As for only one side having tariffs, that’s nonsense. The average tariff in the EU on US goods is around 1.97% with the weighted average around 1.34%. The average US tariff on imported goods from anywhere was 1.61% so it was tit for tat and nothing to write home about, until Rump came to town.
In his first term, he cost Americans consumers more than $51 Billion with his tariff games. The cost of bailing out our farmers from his trade war with China was 92% of all the tariffs he put on China. Tariffs we paid, not China. We won nothing. It’s going to cost us a lot more this time. He’s losing approval faster than Tesla stock so now he’s ordering US car companies to pay the tariff taxes that we’d have to pay so we won’t feel the pain. That sounds very Stalinist, doesn’t it? Price controls, favoritism and no free markets.
All the best,