I want to be moved and have the music touch my soul!

Hello all.
To start here's my system:  Harbeth Compact 7es-3 speakers with DIY 10" subs. JL Audio CR-1 crossover. Rotel RB 981 power amp for the subs. Ayre KX5mp pre amp. SMC Audio DNA1 Gold power amp. Cardas reference neutral interconnects. Kimber 8Tc speaker cables. Oppo BD105 player. 

The system sounds great but it does not move me. I want the music to touch touch my soul. I have been through many different speakers in the past 4 years but I like the Harbeths the most. I feel bored when I'm listening. I'm not sure what to do other than spend more money. Any help?
Thanks in advance.
Agree with leemaze. And I think this relates to mood. Sometimes you have to be in the mood in order to be moved. Sometimes you have to have the right setting to be in the mood.

Others have recommended chemicals. I've never used the chemical they were referring to. Not moralizing, my chemical of choice is probably far more dangerous, I just don't need another bad habit. But, I find that a little Scotch or whatever it is you like can help with the mood. I think it depends on the individual's response to alcohol. If it works the other way, by all means avoid it. I find that too much alcohol is detrimental.

Not suggesting the OP develop a bad habit, just saying, get in the mood. Relax. Stop listening to your speakers. Stop analyzing.

Another thing to consider trying. Think of specific music that has moved you in the past whether it is tapping your foot, dancing, crying, escaping/drifting away or goosebumps. Write them down in a list. Organize them by the effect they have on you. Then set the mood, however you have to do it, make sure your cousin is nowhere around, sit down and listen.

If you sit down to make that list and can't.....then you need to listen to more music and fewer systems.
I think I found it! Ran the oppo directly to the SMC power amp like I was doing before I bought the Ayre. Zero noise floor. Superb detail. I can hear the rooms and reverbs again. I love it. Magical. 

Psycho Audio Man out.
maghister nailed it

another area is your cd transport. Get Machina Dynamica New Dark Matter to absorb laser scatter inside your transport. It’s a BIG deal, as is his isolation springs

Also, I have a 105; go to ebay and get replacement incoming wire loom with Furutech rhodium IEC AND upgrade your power supply. I got the < $120 version. This combo put a lot more meat on the bone, fuzz on the peach...

and yes, room correction as well as subwoofer placement . See YTVs with’ Acoustic Fields’. His subwoofer placement ideas are radical, but they work!

WireWorld Cables new 8 series are huge. and offer in home trial

If you haven't time to go all XLR; good place to start is 105 to amp

After doing some of these things dust off some of those audiophile discs. you may like them now

I have been waiting for the Machina Dynamica buy one get one (BOGO) free sale, when I intend to purchase "The Mind Lamp from Psyleron" and "The Ultra Signature Version of the Clever Little Clock".  I have been told by a golden eared audiophile whose ears I trust that their impact when used together is cumulative. Of course that audiophiles initials are GK. 
Is this stuff for real? It’s as real as a colonoscopy without benefit of anesthesia.
I wonder why I now have to log in to respond?  Never had to do this before.

Based on the discussion, I think you might want to wait and save up for some high quality audiophile speakers.  I would definitely look at the SALK line.  The Song3 Encore's are incredible.  You won't find better for $6,000.  If you have to save up for 2 years, it will be worth the wait and if you plan to move wait to then anyway.
Yes, more money and equipment will fix not being moved by music just like it fixes all other problems.
Have you ever heard a system that did move you?  The Harbeth's are great but "forgiving" I would move to Cardas Clear if you are staying in that cable family.  I don't know the amp but if it is considered "neutral" or "rich"  I would look at the matching Ayre amp.  Don't buy anything without a dealer committed to making your system emotionally involving for you and when it is there, write the check.  
Drink alcohol. There is a shop that I went to that has a $500,000 system on display. It sounds great, but it doesn't sound $475,000 better than my system. Instead of constantly tossing thousands into your system, fill your house with SONOS and have sound everywhere. Take a road trip across America. Get off the Interstates. Drink alcohol.
Try Bette Middler, Wind beneath my wings, if that doesn’t work it must be your system
i have the new Rega Brio integrated and RS1 speakers. using a NAD D1050. works for me. not the most resolving but very musical.  use to spend thousands on gear, but now just enjoy the music and not the system.
And try some Yello
if they don’t move you, you or your system or both of you need a new heart 💜 
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"I feel bored when I'm listening."

