In search of a touch of darkness

I am looking for a power cable for my DAC.

Would like a slightly dark sounding Power Cord with rich midrange and tonal density.

Price range 500-850.

Must be flexible.

Any suggestions?

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jasonbourne has got to be the most easily triggered person on this site. By far.

Useless.  Don't know what else to say.  Just looking for others experiences with power cords as I have no plans to rebuild my house or electrical system. There are so many ways to address a problem; there is no need for it to become a personal mission.  The moderators should revoke his access

Actually I think he right on and one interesting member of this forum.  Tons of experience with tons of equipment.  

If there is any flexibility in your flexible request, I would say early Elrods. Only cable I personally know of that will do what you ask.
































I'm not sure what the OP is looking for, but I was able to achieve adjustments in the sonic qualities indicated using changes in tubes, and more important, careful measurement, positioning, and room treatment.

I am guessing that “dark” means to reduce the noise floor. By doing that, you improve the midrange and treble… and reveal more details.

You want a well insulated power cord… and if you don’t have them direct lines. There are some missing posts. But installing direct lines may cost a $1K or a bit more, but well worth it and does the same. You want both. A direct line for components / power conditioner and a separate one for your amp.


I would look at a Cardas Reflection power cord. 

I would need to know the rest of your equipment and venue to say much more. This is a very generic recommendation based on little info. There is a place under your user ID to photos and I’d your components. This is really helpful. And once done, you don’t have to keep repeating it.


I asked a similar question a while back and was told PAD/ Purist Audio Design cables have a darker sound.  I never tried them so can't comment from experience but you might look into their cables.

Warm sounding and one of the best power cables I tried on several different DACs is Audience AU24SE. Darker than that would be Acoustic Zen Gargantua II. Both can be had within the specified price range. 

Here’s a used Acoustic Zen Gargantua II under $600

@mpomerantz Michael, it’s a bit out of your price range, but there’s a Synergistic Research CTS power cable on USAM for $1K. The CTS has exactly what you’re looking for in terms of midrange and tonal density and is dark in character compared to the later Synergistic Research cables that are much more shimmery.

Perhaps you can negotiate the price, seems like the seller has been trying to move it for a while.

Mpomerantz, please let us know what you end up with, and how it works out for you. 

Good luck in your search!