How international is your system?

I just realized that each of my components is from a different country (and they all seemingly get along fine!).

Wondering how international other people's systems are. Mine:

Scotland (turntable and cartridge)
Canada (phono pre)
England (CDP and tape deck)
New Zealand (integrated amp)
France (speakers)
Holland (ICs)
US (cables, cords)
Speakers, DAC: USA
Amp: Denmark
Turntable, preamp: England
CD player, cassette: Japan
Subwoofer: Wales
Readster, my (not high end) CD Player was manufactured in China. To the best of my understanding, everything else in my system was manufactured or at the very least assembled in the specified country--though I could not confirm manufacturing location for the AudioQuest cables--anyone know?
Integrated amp: YBA France, MC amp: PS US, speakers: Acoustat US, Turntable: Oracle Canada, Tonearm: Magnepan US, Cartridge: Sumiko Japan, CDP: Teac China, ICs: homemade/Monster Canada, US, Tweaks: Canada. No China here except for the CDP.
amazing, but none of the listed items seem to be made in taiwan, china, malaysia, etc. Actually, the countries that most of you guys list, maybe where the product companies are located, but i think if you research it a little, most of these products are made in china.
it's not it's 100% American except for the tubes which are Russian made Svetlana's

England--turntable, arm
Slovak Republic--preamp, tubes
USA--amp, cables, speakers, record cleaning machine, headphones
UK - Turntable + arm
Holland - cartridge + cables
Canada - preamp
France - cd-transport + dac
USA - monoblocks + powertreatment + cables
Italy - speakers + subwoofer
Japan - tuner + headphones
Is anyone into Chinese stuff?
TT Scottish
2nd TT French
Arm Japanese/Scottish
Cartridges Mexican/USA/Japanese
Cassettes Decks Japanese
SVHS/VHS Japanese
Universal Player Japanese
DVD player 2 China/Taiwan
DVD player/recorder Dutch
Tuner USA
2nd Tuner Japanese
3rd Tuner USA
Integrated British
other Amplifiers USA
Speakers Australian
Speakers 2 Canadian
Subwoofer USA
Wires most likely USA and China
Power USA (China?)
Speakers: SAP J2001 (twin)-- Italian
Amp: Custom made -- USA
Preamp: Levinson Ref No. 32 -- USA
Turntable/tonearm: Basis Debut (vacuum)/Vector Arm -- USA
Cartridge: Lyra Titan -- Japan
CD Player: Naim CDS3 -- UK
Tuner: Magnum Dynalab Etude -- Canadian
Cables: Various -- USA
Line Conditioner: Shunyata Hydra -- USA
Surround Processor: Yamaha -- Japan
Surround Speakers: KEF -- UK
Amp and preamp: Canada
CDP: England
Speakers: America
IC's: America
PC's: America
Isolation: America
Power: America
cartridge: Japan
turntable: USA
phono stage: USA
preamp: USA
CD transport: Japan/USA
amps: USA/Taiwan
speakers: USA
cabling: USA
line filtering: USA

Hmm, not very.
Cpdunn99, important thing is it makes music together. All the pieces were selected on their individual merits. This last upgrade was by far the most expensive more me, and I can safely say it was worth it. :-)
Amp: Canada
CDP: Canada
Speakers: USA
Cables: USA

From Japan the best I have is kitchen cutlery, but those knives are exceptional!
Just upgraded my spks, so my system is now more European :

Japan CEC TL2
UK Meridien 566DAC
Singapore Diva Pre/power amp
US Herron Audio VTPH1mc
France Cabasse Baltic II/Thor II Artic
Slovenia Kuzma Stabi
Germany Schroeder model 2
NZ Dynavector Te Kaitora
Amp: Taiwan, English design (or so they say.....)
Phono-pre: see above
Turntable: Switzerland
Arm: USA
Cartridge: Denmark (guess what?)
Speakers: UK
CD: Japan
Tuner: Japan
Cassette: Japan
And then there are some various bits and pieces from all over the world. Considering the state of the world today it's some sort of miracle that it produces music at all.....
Cloudgif... yes, I'm sure you're right! It's like the so-called European Airbus airliners that are actually composed of parts, including US engines, from all over the world (Korean fuselage, so I'm told). Same with our cars, I'm sure.
American speakers
Japanese CDP
Afghan receiver.

I don't know where the receiver was made, but it seems to be third world!
Turntable - Italy
Tonearm - Britain
Cartridge - Switzerland
Phono & Pre - USA
Amps - Germany
Speakers - USA
Cables - USA & Germany
It is fascinating that we all seem to have one or another bias.

My bias is not not a "conscious" factor in selection of gear but appears to lean heavily towards (North) American and English speaking with counterpoint from Germany and Japan.

If we started checking the countries of assembly of components and of origin of individual electronic parts, inside of our gear, I bet we would see heavy representation of Taiwan, China, Mexico.

