I want to open a store in Hong Kong.

I am planning to move to Asia, where I want to start my own business selling audio equipment from the USA. Has anyone done something like this. If you have experience, give advice. What about licensing of copyright equipment?
  I watched it on tv as people blocked the road and jumped on top of a moving truck. Then the media turns it on the driver like its his fault, well if I seen an angry mob trying to stop me I personally would feel threatened and run them over. I'm not down playing the virus, I am just wondering if our eyes are completely closed about what is happening in this country and across the world. 20 plus yrs in the military and I am seeing the same tactics which I learned, being used on us to control people.

How so did the media blame the driver? Please clarify.
What people controlling tactics that you have learned in the military are being utilized? Please clarify.

Great post. Someone has to say it as it is.
It wont be the mainstream media.

As for the coming vaccine it looks like a question of which one and who should take it. It looks like the UK is going to get a mixture of the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine and the one from Oxford university.

With a 1 in 5 chance of 'complications' (21%) and no long term testing data, those under 70 without any underlying health conditions will need to think hard before getting the jab(s).
I did that, not in HK but in China (Shanghai). Plenty of very nice shop in HK and they know very well how to run their business. Not a good idea imho.
Ask how to run a business you have no knowledge of, on the internet? Oh, and it's not in the USA?

@thecarpathian, I do not wish to get into a political debate on this audio website.  Without getting into detail i know what i seen on the news.   As far as the military.  Put fear into people,  in this case weaponize a virus, make people fight against each other and divide them, which is exactly what has happened.  Make them follow what ever rules you put in place and have their own friends, family or others inforce those rules to the extent of becoming hostile towards each other.  There is so much more thats happening but as I said this is an audio site.  And the only reason for my 2 cents is I seen others here being attacked for voicing there opinion which they are entitled to, just like all of us.  This country has started to attack its own people for having different opinions.  Americans attacking Americans,  now if that is not divide and concur, I don't know what is.  This is what we do in other countries when we want to control people.  But you are entitled to your opinion and I will not attack you for that.  Its your freedom. 
I do not wish to get into a political debate on this audio website.  
And yet, you brought it up and now refuse to hear a counterpoint.

I do value others opinions and would never bash someone for having a different opinion.  At no point did I refuse to hear other opinions.   I do not recall saying keep your opinion to yourself,  though I did say everyone is entitled to their own opinion.   I know that almost sounds the same.  I usually don't say anything on this site and this is exactly why, pointless attacks because people have differences.   I do read many things hear, but I do see constant attacks for zero reason.  Perfect example is class d.  I just pointed out this is probably not the proper place to voice this subject.  I do not refuse to hear others, this is America say whatever you want.   But don't bash others for having a different opinion than yours.  Your interpretation of what i said is completely wrong.  Typical.
You brought up a political point of view and stated you didn’t want a discussion about it. Typical.
I said I do not wish to get into a political debate.  I did not state I wouldn't.   Exactly what is happening today, twisting what others say. Typical
You’re not all there, are you?
You put out BS talking points in a generalized statement and then tell everyone else it's not up for discussion. Are you used to trolling and getting away with it?

All the best,
Well I will say I can identify with your sentiments, and it's sad the complete lack of patience and respect for differing opinions.
I wouldn't criticize that as being political, it's the effects of human behavior.

Landmark Forum discusses this behavior for example:

In the Already Always Listening segment, we visit the notion that while we think of ourselves as open-minded and objective, in fact our approach to ourselves, our circumstances, and others is often filtered and even obscured by pre-existing notions and ideas – by our upbringing, our values, our past experiences.

In this session, we see those filters for what they are – an all-pervasive influence that profoundly colors our relationships with people, circumstances, and even ourselves. An awareness of these filters, and a recognition of the striking limits that they impose, allows for a refreshing freedom. People, situations, and our approach to life alter dramatically.

You're covering psychology territory, that would be my assessment.

«Small intelligence discriminates, greater intelligence encompasses» - traditional saying

It is useless to argue by opposing points of view, it is useful to integrate the different points of view in a larger perspective ....

It is where good faith and common values play a decisive role,
The loss of common values is the tragedy of our time ...

My grain of salt....
Good story nonoise,  keep telling yourself that.  This is exactly what is happening in this country today and when people try to attempt to bring any type of decision, it is met with artificial comments, bashing, insults and disrespect.  I do not put out bs, only facts and you are completely welcomed to disagree.  Since this pandemic i have never stopped working and come in contact with many people.  I always talk openly with others and listen to their experiences.  I do not base my knowledge on cnn or fox, I think the media as a whole has their own agenda.  95 percent of what I say is from what I see on my interaction with the public.  5 percent is tv, the truck driver was from the news, I followed up with internet research and then called a friend of mine who lives in the area to confirm.  Maybe I'm not all there for listening to what others are experiencing.   I guess I could just watch the media for all the facts. Lol.  I guess I am talking about it.  Nothing states I am blocking anyone from their own personal opinions.  I will sit here and wait patiently for your next insult.
Post removed 
"...this is America say whatever you want."

You are aware that not everyone participating is from American continent and that topic of this thread is about Hong Kong?