I felt that way too when I had the  Harbeth Compact 7es-3 speakers. I changed speakers.
i can highly recommend a Tube Preamp like Audible Illusions L3A and either a solid state or Tube Amp. i used a ARC VT-50 with mine. class A pre-amps with separate power supplies coupled with a separate tube amp produces a very engaging listen. having said that a good solid state integrated with a class A pre-amp section with a separate power supply for each section would also be a good listen. i find the most engaging sound is a product of good timing. timing is a big deal. also power supplies make a huge difference. you may also consider dedicated A/C lines running into you listening room. any qualified electrician can handle this. i use separate. one line for the front end and a separate dedicate line for the amplifiers. clean power makes a noticeable difference. btw, your Harbeths are very good.  keep them.
I had an Audible Illusions L1 and the Ayre is better to me. Better than a Parasound JC2 too. It's been a couple of days and no preamp still sounds better. 
Hmm... have you tried horn speakers? CNET’s Steve Guttenberg has been on a horn kick the last few months and feels that horn speakers somehow feel more alive, more visceral; more real: http://youtu.be/txRsNmMGWZo
Soul =a feeling;anyone that thinks you have to spend money for it is a sick puppy and has never felt it...Feelings are free and to be moved by music should not be a hard.  With the spoken word,lyrics ,one should be able to relate,with no lyrics there is a vibration,as Van Morrison said ,you breath in, you breath out.   A music system does not give you soul,it is a mindset.  The better the "system" just= gives you more nuances ,just as better optics can do.  I f you really want to feel you have to be able to give,give thanks.  Mother Nature has power,children can put a smile on your face. Soul,power to give: open up,Flow,feel,again it is vibrations,to be touched and thankful that you can feel and be thankful you can give.   Music is food for the Soul,music is not about equipment,soul is a feeling.     If ones thinks the higher the price the bigger the soul,or the closer you can get to true satisfaction,you miss the point.  Barking up the wrong tree....Appreciation of all living things is a soulful beginning,apprecation of music only come through vibrations,the more you like the music the more it should "touch" you and when get Really touched it enters your soul because it ,the music has made a connection,The connection =something you can relate to,your feelings!
This is hilarious.  I’m laughing at you guys right along with the OP. 

This is what’s needed here:

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Reading your post makes me think that you may more like a warmer sound that you do not find my your system.
I’m curious.  When you take the crossover out of the system, do you notice any change in transparency when you take out the crossover for the sub?  I have yet to use a crossover that didnt affect transparency.  
The crossover is out and so if the Ayre pre. It made a huge difference. Oppo direct to SMC power amp.
If I can can summarize - tubes, LPs, classic recordings.  Sounds great to me.  That is what I do, and I am in heaven.  EXCEPT when I messed up the MC & MM inputs when setting up the system.. :)  Took me a bit of time to figure out why Big Bill Broonzy's 1958 recording sounded so awful.
So it sounds like you thought the crossover was deleterious. Is that correct? It allows seamless integration with subs, but at a price. Correct?
I would sell all the components except Oppo player and add Linear Tube Audio microZOTL integrated amp (yes, it's only 1Wpc), and Teresonic single driver speakers (yes, with 100dB sensitivity they will sing with 1W). This set up eliminates a lot of 'stuff' such as cables, output transformers, speaker crossovers... and free the music to allow it to shine through with life. To gain further improvement in sound add a good DAC such as Berkeley Audio Alpha between Oppo and the amp. 
If I were you, I'd add a good DAC. Keep the Oppo and use it as a CD transport and your DVD player. A good stand alone DAC will be a big improvement over the Oppo by itself. Some of the DAC's that I see most frequently mentioned in these forums are: 

Auralic "Vega", Mytek "Brooklyn" and the PS Audio "Direct Stream Jr or Sr."

As for the digital cable, if all your cables already match then "keep it in the family." If you've got a ,mixture of cable/interconnect brands, then God help you in that search!

Good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for (and without too much effort or frustration).

