High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

@Ddraudt. I know. Rick and Peter dropped by two weeks ago and between the High Fidelity gear and their knowledge things got better quickly. Great equipment and advice including tweaks. Happy listening!!!! Looks like you had a great and musical weekend!!!!!
2nd pc, My new, second High Fidelity Cables- Ultimate Reference Rhodium power cord is already making huge improvements with only a few days on it. ( I think it needs about 400 hours) to magnetically align the electrons. (NOTE: - Non ferris materials can become reactive to magnetism if there are electrons flowing thru it.) Moreso, an electron beam can be attracted or repulsed by magnetic fields. (see cathode ray tube experiments since the year 1850)
The sound… hard to describe without hearing it or at least some HF magnetic gear but there is low level detail not possible with conventional wire. This vast abundance of details, once lost in the noise floor of standard wire, creates tones, and soundstage images
far beyond the experience of electrical only systems. (I'd never go back..) So, If I say the tone, purity and soundstage is Amazing!, and you've only heard Amazing electrical, You still have no idea what I meant. Sorry you'd have to hear it. I can say that serious audio people who go to all the audio shows and visit the best systems in the country said my system was a very rare gem. As I stated in an earlier post, I plugged this URR power cord into my amp. coming from My Mag filter, The HF UR WGPC. so from wall to amp it is URR-WGPF-URR.
The magnetic effect is additive.
If your worried about money, quickly -- back away from this blog.
If your into sound better than anyone else's , Welcome Home my Friend. Enjoy the Music!! D
Thank You Rick, Bob, Peter, John, Mike & Stan for visiting me this weekend. It was great to see you all! Thanks for all the congratulations, compliments, comments and suggestions. I'm thrilled to have validation
about how rare and special my system is, especially from such serious
audio enthusiasts. It's always helpful to me to have other golden ears
tell me what they hear.
All That High Fidelity magnetic gear is amazing!!
happy listening D
I would be most interested to hear opinion from forum members that have either, purchased or have demo'd, any of the High Fidelity speaker cables, in conjunction with speakers of 'middling' sensitivity and which may also exhibit a marked swinging load.

In particular, I would be pleased to hear from anyone running Martin Logan's , Apogee's, Quad Electrostatic or their like.

I have had previous experience running with a set of CT-1E's and current CT-1U's, into my pair of Martin Logan CLX.

Whilst I am always impressed with the level of detail, clarity, separation and decay, I find myself having to crank the volume control up by at least 10-15 notches
in order to pressurize the room to my satisfaction In comparison with other of my SC's.

A mere matter of Impedance! One might cry, were it not also that, with the HiFidelity speaker cables, I feel myself listening to a fine construct of a recorded performance , yet never quite feeling as though I were immersed in the live event.

Perhaps, somewhat obviously this tends to manifest itself more with an a Live performance, near palpable with a quality recording, and which can at times seat you at that table 'Live at Blues Alley', that for my part just seems to elude the presentation with HiFidelity cables in conjunction with the CLX's.

I should add for the record that I am an inordinately thrilled owner of Rick's CT-1 UR signal cables that are nothing short of Revelatory in my system.

I would be most interested to hear opinion from forum members that have either, purchased or have demo'd, any of the High Fidelity speaker cables, in conjunction with speakers of 'middling' sensitivity and which may also exhibit a marked swinging load.

In particular, I would be pleased to hear from anyone running Martin Logan's , Apogee's, Quad Electrostatic or their like.

I have had previous experience running with a set of CT-1E's and current CT-1U's, into my pair of Martin Logan CLX.

Whilst I am always impressed with the level of detail, clarity, separation and decay, I find myself having to crank the volume control up by at least 10-15 notches
in order to pressurize the room to my satisfaction In comparison with other of my SC's.

A mere matter of Impedance! One might cry, were it not also that, with the HiFidelity speaker cables, I feel myself listening to a fine construct of a recorded performance , yet never quite feeling as though I were immersed in the live event.

