High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

Badman, "Ric Schultz is a fraud," or so say you. You also say the basic dodge of those knowing nothing, namely "basic engineering kids." The only real question is why did you post this diatribe.
I don't own any type of High Fidelity products however all that matters is if you prefer the sound of one cable over another. The rest is moot as far as I'm concern.
Ric Schultz is a fraud. From their site:

"A testing facility in Canada contracted by Magnetic Innovations LLC tried testing very low level signals, as low as -59 dB from a full signal strength of 2 volts. They discovered that long after conventional audio cables significantly obscured test signals, High Fidelity Cables were still at work clearly transferring this low level information. In controlled tests, a system wide reduction of 14% THD and 14% IMD was measured. Signal to noise ratio improved by 1.5 dB which is significant. This test was conducted by a third party in a controlled environment, using an RCA cable with Magnetic Conduction technology (these results will vary with different systems)."

That's a lie. How, you ask, could someone know that? Because a basic understanding of distortion in audio systems shows that the vast majority of harmonic and intermodulation distortion come from the loudspeaker itself, and is caused by mechanisms over which the cables, amp, preamp, etc, have no control. Such a claimed reduction is simply impossible.

It's disgusting that this fraud continues to receive clients. If this fraud or his lackeys want to contest this, here's a simple way- post your results. Not some hand-waving claim, but actual test results with methodology and other real-world documentation.

Yep. It hasn't happened. It won't happen. The stupid graphic on their "magnetic" technology has nothing to do with magnetism. Basic engineering kids. It's a prerequisite for making anything worth using.
OOPS, correction Dieter is from Australia but studied violin making in Germany.
Calvinj, It going great for me audio wise. The music is on and so is my grin. Had a friend over yesterday and we listened to many many types of music. Alternative, metal, rap, spiritual, classic rock, classical music, jazz, blues, reggie, hop hop and more. Enjoyable time.
I got some C37 varnish especially formulated for audio parts in 2 days ago. Developed by Dieter Ennemoser, a Violin maker & player, audio technician, audiophile in Germany. since at least 1998 Dieter has been improving on the product and the latest, ( C 37- 8.9 ) is the best ever. I've painted some on some small parts. WE will test during our Saturday testing session and decide on effectiveness and next steps.
Also, I'm planing a trip to Houston soon to bring some High Fidelity Cables to a number of my audio friends There. I'm having HFC build me a URR power cord and a UR 1M IC. I will bring my UR digital, U speaker cable, my custom 20A URR PC and other CT-1 stuff I have. I might even bring my UR speaker cable and my UR WGPC.
My new amp is almost ready too, With all the parts functioning, we discussed and implemented the final main chassis layout. I'm having all the control switches mounted inside the main unit. This Oddly non commercial design removes over 2 feet of battery current wire. (1/2 a foot less is an audible improvement so 2 feet less is great!) Switches inside is no problem for me because….I never use covers on audio components because it seems to restrict the "OPENNESS" of the sound. Unless you Might have a very tall cover with 8 to 12 inches of empty headroom space. I do internal RF/IF shielding where necessary for "top off" interference issues. [ more secrets reviled].
SO Music makes me happy and is my remedy for the Anguish and Frustrations in dealing with the painful, ugly sides of human nature.
Enjoy the music my friends. That's why we have music.
@tbg I put the NOS telefunkens In today and wowww. The more high fidelity ultimate reference I put in the better the LSA performed. It was open detailed strong and powerful. It opened up the midrange. It gave voices a great full sound. Voices were natural and throaty. The speed on the trio stuff was once again on display. The treble decay was once again sweet and extended with great decay. The lsa statement exemplar super mod is a great match for high fidelity ultimate reference. Turns it into a whole other integrated amp. Thanks for your input. I'm thinking about trying a dac the resonessence audio invicta mirus. I will make a decision soon on whether I'm going to try that. @Ddraudt how is it going for you. @ audiolabryinth a I hope we didn't run you off with that tara labs tail between your legs. Lol. Happy listening everyone. Also veloce leaves this weekend. Great piece expensive and worth every penny but I won't be continuing. The demo was great. The veloce ls1 pre amp is world class.
@tbg. I got the lsa tube rolled into some NOS Telefunkens today. I'm going to be listening tonight. I will tell you how it sounds tomorrow.
Almost forgot I am using a rel 528 subwoofer for my corner because of my room conditions. I had never had the sub hooked up with the veloce and I know most folks are straight two channel folks but in my room I get just the right amount of the low end to add to my Viennas. The veloce with this stuff mentioned before is good. Great line stage. Great match for the high fidelity cables as well.
I just put veloce back in while the lsa is being tube rolled. High fidelity ultimate reference interconnect is amazing on vocals. The is a soul singer named KEM from the title album II. His voice is soulful with full of emotion. The high fidelity ultimate reference voices are on a whole other level. Some of the best voices I have heard in my life on any equipment period. I will be trying some other interconnects tonight. But this is pretty good. I just put in Donnie Hathaway in. Sounds great even on a recording that's not top notch. Veloce ls1. Parasound cd1. Vienna acoustics beethoven baby grand se. Cd cleaning fluid applied to cd called Essence of music got more detail after I applied this stuff. I didn't think I would believe it if I didn't hear it myself. Happy listening.
Have any of you heard the sonus faber amati futura or the sonus faber anniversario or the sonus faber elipsa.
Jazzonthehudson, IMHO only, I would buy one HFC Ultimate Reference Rhodium pc, your first choice. If you can use a RCA digital cable that would also fit into your budget. I would also buy at the top level.

