it was a pretty down period of my life, I thought the end was near. Though things are far from rosy for me now, after a couple of years, and seeing that I'm still here, the audio disease relapsed just about 4.5 months ago and started forcing me to spend money again. LOL!!

Is my spending fiscally irresponsible? Absolutely. I am certifiably insane. What sane person would spend over $4000 on a preamp, and over $5000 more on cartridges and cables when they don't even have a job? It's like I'm a drunk (audiophile) in a liquor store (Audiogon)....I can't help myself. LOL!!

If I had a lick of sense, I'd just buy a used Marantz receiver and never visit Audiogon, Audio Asylum, US Audiomart or Audio Aficionado again.
Thanks fellows, I really do enjoy the camaraderie that I feel with members of these forums. Cheers!!
04-30-13: Waxwaves
John, I just studied up some more on our thread here. John, here's to you getting back on your isolation feet buddy....:) It's obvious that you are very well liked here on the forum and I must say I think you are real asset to us all. Thanks for all the good news, well informed suggestions, superlative sense of humor, and for always keeping it real. I sure am glad you are still here man.

Thank you very much Waxwaves! You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I appreciate all of your comments, thank you, and keep them coming.

I liked your next post too, about what got you started in this insanity. For me it was discovering Legacy Audio speakers back in the mid 80's. Back then, Bill Duddleston was building them out of his garage, and I stumbled upon them in a small fine print ad in the back of Audio magazine. They sent me literature about all sorts of gear I had never heard of before, Vandersteen, Martin Logan, etc. Their literature also mentioned some magazines that I had never heard of before, Stereophile and TAS. Well I bought me a pair of them there Legacy speakers and subscribed to Stereophile and TAS and have been off to Oz ever since. LOL!!

I stuck with Legacy for about 12 years, buying 3 different models, before moving on to other speakers. I felt that Legacy's quality went downhill as they became more and more popular. I'm sure this is a common occurrence in the industry. Advertising and marketing ain't free, that money has to come from somewhere, and usually it comes out of the product
Ouch!! I never knew you bought a Cary sympathies. I listened to a couple of their CDP's several years ago, I think it was their 306 and 308 models, they were unbelievably bad sounding units. I never read a review on them, I didn't need to.

Yes, reviewers say what they are told to say. Sometimes you can almost see them quoting directly from the sales literature. LOL!!
Tbg, I'm sure several politicians would take exception to my opinion that "politicians are all crooks" too. I have my own opinions, I don't pull any punches, and quite frankly, I don't care if any reviewers get their panties in a bunch over my statement.

If what I say offends you, I apologize. I stand by my opinion of professional reviewers though. :)
05-02-13: Tbg
Jmcgrogan2, and you, of course, would understand that I think you paint both reviewers and politicians with too broad a brush. But I do also think largely free or actually free publication are under too much advertiser pressure. I much preferred the advertising free Stereophile and TAS, when subscription alone paid for the magazine.

I understand what you are saying, there is a possibility that all are not on the take. Just like the old Pretty woman story, looking for a hooker with a heart of gold. There are exceptions to every rule.

I also agree that Stereophile and TAS were much better reads years ago, before they sold their souls to the advertisers.
There is a reason that subscriptions are so inexpensive now Audiolab, because the magazine's main income is advertising, which diminishes anything the magazine has to say. So yes, they cost less, but their value is less also.

I don't subscribe anymore, but once in a blue moon I'll look at a copy in a Barnes & Noble. I call them "audio porn" magazines. I just look at the pictures. LOL!!
@Waxwaves, I probably went to school with your Dad. LOL!!

I always thought McCormack amps were great bang for the buck amps. I've never had the opportunity to listen to one of his pimped up units though. I'll bet he can really design a mean amp when the purse strings are loosened!!
Good luck, I hope it falls in your lap!!
05-10-13: Grey9hound
i think that is darn good for the money and equipment that i have . I had better leave it alone for a while . If i change something again, i could mess up things.

It sounds like you better leave it as it is. Too many times I have been happy with the sound, only to get bored, make a change, and then have to make several other changes to get it back sounding the way I want it again. When will I learn just to leave things alone!! LOL!!!
C'mon Dennis, just switch the Air 1's with the Q10's for an hour or so, to appease Keith. Heck, I even went out and bought another pair of Tara Labs interconnects just to try an all Tara Labs system, mostly due to his enthusiasm. Sure, it didn't work out for me, but now we both know the deal.
I had to spend some money for that experiment, switching the Air 1's to the bass and the Q10's to the mid/high's would be a free, and provide some entertainment for everyone. Cheers!
05-11-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ jmcgrogan2, The Tara the 2 was a bad choice for your experiment!, should have done another, the one i/c or the 0.8Ex !!,, Taras cable loom works best if you have all the same model like I do and waxwaves does!, my recent experiment with cables post revealed those findings!, remember, I switched the cables around for temporary fun!,, cheers!