Speakers: Canada
Amps: Great Britain
Preamp: USA
Phono preamp: USA
FM Tuner: USA
Turntable: Japan
Cartridge: Germany
CD Player: Japan
Amp: American
Preamp: American
Phono: American
Cables: American
Turntable: American
Speakers: American
Stands: American
Isolation Devices: American
Cartridge: Japan
CD player: Japan
All American except:
Cartridge - Japan
CDP - British
Tuner - British
Headphone Amp - British
Headphones - German
Amp: Canadian (Blue Circle CS Integrated)
CD Player: British (Roksan Kandy)
Cables: American (Straightwire Stage and MAS Grey)
Stands: Canadian (Energy)
Speakers: Canadian (Axiom M3ti)
power amp: American
pre: British
cables: American
cdp: British
Speakrers: American
DVD/SACD: Japanese
Headphone: German

Me : Polish :)
How about :
Japan CEC TL2
UK Meridien 566DAC
Singapore Diva Pre/power amp
US Vandersteen 2CE Sig & Herron Audio VTPH1mc
Slovenia Kuzma Stabi
Germany Schroeder model 2
NZ Dynavector Te Kaitora
Interesting..I thought the best speakers are British. I better pay some attention the the French. Hey folks, what French speakers do you own....balanced opinions are welcome.

Okay, lets see.......

Amp: american (McIntosh)
CD Player: Fench (Audio Aero)
Speakers: Originally (I think) american, but lots of Italien Referances (Acoustat)
Receiver:American(Vintage Fisher)
DVD Player:Japanese...I think(Marantz)
Home Theatre Projector...American(?) Dukane
Satellite Receiver...I dunno:Dishnetwork sent it to me.....
cdp - Netherlands/Japan, UK
amplifier - UK and New Zealand
Turntable - UK
Cartridge - Denmark and UK
Speakers - Canadian and UK
Cables - US, UK, Germany
DVD - Netherlands
TV - Netherlands
Preamp - UK
Headphones - Germany and Netherlands
Tape Deck - Japan
Picking up on what someone above said about cars, it seems that audio gear is much more "international" than just about any other consumer products. Of course, if we looked at the "Made In..." fine print, we might come to a different conclusion.
In my first post, I forgot to include my office system, which has a rather different flavor than the home system. Here's the office system:
Source: Japan (TEAC Reference CD player)
Amplification: Norway (Tandberg Troll integrated)
Speakers: Australia (Krix Equinox)
Tuner: Japan (Sansui analog)
Interconnects and speaker cable: U.S.
Speakers - Austria
Subwoofers - Denmark
Preamplifier - Denmark
Amplfiers - USA
Cables - DIY from components made in USA
AC Cords - American

IC's - American

Conditioner - American

Int. Amp - American

CDP - China/Canada

Tuner - Japan

Wires- Scandinavian/American

Drivers - Scandinavian

X-Overs - American

Where is MDF Grown?

Stands - 'Mercan Steel + Sand

Rack - 'Mercan Steel/Canadian Maple

Tweeks - American/Japanese/American
Phono Step-up Transformer
All Cables
Speaker Cabinets

Speaker Drivers

Here goes ... using "country" as country of manufacture ...

System #1: Amp (UK); SACD (Japan); Speakers (USA); Tuner/Vintage Receiver (Japan); Cables (USA).

System #2: Amp (China); CDP (Japan); Tuner (China); DVD (Japan); TV (Indonesia); Speakers (USA); Cables (USA).

System #3: Vintage Receiver (Japan); CDP (China); Speakers (USA); Cables (USA).

Amazing how much equipment is coming out of China.

Regards, Rich
Wierd, everything BUT the electronics is U.S.: (cables, 5 speakers, stands, tweaks, cones, shelves, power conditioning, power cords, etc.).

ALL the electronics, however, are from abroad:
CDPs: UK and Japan a la Dutch
Pre: New Zealand
Amp: Canada
DVD and HT Receiver: Japan
Cans: Germany

I guess, in honesty, I must confess a US headphone amp and two "backup" preamps (really aught to sell those) -- so there's 'Merkin made electronics about, just not seeing active duty.
Decidedly European with international flavour added to taste...

Turntable - mothballed : (
CD Transport - French
DAC - French
Universal Player - Japanese (tweaked by a Californian)
PreAmp - English
PowerAmp - English
Speakers - English
All Cables - American
Tweaks - American
Rack - Danish
Granite Slabs - Indian
Software - from all over the world
Room - currently in Singapore !
Interesting post and responses. Mine are

1. Japan (Cartridge; SACD player)

2. Sweden (CD transport)

3. France (preamp)

4. UK (upsampler, tape deck, some tubes)

5. US (turntable, arm, phono stage, DAC, mods to SACD player, tuner, amps, speakers, most cables, power conditioning, isolation tweaks)

6. Netherlands (Siltech cables, some tubes)

7. Germany (tubes)
Cartridge - Germany
Turntable - Germany (Under Swiss license)
CD Player - USA
Tuner - Japan
Tapedeck - Japan
PreAmp - USA
Amp - USA
Speakers - UK
Cables - USA & UK
Receiver (2nd system) - Japan
CD Player - (2nd system) - USA
Speakers - (2nd system) - Canada
is my system politically correct? hardly, origin countries sound suspiciously like a coalition force! nevertheless, I love how it sounds...

England-CD Player
American-Speakers & Cable
Turntable - UK
Tonearm - UK
Cart. - Japan
CD- California
Pre - Virginia
Amp - Virginia
Cables - Michigan
Tuner - Ontario, Canada
Speakers - France
mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, neptune, uranus & pluto, not counting on the minor bits from various moons.

Speakers: French
Amp: French
Cables: USA
Turntable: British
CD Player: Dutch
SACD Player: Dutch I think (Phillips)
DVD-A Player: Japan