How to pronounce SACD?

It stands for Super Audio Compact Disc, but is it pronounced: 1. SAK, 2. S-A-C-D, 3. SAKed, 4. or what?
Actually, it is pronounced sahz-dee, (rhymes with "oz" - "flea") with the emphasis on the second syllable. Audiophiles and engineers truly in the know will respect you for getting this right. Thank you for raising this little known issue.
I always thought that it was "sacked" like the one in Tobacco Road if is croaks.
Allways ask for it like S-A-C-D. Do NOT say SAK-ED, they consider that a paraphanailia so they will ask you to leave.
Tmartinjr: After your last comment, I certainly hope you don't need anything else. I, for one, would not advise you on which end of a soldering iron to hold.
I did not write the above comment, "fu*#@#+!!!!". I did start the thread, and I think I got the answer.
Post removed 
Why?  WHY??? 

Questions like this and the responses often make life unbearable!
sfseay447 posts10-27-2021 11:25am
Sfseay, how do you pronounce your moniker? Is it Ess Eff See Ya? or Sussfuss Eeya?

Don't, this sort of thread only excites one "babble speak person", and we all know who that is.

"This thread has be closed"