I lied to my wife about the price of Stax 009S headphone

My wife is the youngest of my mom in law who is 88 years old.

Recently my wife is staying with her mom to take care  expecting her mom can live just one more year or so.

Thus I am having happy life playing music loud even during midnight.

My house is seated on 2 acre lot so that my neighbors does not get bothered unless windows open wide.

My wife dropped at home yesterday ( She drop once a week to clean the messy kitchen while she is away.  She is an angel Ha ha).

She happened to see my new headphone of Stax 009S headphone and asked its price.

I could tell her the real value ( new price 4,500$ and I got 4 months used one for 3,200$).

I did not mean to deceive her but answered it costs me 1,500$ by chance.

Then she had listened to K-Pop using both  Stax 009S headphone driven by Carbon amplifier and Massdrop  Empire Zeus IEM( I told her the real value as 1,000$ No lie here Hehe).

The source was  Cocktail Audio X30 music server feeding  Chord Dave and Mscaler ( I did not tell her how much Chord Dave and Mscaler cost, if she find out, I may have to buy her diamond necklace)

On first few songs, she prefer  Empire Zeus IEM  to  Stax 009S headphone on lively sound of the former.

But after listening few more songs, she expressed that  Stax 009S headphone sounds more natural than  Empire Zeus IEM .

Whew if I had told her that I had spent 3200$ on headphone, I may have to go out to buy her something like expensive bag or clothing.

Reality is I had also spent additional 3300$ on  KGSSHV Carbon headphone amplifier.

How many of your audiophile had lied to your wife or girlfriend about the cost of audio components?

I guess 98% from my 41 years of audio history.

shkong78 refers to his spouse as ‘angel wife’ yet he feels no shame or remorse lying to her.

As previously quoted by @axeis1 “It’s not what you have, it’s what you are that matters”.
jeffkait: You reply got me laughing -and quickly. Thank you ! I needed that.

16,333 posts
07-15-2019 9:33am
" ..It depends on the situation. Usually it’s best to knock off at least one zero. Your results may vary."

Too funny ...

lalitk: Loosen up. It's clear the poster and wife are not struggling folk. In fact it appears their quite well-to-do. Don't disparage OP for sharing what thousands of audiophile (must? -lol) regularly share/discuss with spouse concerning luxury expenditures.

And, I'll go on to say that the 'wife' not only knows exactly the price (of his hi-fi toy's) but is also harboring her own lavish expenditures; that's the really funny part !

+1 Wolf_Garcia, Lalitk, Axeis1, and others who have expressed similar sentiments. Although IMO many of the comments in this thread border on a fine line separating what I would consider to be acceptable light-hearted banter from crassness and being unacceptably sexist. And IMO, FWIW, the OP's posts in particular do not step over that line, while some others certainly do.

Also, I would speculate that there is a high degree of correlation between having respectful and empathetic attitudes toward women, and being in a marriage that does not result in one feeling a need to lie.

-- Al

RE:  shkong78 refers to his spouse as ‘angel wife’ yet he feels no shame or remorse lying to her.
As previously quoted by @axeis1 “It’s not what you have, it’s what you are that matters”.

Are you guys for real ? ... "Holy'er-than-Thou" ? Give it a rest.

To OP -thanks for sharing,


Uhhh think this is all a little tongue in cheek of course but if what your lying about doesn’t wear lipstick than it really doesn’t matter much.What you might or kick around with your priest,rabbi or pals is if your really intend to buy $300K speakers.I know first world  world problem on’s first world forum
for a first world hobby and most of us aren’t St.Francis of Assisi,that
but  think you might get better bang for your buck spending oh100K on speakers endowing a music school on the continent of your choice.Who knows what it could produce?Just sayin’
Cheers in any case

I got the Sennheiser HE-1 three weeks ago and it looks so innocent closed that it hasn’t been spoken about. My wife’s lovely but I don’t think she’d understand this one!

Wow you got  Sennheiser HE-1.


