Insanely Expensive....and Worth Every Penny

There are many threads which discuss things like "80% of the performance at 20% of the price", how overpriced certain components are compared to others, and how some components fail to hold their value on the used market.

So here is a cheerfully optimistic question:

What component, accessory, set of speakers, or tweak have you purchased - preferably new - that was wildly, insanely expensive, and in your honest opinion really WORTH IT?

Something that was delightful to own, and demonstrably superior to anything less expensive...

(I hope this is not a very short thread.)
1. Jadis JA30 Dual Mono Amplifiers, yet another Jadis nomination ^_^

2. Grand Prix Audio Monaco Stand

i have had the pleasure of living with them for 3 years and counting. they still put a smile on my face everytime i lay eyes on them and when i hear they perform their magic. they are my audio fever pride and joy.
Conrad-johnson MET1, a vacuumtubed, 6-channel preamp. WOW does it ever sound good, and 'only' $7K RR!
Bought my Linn Sondek new in 1984...NO records with it nearly every day.
Linn Sondek is insanely expensive, or for that matter a CJ? I guess in 1970 when I bought Infinity ServoStats for $2100, I thought that was insanely expensive.
The Music First Audio Reference and the MFA Baby Reference along with 2 Halcyonics Silencers. All were very expensive and I think worth EVERY CENT!!! These pieces are a huge part of why I am able to extract the type of sound that makes me want to listen for hour and hours w/o end :)
"Insanely expensive" is all in the eye of the beholder I suppose.

I bought a pair of $6000 Bel Canto REF 1000m amps used for ~ a 40% discount compared to new. THis is the most I have ever spent on a single piece of gear (actually 2 monoblocks).

Given my needs, I would say this was worth it.

I suspect I could have gone with similar amps from Wyred4 SOund for significantly less and gotten much of the performance needed, but decided in this case to not cut corners. Normally, I would upgrade a component more slowly over time to avoid overpaying.
Audiofun, I bought two Halcyonic Micro 4s. Each made a major improvement in my sound, but I could not buy more because of their expense. Later I got a StillPoints Rack and two Component stands. With everything on StillPoints, my sound was much better. Of course I don't know what everything on Halcyonics would have sounded like but I didn't have $33,000 to buy three more.
Tron Syren full function pre-amp.
Given the opportunity I would buy it again.
Now, if I could only afford the Tron 211 amp .....
When I was a boy I thought the Radio Shack receiver I bought for approx. $80 was wildly, insanely expensive; it took all my money and I didn't have speakers! I had to pull a 12" and a 10" full range driver from two console stereos to use as speakers.

It was worth it. :)
Nothing. Never have never will. Expensive is ok if it's worth it, just not insanely. Why bother? You know you'll be sick of it SOONER or later.
Tbg: I would like to hear my gear on a Stillpoints rack someday. I just bought the Bassocontinuo rack system earlier this year and I am very happy with that unit.

Polk432: I hear you but when I buy, I tend to get the best I can afford for my ears and then I stick with it. I have had my MFA Ref for about 2 years now and I have no intentions of getting rid of it, in fact I added the MFA Baby Ref to the stable for the second system. I have a Graaf Modena which I purchase about 4.5 to 5 years ago and in fact had it modded so that bias and DC-offset can be done externally without ever moving the amplifier. When it sounds right, I stick with it. Now digital... as it changes I have moved from a Bidat and Dynastation 2 to MSB to Metrum Octave to AMR in the last 4 years... but honestly at this point my digital has outperformed (DRASTICALLY I might add) two +$40K analog (one using the Monaco TT and the other an Avid Acutus with SME 5 arm and Dynavector XVS1 cart) front ends so even in the digital front I am very stable. Also I have had my Acoustic Reality Thaumaturges for a couple of years and have not heard better, despite listening to the new Bat Rex amps, the Audiovalve Baldur 300 and the Ayon Orthos II's in a family members system.

Some people enjoy rolling new equipment, I don't I like to get the sound I am after and then stop :)
Audiofun, what you are doing is not insane. I like you purchase things that I want to keep. You have expensive taste and that's a good thing. Bybee speaker bullets, Ogden wires, rubber coated bricks, little pebbles, dots on the wall etc. are entirely different. I don't tweek often, but when I do, I prefer single malt Scotch. Stay hammered my friends, and happy listening. The most interesting audiofile in the world.
if a component is insanely expensive, it may disqualify itself from purchase unless the purchaser is insane.
Recently, I bought some insanely expensive midrange drivers and horn (Western Electric driver 713b and 12505 horn). These were in perfect shape and well matched. A few months later, another pair went for a MUCH higher price on ebay (who knows the condition?).

I haven't heard midrange drivers I like better, and they appear to be appreciating in value (they were made some time around 1939, so depreciation due to age is no longer a significant concern). There is the possibility that someone will successfully clone the drivers, but, so far, the other attempts at cloning old Western Electric drivers have not been entirely successful.