Perhaps, somewhat obviously this tends to manifest itself more with an a Live performance, near palpable with a quality recording, and which can at times seat you at that table 'Live at Blues Alley', that for my part just seems to elude the presentation with HiFidelity cables in conjunction with the CLX's.

I should add for the record that I am an inordinately thrilled owner of Rick's CT-1 UR signal cables that are nothing short of Revelatory in my system.

Thank you JohnP. I'm glad you were able to visit. Happy you agree that it is amazing with unbelievable soundstage. High Fidelity products make up a large part of the sound I enjoy now..
My equipment has been modified way beyond their original state including some pretty fancy Clock & DAC chips, battery power and many layers of Isolation, damping and shielding. Please let me know if your in Austin again and want to listen.
Thanks for having me over for a listen yesterday! Your system is amazing. The imaging is unreal. It was hard to believe that you got this kind of sound from an inexpensive DAC and amp.

John P.
@audiolabyrinth. Keith we are good. Just enjoy what you have and enjoy the music!!!
@Ddraudt Enjoy. You are in the lab again. Keep tweaking and getting it better. High level listening with high level technology and quirky tweaks make for a great audio experience. Happy listening.
What fun!!! Rick and 3 friends stopped by today to drop off some HF goodies. They stopped to listen for a while and all were impressed by the amazing resolution. Now I have 24 hours to see how much better I can get it to sound with the new HF parts before they come back.
I just put in a second URR pc in the system to warm up and it already sounds wonderful beyond belief.
More later
Audiolabyrinth, I customize everything so it sounds better. My methods are too complicated for an easy description. Perhaps I'll offer a 6 month course some day. ;-) Much of my customization is unsanctioned and wild so I don't go into detail here.
Ddraudt, what do you mean by custom urr pc, I know that stands for ultra referance rhodium power cord, and I understand the ur Magnetic wave guide power filter,what customization are you talking about?
Keith, Cal, It's good to know passionate audiophiles like yourselves.
I'm listening to music as I write. It brings me great joy. Been excited for days about Rick and 3 of his friends dropping off more High Fidelity magic this afternoon, then stopping by to listen this weekend. Friends and i were listening to Badi Assad last night and marveling about how pure and real and transcendent it was. I was trying to imagine how it could be better. Right now I have a custom URR pc into a custom UR Magnetic wave guide power filter. this afternoon I hope to try adding another URR pc between the HF mag power filter and the amp I'm using.
Triple magnetic power devices to the amp should be kind of good ;-)
I'll let you know… Enjoy… D
Damn calvinj, you make the term special sound like disturbed!, Rock-n-Roll baby!
calvinj, I did not say anything about a posse, Ddraudt did, I used the term crew as he specified in his post,calvinj, I have told you many times that i have had the privelege to listen to some of the High-fidelity cables, might not have been their best cable models, extended sessions?, you are correct, I have not spent countless ours evaluating the cables and their sound,To tell you the truth, I do not believe High-fidelity, or Tara labs is the best, It really is about preference of the consumer, and what works best in their system, some cables work better in more systems than others, I also do not understand as to why you believe I have recently said anything negative toward High-fidelity cables, I have not, now I may like to have a little fun with the troll this thread had on it, I got a few good laughs, no harm I hope to none of you here, I believe I am the one to rid the tyrany from the thread anyway!,I did this for my friend Ddraudt, He knows why, he stuck up for me many times, Dave is a great guy, a gentleman!
@audiolabyrinth. We are not a posse. Some of us who like the cable don't even talk to each other. I could care less what somebody else's opinion on a cable that I like that works for me. There are things that maybe we don't see eye to eye on however we agree that high fidelity works for us. Tara labs works for you. The thread is about the high fidelity experiences. How can you comment when you never heard the top of the line ultimate reference or even the entry level ct1 for an extended session. The high priced ultimate reference is no where near the price of top of the line tara labs. High fidelity also does the trade up program. People were trading up to the next level of the technolgy . Which I have actually have not seen another company do. Great technolgy and great service from a high end audio company. Pushing the the limits of sound. The passion for innovation in getting our music to sound the best possible. Well it may seem that we are a posse but individually we have gotten great service, great product and great sound from high fidelity. We all chased cables for years and now found one that makes us happy. Tara labs makes you happy so I never put it down because that's what YOU like. I'm not gonna say anything negative about tara labs because the high fidelity puts me in a happy musical mood. Happy listening!!! No negativity towards tara labs. See keith. That's what's happens when the high fidelity touches those ears. Lol.
@audiolybarinth. Man this is what happens when someone thinks there is better than Tara Labs. Come on keith. It's gonna be Ok. Stay positive. Don't be so sensitive. I don't cable search anymore because I got what I think is some of the best. I don't go to the tara labs thread saying negative things because I'm happy with the High Fidelity. None of us go there and post negative on tara labs because when you got the best the rest is just other stuff. Lol. Relax keith. It's gonna be ok. Calm down.
I will find it more interesting when I hear people here swoon and then actually pay. Especially if no previous high cost wire that can be sold off to help fund the change/upgrade.