Your post makes no sense whatsoever Keith. First of all, from what I have read, neither you, Pops or Waxwaves are using Tara Labs cables all from the 'same model'. Pops does not have the 0.8EX throughout, you do not have the Zero Gold throughout, and Waxwaves does not have the Air 1 throughout. Secondly, buying one 0.8EX or The One would not give me 0.8Ex or The One throughout either. I still have Air 1 speaker cables, remember?

Second of all, I had a low degree of confidence in this experiment to begin with, from many decades of trail and error. If The Two had even a hint of possible success, I may have entertained the thought of dumping more money into a more expensive model. Unlike Pops though, I prefer to dip my toes in the water before taking the Nestea plunge. :)

If you bought a CDP that you didn't care for the sound of, would your first instinct be that you must buy a more expensive model in the same line? Probably not. Most likely you would want to try a CDP from a different line.

I know you love your Tara Labs cables, and believe they are the best thing since sliced bread, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, ease off the throttle dude, you have to learn to understand in this hobby that what floats your boat does not work for others no matter how bad you want it to. There are too many variables in synergy and tastes to harass others to see things your way. After all, I'm not telling you that you are wasting money fixing the Krell up, that you would be much better off buying a VAC tube amp that will sound much better than your Krell. It would probably get on your nerves if I told you every other day to dump the Krell and get a VAC amp so that you can hear what you expensive cables are capable of.

I'm not a high pressure salesman like that though. I allow you to enjoy your Krell and Ayon and JBL speakers, I would simply ask that you respect my rights to choose the gear that suits my tastes best.

I have discovered through the years that people must find gear that suits there own personal tastes. You can't just force-feed people what you want them to 'like'. It doesn't make for good relationships, trust me.

Now I am sure that it will please you to know that I have sold the Auditorium 23 speaker cables, and I am back using the Air 1 speaker cables, they work well with The One interconnect between preamp and amp. Tara Labs is made by humans though, not by gods, so I was not surprised to find out the 'full loom' did not work for me, no cable manufacturer has done that yet, and believe it or not, many of them are on a similar performance level as Tara Labs. Now maybe you are right, maybe if I sold The One interconnect and replaced it with an Air 1 interconnect, the Tara Labs cable matching 'loom' or whatever would work better. Maybe one day I'll know, but not today....or tomorrow. Cheers!
I thought you were using a The One, but I guess that's in another system. So you do have all the same brand, but Pops, Waxwaves and I didn't. I think you just claimed The Two was a bad choice because it didn't work for me. You have to admit that The Two SHOULD have been better than the Air 1.

Tara Labs IS one of a hand full of the best brands available, but just like the rest, they have their plusses and minuses. There is no perfect cable, speaker, amp, preamp, cartridge, turntable, CDP....well you get the idea. It's all about the synergy dude. The fact that Tara Labs didn't work full bloom in my system is not an insult to Tara Labs....they are simply human, like all other cable manufacturers. Don't take it so personally. :)
@Audiolab, It took me a long time, and personal issues to help me get my priorities in order. I spent many years doing what you are doing now, chasing the absolute sound. How do you think I wound up with a system costing well over $100K??

Health problems and job loss helped me to put this hobby in it's proper perspective in the grand scheme of life, as a fun hobby, not an absolute purpose in life. Funny thing is, if it wasn't for those hurdles in life that I tripped over, I would probably still be chasing the ever elusive absolute sound. Attaining true happiness is all a state of mind. You will always have those thoughts of "if I can just get to this place, I will stop and be happy". Funny thing is, when you finally get there, you always see something else that you feel will make you even happier. It never ends...the merry-go-round never stops. LOL!!
@Tbg, I must have misunderstood your response. Are you saying that audio system should be above family in life's priorities? That putting my family ahead of my audio system was an over the top reaction?

You have to read the exchanges between myself and Audiolab and put them in their proper context. Audiolab keeps saying he is going to make a couple more tweaks to his system, and then ride off into the sunset, happily ever after at 46 years of age. I am simply telling him that is not so easy to do, and in fact I would probably not have throttled back on my insane spending on audio gear had it not been for a couple of life's hurdles. When you are running blindly, throwing away tens of thousands of dollars at a time at audio gear, money that many of us cannot afford to spend, you have to sit back and question your sanity.

Yes, some of this is fun, when your spending is under control. However, there are many OCD folks in this hobby too, that spend waaaaaay more than they should. At one point my system's value was about half the price of my home. And no, I didn't have secondary homes, boats, planes or big money tied up in other interests either. For many, this hobby does become a pissing contest.

It's wonderful that you still have the enthusiasm and resources to play with this hobby at your age. I highly doubt that you are struggling to make ends meet though.
05-20-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ jmcgrogan2, Are you still in construction mode?

Yeah, and I will be for quite a while. I sent son #3 off on Saturday with his new wheels, he starts his new job today. Then I spent the rest of the weekend tearing down the finished basement and moving son #2's bedroom upstairs. I have to pull down a drop ceiling and some lighting fixtures so that the contractors can replace some bad duct work when they replace the furnace.