Honashagen, I know exactly what you're talking about; I mean what's the point if you're just going to listen to music and not be moved, and I mean by your rig and the playback.

I have never been moved by a SS pre, regardless of the price; can you think tubes?

I did tubes. Prima Luna Prologue Premium and Audible Illusions L1. Not the same punch as the SMC DNA1 Gold power amp.
An Oppo direct to anything is sub optimal...just sayin’!  Dr give you an RX for this disease yet Honeshagen?

Hanashagen, I'm glad you added that, ironically, I have both of those. Musical preferences are very important in regard to SS or tubes.

There is one area that people neglect because they don't realize what a difference it can make and how important it is, and that's "Room treatment".
Honashagen has it right. I have an Oppo 105D and it sounds fanstasic with the right equipment.  I have a Hegel H360 and Raidho XT-2's.  With good recordings, it sounds like the musicians are in the room with me.  Ansuz cables.
Hi Ben,

You may want to take a look at your power delivery. It's the most overlooked and most important part of an audio set up. Ideally one should budgeted 25-30% percent towards cabling and power delivery. When components do not get enough power they are not operating at their fullest potential. 50% at best. Stock chords will not suffice. 

Adding a good power delivery system to your system is like adding another component / or power amp. What a good power delivery set up will add to your system is - what you are seeking -
holographic sound stage, texture, detail, clean tight bass. Enhanced Imagery along your systems entire frequency range. 

Its the most un-sexy, unseen part of the system. It took me a long time to appreciate this fact. I had to be shown - But once I embraced it I never looked back. If you weigh the amount you have put into the changes you have made to your system vs the amount you have invested in your power delivery you may find its at least worth investigating the investment.

There are those who do not believe in this aspect, which is why I implore you to make your own analysis. Its not going to be cheap, but can be strategically achieved over time. 

No matter what you decide good luck.
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As Bob Dylan says at the end of every song, good luck! Getting to the soul of the music, being entertained by the music, being touched by the music, feeling integrated with the music, whatever you want to call it, is something that transcends electronics and speakers and cables and even room treatments and vibration isolation. It is the Great Unknown, the Unimaginable, the Upspeakable, the Final Frontier, Xanadu. It’s all very hush, hush. But I can say no more than that. Music soothes the savage breast.

“If I could explain it to the average person they wouldn’t have given me the Nobel prize.”
Heard a system in a home today with B&W802 D2 speakers. Gave me goose bumps several times. Very open and detailed top end. Bright on some stuff. Boxy sounding mid bass. Probably the room. 3D soundstage. Intoxicating. Orchestra lush and beautiful. His electronics were less than mine. Don't have the money or space for them. Crap.
Ben, Your system is all quite tuned in to making good music. I have those Harbeths as well. Best speakers I have had to date.. Although I think a big part of this for many (including myself) is that the search for soul moving is not going to come from the music.. Not really.. Its going to come on the inside. And no one throughout history has really been able to be moved all the time. Moments of soul moving come on from time to time but nothing is permanent grasshopper. All is an illusion. So get that bong out and get yourself in a different mood.. Step out of what you have been listening to and check out KFJC 89.7 online for some music that does not follow the mainstream. Find what you like and you can always buy it. Bandcamp is a good online source for tons of very different music It’s not one of the sites that you have to pay premium $ . They do have lossless,,etc. My sense is the stuff you pay premium for will not be "new music" but standards that they know they can sell a lot of. I’m sure there must be exceptions though and those sites may have "alternative/ambient" There are many different genre’s of shows that air on that station and you may have to search for the type of show you want but there are some really good ones. Tues & Wes night 7 pm Cali time. Sun morning 9a Cali time. Many others that go into alternative genre.. Have no idea what you like but that station will likely have a time slot of it. They dont really do classical nor hip hop or rap for the most part. Glad of that for no rap or hip hop but could use more classical of the non dark horse variety.. The station has been my back up for when Im not playing vinyl or cd’s.. They have gotten more into a version of metal which doesnt appeal to me these days ..but lots of other stuff .. This is a non profit station based in Los Altos Hills, CA..
you can use something like jriver media center or foobar2000 to ron audio through the freqshifter filter
That reminds me of when I had new muffler bearings and knutne rods installed on my car.