How important is customer service in your decision to pick an audio product (company)?

I have had a fair share of audio components. Some have been used, some new. I had noticed there is a wide variety of levels of customer service across the board. What I mean to say is that some companies have offered exemplary customer communication and support. Others have offered poor customer service. Still others have just lied about the products they offer and the problems a product has had.

So now I am very wary of this from the start. The question which I pose is this. "How important is customer service or warranty in your decison to pick an audio product or company?

My decision usually goes like this. I like the ABC company's speaker, the "XYZ" model.
I research this product and if I find positive reviews AND it does not have too many problems AND looks to offer good customer service I can move forward to buy it.

So it's about 50/50. Good product and good service.

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I read reviews, listen with my ears and buy what I like. Good service is a bonus and usually comes as a pleasant surprise. Some products on my "wish list" were made by companies that are no longer in business but that doesn't necessarily negate my interest in them.
I research this product and if I find positive reviews AND it does not have too many problems AND looks to offer good customer service I can move forward to buy it.
+1.  If my research reveals a poor or dubious reputation for customer service, or if either the performance or the reliability of the product seems to arouse a lot of controversy, I look elsewhere.  There are enough good guys in audio who make good products and stand behind them that I see no point in dealing with the others.

-- Al

Al, I've found than when something gets 50/50 rave/bad reviews its usually very good but finicky in terms of placement , upstream components etc .

Warranty, reliability, and customer service are of primary importance. Many years ago I had four NAD components in my system. All four components developed problems. Other brands had also broken down. Since then for over two decades, I have relied on earlier and now contemporary Bryston amplifiers which have developed ZERO issues. There has been similar reliability from Klyne.

Bryston customer service is outstanding. The twenty year warranty surpasses that of almost every other manufacturer of audio products. An owner is only a phone call away from James Tanner, the driving force behind Bryston.  Bryston's forum on Audio Circle provides exceedingly prompt feedback from Mr. Tanner.

There are many audio products that deliver fine sound, but how many are reliable with outstanding customer support over time? I ignore the components being hyped by the reviewers and remain loyal to the companies that thoroughly back their wares.

By the way, the only connection I have with Bryston is as a consumer.

Al, I've found than when something gets 50/50 rave/bad reviews its usually very good but finicky in terms of placement, upstream components etc.
Yes, that rings very true, Schubert, and that has often been my perception as well. But while for me a roughly 50/50 (or even somewhat worse) mix of favorable and bad comments won’t necessarily make a product a non-starter, it will definitely contribute to a bias in my mind in favor of competitive products that are less controversial and/or finicky.

Best regards,
-- Al

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Wow knghifi. That is great CS from ARC. Nice to know. Also tarp38, I had heard Bryston gives great service as well.
Very. I've discounted consideration of some products due to complaints about customer service.
There is nothing like great customer service.
I have just started getting back into stereo systems after 20 years.
My holy grail speaker was Vandersteen 2. I found a nice pair of 3a sigs on Audiogon and a McCormack Amp, as well.
When I had questions, I called both companies.
Mr V, called me the next day
McCormack emailed me and I spoke with Patrick, at length about their products and upgrades. As well as prices for used equipment and set up.
I'm sold.
When people stand by their products, I feel I am getting the best there is.
Customer service is my first priority.  It is just like buying a house as location, location, location and business is customer service, customer service, customer service.
Learned from bad experience recently.  Bought a brand new Cary Integrated amp and received bad service from Cary Audio's customer service.  I will never buy Cary Audio again and will tell friends to stay away from them.