Hot Tuna

Does anyone remember the acoustic offshoot of Jefferson Airplane? I think I saw them at the Main Point , PA.
When I was in high school they were always referred to as;
Hot F***ing Tuna. I wasn't into them, I have no idea why.
My mistake, Jorma taught me "New Song" and it was at Brookdale Community College.
I saw Hot Tuna at the Fillmore East in January of 1971.
I was in the sixth grade and my big brother took me at my request.
I remember shows at the Academy of Music in NYC when it would be daylight when the show ended.
I was at the Capital Theater in Passaic NJ front and center for an all acoustic show in the mid seventies, Jorma and Jack sat down through the whole show and Jack's hollow-body Guild Starfire bass was the star of the show. I could be wrong but I believe it was I who started the phrase "Jack Attack" in relation to his incredible solos.
I snuck on stage and smoked a joint with Jack and Jorma's wife, Margret, the artist of the first two album covers, while Jorma performed alone with just an acoustic guitar. Someone had dosed his soda can with acid it showed in his unique performance.
Jorma taught me how to play "Been So Long" backstage at the Trenton War Memorial show while Jack just let loose alone in the corner.
I could write a book.
They are constantly on tour. My Hot Tuna days date back to the mid 70's at the Academy of Music, NYC. Midnight shows that lasted 5 hours. You felt beat up by Jack's base by the morning. Have seen them dozens of times since both acoustic and electric. The always satisfy!

Check out Jorma's Fur Peace Ranch website.
Check out ; Hot Tuna's - Double Dose - great live electric music. Jorma is a very good guitar player as well as Jack on bass. Jorma has put out some very strong solo albums as a matter of fact I just picked up his first one ; Quah.
I've seen then about 2 dozen times dating back to the 70's. Both electric and acoustic. Last time was just a few months ago in Connecticut. Can you believe Jorma is 74!
I think that "First Pull up, Then Down" is my favorite electric Hot Tuna album. Papa John's fiddle on "John's Other" and Jorma's guitar licks on "Been So Long" are classic. On the acoustic side, I enjoy "Live at Sweetwaters." Pete Sears (from Jefferson Starship) really adds a lot to the songs tickling the ivories. Back in the day, Jorma's solo album "Quah" was a go to smooth guy acoustic album for me that the ladies always seemed to enjoy. I liked their last album "Steady As She Goes" and am really glad they are still producing music. Hot Tuna is a true American icon.
their first, self-titled (live) album is a classic--it's probably inspired a million guys to pick up an acoustic guitar. jorma's one of the great non-singers of all time. their subsequent electric albums like phosphorescent rat have their moments, though it's the debut you keep going back to. saw them not long ago--their acoustic set was great, but their electric set (second half of the show) was surprisingly poor--generic bar-band stuff.
Saw them in NYC '71 and Austin '72 (besides a later tour ten or so years ago). Jack and Jorma are just great, I still love the early Tuna stuff and the early Airplane stuff.

Supposedly Grace Slick joined the Airplane because she was so taken with Jack's bass playing. The lady has excellent taste.
They put out an LP about a year or so ago.Steady As She Goes (?) Still have the same great sound built on tradition and fine musicianship.You can't go wrong with Reverend Gary Davis as a role model.
I have seen them twice. It is a great evening. Jack and Jorma are amazing together, and it's wonderful that their musical partnership has lasted all these years, especially considering all of the Jefferson Airplane drama back in the day. I still listen to the first 2 discs, especially the first, and another live one I ran into a couple of years ago.
They're on tour right now. They'll be here in Iowa in July. I have 4-5 LPs.
Not all of it is acoustic.
They did a number of killer electric albums including America's Choice and Yellow Fever.