I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment.

I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. What is your solution?

Yes I am serious and this will work. Much talk has been created about sitting down and enjoying the music... finally. Even more discussions about the ever ending quest for better gear vs just enjoying the gear you now own.

So that's what I will do. I am not buying new gear. I will enjoy the music now.


My solution was to purchase my Canadian made Anthem STR Preamp from a US dealer trade-in stock.  Works great!

I see a lot of post that say buy US-made and all your problems will be solved. One only needs to look at when the Soviet Union closed ranks and created an iron curtain. How one could think that the same thing would not happen in the US is a complete fool. how many of us on this site Chase after Soviet era Hifi gear? Iron curtain products were crap. Why do you think they were so excited when they got a pair of Levi’s? So yes, it will be American made, but without any competition…

I have written these three words before, “pain and suffering”. I think to a higher or lesser degree we will all experience this. For myself I know I can mitigate this by being content with my gear, my house , my family and my own peace away from the madness. We are here now. It does not matter who you voted for, this is the situation you find yourself in. I feel bad for farmers and their families and many others caught in the net. For the music listening experience I can find some peace…for now. I had mentioned before that in the 80’s while a young American serviceman I was asked by some German friends why Americans are so ignorant about world affairs, their own history and the political landscape and I was naive and offended by these questions. Now all these years later I realize they were right. Americans are not engaged and that’s why they get led around like dumb sheep. Germans learned the hard way that if they don’t pay attention a madman will take over.

Last year was my purchase/downsizing year.  Didn't have to buy better speakers but started looking at options domestically as well as abroad including some hard to find ones here in the States.

So not everything was readily available but I had a short list of possibilities I whittled down.  Almost chose a Fritz but a speaker came up out of the blue from a brand I didn't know existed and the birch plywood box (not Closer) sealed the deal and they perform as reviews stated.

There's a few products I would like to try be it amp, dac, speaker but standing pat and not chasing gear at the moment.  Perhaps if something comes up used at a great discount, then perhaps. 

Now trying to sell the gear the new ones replaced and I think alot of people are standing pat too.  Slower market, new or used.