At least with everyone at work now, I can play some music again. I even have enough time now, as I await for the contractor to drop by again, to spin some vinyl!! It's been a couple of weeks since I got to listen to some Licorice Pizza!! Spinning all sorts of variety. Cannonball Adderly (Jazz), Joni Mitchell (Folk), Robert Cray (Blues - now playing), with Miles Davis (Jazz) on deck. Yeah baby!!!
This is the title track to his Strong Persuader LP I was listening to yesterday. That's my favorite LP by him, but I have a few. I also like BB King, John Lee Hooker, Junior Wells, Muddy Waters, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Robert Lucas, Albert Collins, just to name a few of my favorite bluesmen.

Here is a song from the most expensive LP I've ever purchased. It was a brand new, sealed MoFi Sound Lab copy that I paid $110 for. It sounds awesome!!!

And damn, This one here is just fun to watch!! LOL!! SRV pimping it out with Johnny Copeland, just a couple of Texas boys jamming the blues!! Check out SRV start to rake at about the 6:50 mark!! Awesome!!
05-21-13: Audiolabyrinth
@ jmcgrogan2, you really know how to use a computer!, I listened to all that you put here!, Thats what I am talking about!, thats my kinda blues buddy!, Can I talk you into sending me some thing?, I hate to be such a begger!, cheers!

I think you may have over-rated my computer skills Keith!! LOL!! If you are asking me to send you something like music, I've never ripped anything in my life. I have had friends send me some kool ripped ceedee's, but I don't really know how to rip from my main rig. I probably could copy some youtube audio, but the sound quality wouldn't sound good on a decent stereo system.

I'm sure that someday I will have to combine my computer and audio system, I hear that computer audio is the wave of the future. All that stuff is greek to me now though. I'm still spinning vinyl and listening to tubes!! LOL!!

Just surf on youtube dude! Play a song, find another off the list on the right, and find some good new music!!
@Waxwaves, nice list!! I was feeling some Allman Brothers Band this morning, spun Eat a Peach, Idlewild South and At Fillmore East. Then later on, I started spinning some Doors out of respect for Ray Manzarek. The Doors, Strange Days and Morrison Hotel.

RIP Ray!! Break on through to the other side!!
05-26-13: Waxwaves
The Kaplan power cable that I am considering is the H.E. II model. John, are you familiar with this one?

Sorry, no, I have not heard any Kaplan power cords or cables. I'm currently running a Acoustic Zen Gargantua II on my CODA amp with good success. Other amp cords that have worked well with amplifiers previously are Elrod EPS-3 Signature and Statement (I currently have a Statement for sale), Fusion Enchanters and Purist Audio Dominus w/ Ferox.

All of those cords are powerful and dynamic with very good to great 3-D soundstaging abilities. The Fusion Enchanter has a tad more high end extension, but at the expensive of some bass weight. The Purist and Elrod cords can drive some serious bass.

As with all cables and cords, some sacrifices must be made at some point. No one product does everything well. You'll have to decide if you want more bass weight or more high end extension.
@Waxwaves, Elrod cords are bargains on today's market. They are older designs, but still sound incredible. In fact I have an Elrod EPS-2 Signature on my Cary SLP-98P preamp. I actually had it on my CDP and the sound was so good that it made me wonder what was wrong with my analog front end. When I figured out it was the power cord, I switched the cord to my preamp, problem solved. Funny thing is, it is my favorite current power cord, but it cost less money than the cord I have on my amp and CDP.

The EPS-2 and 3 Signature were David Elrod entry level cords about a decade ago, listing for $1600. The 2 is for small current devices, preamps, CDP's, etc., while the 3 is for high current applications like the power amp or power conditioner. The Statement line was the top of Elrod's line about a decade ago, listing for $2700. It consisted of the Statement for high current applications and the Statement II for lower current applications. All of these Elrod cords are full-bodied, powerful and dimensional, qualities that I really like.
WARNING: The Statement line is VERY stiff and bulky, the cord I have for sale weighs about 8 pounds!

That said, I prefer these Elrod cords over current cords that sell for $3000 and more. Cords like Nordost Valhalla, Stealth Dream and Purist Audio Canorus, all of which I have owned.

I haven't heard any of the more recent Elrod cords. As with everything else in audio, David has gone way up the price scale. His current cords are selling for $5000 and up.

Here is a couple of reviews.
EPS 2 and 3 Signature AC power cords

Now the positives of the Elrod's: This is by far the best AC cable I have ever had in my system for amplifiers.
05-26-13: Audiolabyrinth
I am so glad I know what I want, and getting very soon!, The Taralabs cobalt A/C power cord, retail $5,000.00 a 6ft cord!, that should do the my cd-player very good!

Kool! Have you listened to this cord, or are you buying it sound unheard? You'll need to get another one for the Krell when it gets back!! LOL!!