If tariffs remain, and it looks like they will, as pointed out electronic equipment will (is?) get(ing) more expensive and that includes equipment from American companies.
I am in a good place as I have a nice collection of quality equipment. One thing I will watch is used equipment prices as that would likely rise as well. I would be tempted to sell my very large, well built amplifiers such as Luxman and Bryston products. I'm getting older and it's harder to lift those heavy beasts. As well, I am quite impressed with the small chip amps. So a cheap Chinese chip amp, even with a hefty tariff still isn't too bad to contemplate.
Don't get me wrong, I hate the tariff proclamations and don't want to go back to 1950 or the gilded age whenever America was perceived as being great. I think small well defined tariffs would be okay, but the sledge hammer approach is ridiculous.