When I bought my Magnum Dynalab FT-101A years ago the Silver Ribbon antenna came with it. Surprisingly good results for an indoor antenna and the design allows for easy location/rotation for best signal quality.
My Silver Ribbon has worked better than the same manufacturers more expensive whip and all the amplified little boxes I’ve tried. YMMV! Location, location, location!
I use one in my attic. I'm out in the country some 40 miles from a good NPR station and have a very sensitive tuner. I get excellent results with the antenna in a horizontal position pointed at the station. Not so much in a vertical position.
I know I'm jumping into a 5 year old thread but just wanted to add that I hooked one up for the first time today and was absolutely shocked at the improvement over the small antenna that came with the stereo. Getting at least 5 more stations now and what I was getting before is definitely clearer.
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