In my opinion each of the power cords that you add, makes the biggest improvement. I really don't know about digital cables as I can only use USB cables.
Practical question as most of us have a limited discretionary spending: how would you spent $20k (retail price) in HFC cables? And can you rank them in descending order of impact?

Suggested cabling:
1x power cable between wall and power conditioner
1x 1.5m digital cable
2 sets of 1.5m interconnects
1 set of speaker cable 3m
@Ddraught@audiolabyrinth. I heard the invicta dac it sounds great. Never thought I could enjoy a dac sound that much
Calvinj, sounds like you had a great time and I'm happy for you!
I expect to have a few audio visitors this week. I've been asking listeners to describe their experience. Not just to get compliments but to help come up with descriptions. " a singular and transcendent experience", was the latest comment.
I agree on the HF power cords. My URR pc reinvents every component I try it on, totally upgrading all to unimaginable heights. Breathtaking realism!
Cal, I hope others are having as much fun as we!
@audiolabyrinth. I saw that amp. Huge. @Ddarudt. We had an amazing listening session Friday. 8 hours. 2 pre amps and a couple of cable switch outs. Amazing session. All kinds of music. We used the invicta dac. It's pretty good. One of my friends got a dose of that high fidelity ultimate reference power cable. He was impressed.
@tbg you are so right. There is a natural sound and decay along with amazing prat.
Calvinj, yes, I suspect that people just thought I was delusional at best or a shill at worst. I still vividly remember my first notes using the HFC CT-1 from the dac to the preamp. I just sat there listening to something I had not heard before. The ease, top end extension, the decay of notes in the studio. I still remember deciding that I wanted to know how this was achieved. I had always known that moving a wire in a magnetic field induces current flow and that is about as far as I've ever really gotten.

I was later to be even more impressed with the HFC pcs, but the entire package along with certain other devices from other manufacturers as moved my music reproduction to a level I never thought was possible.
@tbg. The guy I bought it from told me he had his modded. I think he paid for the $1600 mod that they were doing on the lsa.
@tbg. Definitely, the ultimate reference stuff takes equipment and takes it to another level. When I talk to people about it they give me the "Yeah Right" look and then when they hear it they go wow. I at first thought that cables couldn't make this kind of difference but now I see things in a whole new light. I can now try to settle down and get a dac. Thanks happy listening.
Calvinj, thanks for your comments. Since the LSA Statement is a highly moded version, I assume your unit has had further moding. Actually mine has also had Urushi caps put in it with a great benefit. It was fortunate for me to have it as my BMC M2 amps were out for repair for six months.