I would not be so lucky. Sour grapes I suppose. :^)
Audiolabyrinth, thanks Keith, I will let you know how it goes.
I would say that Ricks' Posse is a group of very serious audiophiles who like to have a lot of fun..
Tbg, Welcome home Norm! I'm looking forward to this visit with Rick and will be headed to Houston next friday to visit our audiophile friends there armed with many High Fidelity Cable products to show.
I AM having a lot of fun with audio. HF cables take a system to a place
non magnetic cables can't and I've learned how to get even more out of my HF products ( and everything else in my system.) Also, my new speakers are just finishing the design stage and in a few months, I start tuning the prototype speakers. AND My amp designer/builder
has decided to add an additional bank of capacitors but I still hope to have it in September.
As you may have guessed… The music is on, as usual, and the sound…A M A Z I N G ! ! ! D
David, having a full looms of HFC UR cables and four of their URR pcs but having been without three of the pcs for the last two months, I imagine you will swoon this weekend. I will be back in Texas next weekend.

Enjoy yourself!
Hi D, let me know how the visit goes from Rick and his crew, who ever the crew may be?, I look forward to your enthusiasm, this is what I am talking about!, excitement, passion,the love for music, Happy listening!
Great News!!! I'm getting two or 3 more High Fidelity Power cords to try as well as a UR IC and some other cool parts Tomorrow!! I'm very excited by this and more excited that Rick and his crew will stop by to listen this weekend!!! since Rick last heard it I've gone from full loom Ultimate to full loom Ultimate Reference, added a URR power cord and have made 100 other tweaks and improvements and a year of break in. He seemed somewhat impressed last time and now its galaxies better. What fun and excitement!!!!
The music is on and I hope you are also enjoying the music! D
agisthos, Look, lets call it the day and let these people enjoy their thread, regardless if you do not believe I am tring to help others here get a deal on high-fidelity cables, that's your problem, I'm done talking to you, see ya!
OMG there is 1 pair of speaker cables on Audiogon, HA HA, dirt cheap, good luck getting them, your gonna make a big loss HA HA

This sort of talk is such a transparent troll and slur. No I am not a dealer, I am on Highend Electronics email list where Alfred announced why he had the show and demo stock to sell.
Agisthos, Now that I have re-read your negative post, what do you mean by, Two months ago Rick cleared OUR two dozen varios demo,, do you work for Rick or High-fidelity?, or you a dealer?, the way you worded your post, I believe you should put a dealer disclaimer on your post so we all know where you stand, because I believe you are a dealer.
Agisthos, very funny!, I have said nothing about the Tara labs cables here in weeks unless someone makes a coment like you, you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to High-fidelity cables selling everywhere!, LOL!, HA,HA, As a matter of fact, there is a 6ft pair of ct-1 ultimate referance speaker cables for sale for dirt cheap here on audiogon right now, these are not demo cables,I do see far more of the high-fidelity cables for sale these days, what excuse do you have now?, my post was telling my friends that like high-fidelity cables of fair deals for them to afford, nothing more, your post was out of line!, everybody, there is a 6ft pair of ultimate referance for sale now on the gon for dirt cheap, that is not a demo pair of cables, good luck on getting them, cheers.
Charles1dad, well in retrospect and not having removed all prior HFC stuff perhaps a better way to say this is that it gave the biggest jump. When Rick was here, we put it between the wall and his Waveguide power center and after it settled in and we listened, I just looked at him in disbelief.