Then it must be hard to tell its price to your wife.
I never lie to her for the price because all my audio system is used, vintage, or low cost... (600 bucks for the dac+amp+speakers +2 headphones) I pay more for all the stones and crystals I used to clean my audio grid than for the audio system...All my other tweaks cost me peanuts... But I can tell you that my system sound is TOTL and I am very proud of that because I make it so myself...By the way she hates my multiple stones and minerals purchase (more than 1000 bucks paid) but when she listen to the sound of my tweaked system she is amazed and  she dont listen music normally...
Audiophiles not only have a great lack of knowledge and common sense, they seem to be devoid of character  also.   All in all, not a very attractive bunch.

As a person of Asian descent it always makes me cringe when I see fellow Asians bragging. Unfortunately I see it a lot. Makes me sad for them.
Post removed 
Bragging about telling a lie or having that personality trait shows lack of character. Learning how to share your interests with your wife in a way that helps them see the import of your hobby is an ability that should be aspired to. I had to go through this very situation this past year and though she became more empathetic to my cause, it wasn't a 100% win for me. But it certainly was a win in that I never have to worry about whether I am caught in my lie. I sleep at night. And I really enjoy my new rig.

For those of you just having fun with this thread, enjoy.
I triple the price. She objects. By the time I tell her the truth, she is relieved. 
almarg: What ?

" ....Also, I would speculate that there is a high degree of correlation between having respectful and empathetic attitudes toward women,.."

This is a hi-fi blog -please keep your personal sexist comments to yourself: "Man likes women", Woman hates men" etc. Give it a rest,

chazbo: That's governments job; redistributing wealth, no ?

Does our government NOT collect billions of dollars in taxes, fee's sale taxes, fuel taxes, booze tax, road-toll fee's along with a shitload of other money-grabbing techniques/scams ?

Imagine that.

Just say'in,

please keep your personal sexist comments to yourself

@allhifi, you may have misread my comment.  It was intended to be the diametric opposite of sexist.  Reading my post as a whole, and taking into account the comments by others to whom I gave a +1 in that post, should have made that clear.

-- Al


From the tone of your posts, one could make a good argument for suggesting that it might be yourself who should
 " give it a rest"

Just sayin' .......
😂 This thread 😂 
I’m crying lol, so many downright crooked opinions expressed regarding spouses...
But then with a single new post, the morality of the thread is redeemed! 

I’m not married, so I’ll sit my opinions out on this one

My ex wife thought everything was $500........   girlfriend doesn't care, although she thought $500 was silly for headphones...until she put them on
I should ad that most if not all of my audio gear is and was always paid for by selling, bartering, trading, side money.... i never charged one item and never pulled money out of family savings to fund hobby.   Now I'm single,  but I still try to be diciplined and will only buy with cash, never credit.
Just to report after a very bad experience with HIFIMAN ear buds (after 250 hours they still sounded like 💩) I’m now a happy camper 🏕 with my vintage SONY MDR-v700 headphones. All I can say is Wow, Wow, Wow.

Cash calms many qualms. - Old audiophile axiom

My wife told me that if I came home with one more record, or one more piece of audio equipment, she would leave me. I sort of miss her sometimes.
It appears there's quite a variety of buying gear approaches adopted by the various dissolute members of the audiophile tribal communities.

@jnovak , now there's an understanding woman with her priorities the right way round!

My wife also wouldn't stop me buying more Hi-Fi but she will remind me to ask myself whether I really do need another pair of loudspeakers and where did I intend to place them?

I'm not in a position to disagree with her reasoning. Not with a main system based around large Tannoy DCs and a sweet sounding micro/midi system in almost every room!

In any case when buy stuff I start by saying "I saved £** and I can always sell it on without too much of a loss," thereby avoiding lying and hopefully sidestepping awkward questions centering around priorities and necessities.. 
All though I take a small audio allowance each month that is mine to spend as I see fit,I ALWAYS tell my wife when I am expecting a new piece of gear,and I also tell her how much I spent.  She tells me that if I die tomorrow,she's not going to pay off my PayPal,and ruin my credit!