I agree that the HFC Ultimate Reference Rhodium pc greatly improved it, as it has on every component I have tried.
@tbg. I have the modded version of the lsa with the high fidelity ultimate reference power cord. It does take the statement to another level. Thanks for your input regarding this amplifier. This combination worked out well.
Hi calvinj, Man, If you think that Kr audio piece sounded good that you had there, you best never listen to the KR audio Kronzilla piece, pull up the images, it has the biggest tubes I have ever saw on a amp!
@audiolabyrinth. I'm just going to the integrated. The E.A.R 868 is a great piece. I hate to sell it. I'm just an audio junkie. We had a 8 hour listening session last night. That is what this hobby should be about. The music and the joy it brings. I had the lsa statement with the high fidelity ultimate reference power cable. We were using the resonessence invicta dac as the source. Great sound. That Duke Pearson "Right Touch" the Rudy Van Gelden remaster was completely smoking in that system last night. We also listened to the kr audio 900 integrated which was also sounding superb. It is a special piece as well. We were using the gato fm 6 speaker to listen to this set up. They were sounding great last night. Really good speaker. The ultimate reference power cord made the lsa a whole other amp when we put that power cord on there. I'm still sleepy because of yesterday lol. @Ddraudt. Thanks for the response and invite. I can't wait to hear your system. I got a lot of good music to suggest to you. I brought the lsa home from my listening session last night and tonight I will listen to it on my Viennas using the parasound cd1 as my source. Will report out tomorrow. Happy listening fellas.
This is a very long thread with hundreds of posts and it's possible that you missed some. I posted well over a year ago that I heard the CT1-E and the CT1-U in my system. The enhanced version was excellent and honestly the ultimate version was a step above that. For someone desiring a premium level digital cable I'd enthusiastically recommend either. I didn't hear the standard CT1but would imagine that it is very good ( same magnetic principles).In my system they sound beautifully natural and provide organic bliss with superior resolution.
Hi All, Been away for a few days and was surprised to see my name mentioned so many times. I love to have folks come and listen as it is even more fun to share my sometimes crazy, over the top conglomeration of tweaks, inventions and components. If your going to be in Austin, contact me about a visit.
I've had great sounding systems for decades but the High Fidelity Parts is my single best improvement ever.
My amp designer tells me my custom integrated amp is just weeks away. ( after more than a year perfecting the design and build )
When it arrives I will have to completely disassemble my system and rebuild it to fit the 3 chassis unit. Then a month of break in followed by months of tuning.
My speaker designer is in the planning stage of my new speakers.
Once built, we will spend months perfecting the prototype.
Today, even with a loaner amp and speakers, it is the best system I've ever heard, felt, or been engulfed by.
Happy to read that so many are enjoying the music. D
Tboooe, I can only now use USB digital cables, but before that I could use a SPDif digital cable and still own the HFC Ct-1 Enhanced. It was strikingly superior to the other digital cables I had, including a charged Exemplar cable. HFC will probably never make an USB cable, but I wish they would.

I am now using a BMC PureUSB1 cable.
Hi folks. I am in the market to replace my digital cable. After reading through this thread I only came across one person who has tried the HF CT-1 digital cable and that person was not impressed. I am wondering if anyone else has any experience they would like to share?