But I would certainly try a HFC pc first if you can try pcs then ics and speaker wire, etc.
Hi Tbg,
To be clear, is it your opinion that the HFC power cables offer more improvement and value to a system vs their IC and SC if one had to pick and choose?
"I useally see High-fidelity cables being sold used or demo for big losses!, so here is your chance to get-em, good luck, cheers."

Audiolabyrinth you have done nothing but consistently shill for Tara labs on this thread, and the above statement is another subtle troll. You know full well there has been barely any used HFC cables come up for sale especially considering they have been 'flavour of the month' for the last year or more.

Two months ago Rick cleared our two dozen various demo, review and shows cables on Audiogon through dealers, but it was not customers selling them.

There are thousands of stock CT-1 out there. If HFC was just another hyped cable brand you would expect to see far more for sale than there actually are.

Those power cables listed for sale are, again, demo cables. Even at that price the power cables are still out of my price league.
I believe I did the seller a favor!, the viewing number of the High-fidelity power cable demos that is for sale is 595, by posting a notice here, 12:33 pm central time now, 595 views since eary this morning,the reason I did was to give some of my friends here the opportunity to buy what they desire at a fair price, cheers gentleman.
Lak, story of my life with my audio desires...I was able to get my dream monitors but now want to upgrade my integrated to something SOTA to do my SF Evolutions justice but I dont think I will ever be to prioritize my resources to allow me to spend the kind of money I want to on audio...so sad. Boo hoo!!!!
Lak, I totally understand your circumstance. I been there too much recently. Not only the top HFC Ultimate Reference ic and speaker cables but in addition their Ultimate Reference Rhodium pc AND the Tripoint Troy Signature have greatly strained my resources. But my music just totally eclipses anything I've ever heard before and further knowing what has gone into these device both in terms of research and development and parts and labor justifies buying them at least for me at my age and experience.

I remember many years ago on hearing the Infinity ServoStatics that cost $2200!!! That was more than the Mercury Capri that I had just bought! But I had to find the way to do so. I did. I hope you also can find a way.
The ex demo ICs are definitely something to contemplate. Would love to have them for my humble headphone system.
I sure wish I could afford the High-fidelity power cables but even at 50% off they are out of my league :-(
No calvinj, I have sold Tara labs cables in the past to move up the Tara food chain, I understand, However, go to the Tara thread, cheers.
@audiolabyrinth. Ok Did you put this post up because I'm selling my tara labs the that I had. It's a great ic I just prefer to use High fidelity ultimate reference ic and speaker cables from now on.
The High-fidelity power cables are being sold Half price here on audiogon for new demos, anybody desire the ultimate referance Rodium plus power cord for 50% off?, I useally see High-fidelity cables being sold used or demo for big losses!, so here is your chance to get-em, good luck, cheers.
I'm not about measurements either, you know, just in case you got that impression.
I'm about music not measurements. Sound is key. I don't care who makes it if it's good I'm listening. I don't like charts, scorecards and graphs. I like well put together music. I guess I realize where I am and where I don't care to go.
@ddraudt. Thanks for the recommendation. I understand that these tweaks are important. Get the major things down then tweak your way into the sound you like the most. The little things are important. The high fidelity stuff is a keeper and you tweak your stuff the rest of the way and other places. Will try to get myself settled and get my tweak on. Lol. Happy listening. Glad we are back to the music. Not talking about that other stuff. Let the Poindexters argue let's enjoy what we have found. Lol.
@agisthos. I can tell there is a slight difference. The volume is a little better on mirus. But it is still breaking in.