Thank you.
what did you do with the E.A.R. pre-amp and other equipment?, selling it?, I am hoping in the next couple of years to get a used Dan D Agistino momentum stereo amp or mono blocks, yes, I will keep my modded Krell 700cx, I will keep the krell the rest of my life, I have $11,500.00 in the amp, sounds alot better than the original 700cx, I like to go and listen to the New Krell amps as well to, I want to see if there is an improvement over the Krell Evolution E series amps, cheers calvin, Thankyou for being a good friend.
@audiolabyrinth. I'm not attacking you. Stay up. You are good. Continue to post.
@audiolabyrinth. Hey there is nothing wrong with liking tara labs. They are great cables. If they make your sound like you want. I wouldn't worry kieth. You are always good with me. Say what you want. No worries. I have heard the tara labs the one. Those are really good. So I could imagine the better ones are really good. Hey, I want you to be happy with your cables. If you are I wouldn't worry as long as you are happy. I'm in a listening session right now listening to a used lsa statement I bought off agon. I put the high fidelity ultimate reference power cable on the gato fm 6 on a dac. It's is a splendid session. We been listening for 3 hours. @tbg. You are spot on. The lsa statement is great with this high fidelity ultimate reference power cord on it. Once again it is producing great results. Thanks for your information on it. Genius. @Ddraudt. How are you. The high fidelity journey is a good one. These cables are special..
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@audiolabyrinth. High fidelity cables are popular and doing well because they are flat out great!!! People buy them and are happy because they deliver. If they didn't you would see a lot if people complain or say they don't like them. You don't see it because they sound different in a good way. Performance is essential. I'm trying another pre amp on them and I will report out soon.
@audiolabyrinth. Hey if they are good. They are good. Hey, I have heard good Tara Labs. They sound good. I would never call tara labs the dark side. I respect good cables and cable makers. If it gets the job done I respect it. I'm not just a high fidelity fan. I love what they do. I think you can build a system around their qualities. I think that if you haven't heard the best cables you can't really know if they are the dark side. Hey, you are ok. If you ever hear these ultimate reference you are in big trouble Mr. Tara Labs. Hey man, don't worry about what people say. You know you only like tara labs. So when people see you only like tara labs on a thread for high fidelity then they are going to say that you are going to like tara labs no matter what. When you haven't heard the best high fidelity you can't say that the best tara labs beats them. I wouldn't say that but I can say that I'm finally satisfied with a cable that will be a mainstay in my system. You are fine with me. But realistically you know you will never give another cable credit. I guess that's why the others on the thread get upset. I would not worry kieth. It's America speak your mind. But if you will never try the best high fidelity ultimate reference why compare it to tara labs why comment on what they don't do. Remember we are good with each other kieth. I just wonder. Lol.
I can NEVER go to the Dark side of the force calvin, I have been told that a pro review will soon come out stateing that the new two top tara labs cable models will be deemed best available, and tested against all others, personally, I have the third from the top, The Zero Gold interconnect and Omega Gold speaker cables, I have never heard a high-fidelity product better what I have, at the end, the light side of the force will restore all order in the universe.
@tbg. Ddraudt has invited me to listen to his system 3 weeks ago and I will soon. I never invite myself or suggest that anyone invites themselves to anyone's home. I'm just happy that I found high fidelity cables because it has given me musical realism that I had not experienced until now. Happy listening @tbg. The speed and realism on my trio jazz is something that I can not live without anymore after I listened to the high fidelity ultimate reference. @ audiolabyrinth. "Step into the light and carol ann"(poltergeist) and come on over to high fidelity. Lol.
@audiolabyrinth. The raidho system that I listened to was before I got the hear the entire loom high fidelity ultimate reference cables. It was before I got to listen to these cables for an extended session. Also the raidho system consisted of more than 250,000 worth of equipment and cabling. Also it was in a sound treated 2 channel stereo home theatre cottage. It was measured by professional sound technicians. I judge the sound by the set up as a whole. I also heard another great system locally that consisted of yg acoustics and mit. It was also very expensive in a sound treated room with its own power supply. I also have listened to about 8 different set ups using the high fidelity ultimate reference cabling. It seems to perform no matter what system you put it with. I'm not saying that all other cables are bad. I'm just saying that my experience with these high fidelity ultimate reference means that they will part of my system for a long time. Dave Ddraudt has also welcomed me to go listen to his system and I will be doing so the next time that I am down that way which should before the end of the year or in the the next couple of months. At the end of the day I will treat everyone I can with respect as much as I can. I will talk to anyone and I will let people I get know listen to my system. I have no doubt they will be impressed with these cables. I am as I am listening to them right now. Lol. Keith once you hear these high fidelity ultimate reference you are going to have to change your Pom poms from tara labs to high fidelity. Happy listening. Lol.
Audiolabyrinth, nothing is wrong save your having a problem with David's not inviting him.
calvinj shares his adventures in audio with me, I would have enjoyed what he might have said if he went to Dave's house to listen to audio, I enjoy what calvinj says about his many, many, listening sessions, what's wrong with that?
Dave, whats wrong with getting calvin at your place?, he is a good friend of mine, very trust worthy and honest.
Calvinj...my system should be at the bottom of the post...i do have CT-1U interconnects and speaker cables so far.. i look forward to it..
@calloway. I would definitely take you up on it. What are you running in your system. We got to make that happen
Calvinj...if you are ever in the southern va or northern nc area give me a shout. would love to have you over..
Ok, Maybe Dave can invite calvinj to his house for a listening session, then calvin can call me on the phone or e-mail me his exsperience, If I could, I would invite myself, I cannot take a road trip at this time, I say this because calvinj has been going and hearing some of the best systems in the country, even those systems he thought was the best, and they did not have high-fidelity cables , one of these systems had the Raidho speakers on it.
@raks. Keep enjoying the ct1. They are special. They seem to find a way in my system no matter what equipment is being used. I know that these cables are a keeper. Great layering decay and natural sound. I'm going to miss my system for 3 days because of work. The high fidelity ultimate reference are the real deal. @Ddraudt how are you liking the duke Pearson cd "right touch"