High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

I am impressed that you are keeping the Mirrus, the dac must be good if it's a keeper, we both have been through so much concerning digital, you think?, have you tried the sd card slot on the player to better affect over using a transport to the dac?, what model of High-fidelity cable will you be useing on this position?, Thanks calvinj.
Yes and I'm keeping it. Great source I went to listen with my friend Robert spence today. He was the one who told me about it. Glad he did. Donnie Hathaway is who we listened to today. Was a great session. He is a very knowledgable guy. Sound tweaks etc.
@tbg. The End of the year I can take some time off to get your way. I'm excited to hear your gear. I will get your way soon. Thanks for the invite. I always love to hear great set ups.
Calloway, never tried the spades and yes the pin connectors were directly from HFC although I understand they can be changed to spades. Again, Rick suggested that the pin connectors are the best terminations for his cables although the differences are subtle and some users may absolutely require spades. Really wonderful combination with the Tidals.

Ketchum, my z-plugs are inserted inside the binding posts on my Tidal speakers.
Linkster...do you hear a difference with the bananas vs the spades or did you even try the spades..?..are you using Rick's bananas..?
Linkster- I used z-plugs over banana with my last two sets, including Audience 24se (a wonderful cable at 1/5th the price, btw).

Can you provide a link of a z-plug with the proper thread to fit into the UR speaker cable? How did you fit yours?

Use z-plug adaptors on pin connectors. That is the recommendation from Rick who feels that pin connectors are a better termination than spades insofar as allowing the magnetic conduction technology to operate optimally. So I resisted the temptation to install spades and instead am using $25 worth of z-plugs bought off Amazon for a firm connection with BMC electronics and Tidal loudspeakers. BTW I have UR speaker cables.
Ketcham, the terminations on speaker cables are screw on. Tighten them up. I have always avoided bananas. I like a tight connection and there is no tightening a banana.
If banana plug fit loosely, would you stretch them out using jewelry screw driver mentioned previously on this thread. eons ago?

I certainly appreciate everyone's endeavors.

PS thanks for defining PRAT...I read that term often with little meaning.
@ketchum I always use the bananas. They seem to work the best for me. I think in my estimation based on what I've learned about the technology that the bananas would be best. The Spades will work as well. I'm going to try a lot of things. I'm just hoping to find a match. I will I am determined to. It's going to have to work with my highfidelity ultimate interconnects and power cord. The magnetism is moving the sound in a clear concise fashion with prat(Pace Rythym And Timing) that has not been matched in anything I have tried so far. I'm really excited about what I can try to do next. Happy about my speakers and cables. I just have to do the rest. Happy listening. @audiolabryinth. Hey if you like the Tara labs enjoy them. Diffrent strokes for different folks. I just feel feel like the high fidelity does something special for my tastes. Good look and be careful. Scams are a dime a dozen. @tbg, jazzonthehudson, lak, DDraudt and anyone else I forgot. Stay on the mothership. That's Bootsy Collins talking. Lol. @tbg during the holiday season I'm going to get down your way. I'm trying to take some time off to road trip to listen audio. How is it all sounding fellas. I'm going to be trying stuff and reporting out on the thread. Happy listening.
calvinj, I sent you a E-Mail, I need you to read it and reply back to me, thanks calvin.

I ask because I know of some amps I like but they could be limiting at 86 dB. The 50W Allnic A6000 have some power for being 300b x4 per monoblock. That said, I believe there are many wonderful amps that will pair better.

Separate question: With UR speaker cable, is it best to be spade or banana at the amps? Is it true that magnetism is best though banana and connection best through spade? The banana connections on mine are very loose, per se.

Welcome all thoughts?
Calvinj, fly or drive down and hear my ss system. I have two solid state amps, the BMC M2s and the LSA Statement that I think will impress you, and one is fairly cheap. Ask Rick.
There are a lot of good solid state and tube amps available.
If you want solid state take a look at what Plinius has to offer, I have owned several and have been very happy with the performance.
calvinj,I have never listened to a Krell amp that was bright ever,any amp will sound bright with something in the system that is the cause, cheers.
Yes they are getting hours in. I'm trying to let them burning in. Unfortunately because my odd shaped room I can't place them anywhere else. I have vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors and open bar are and a hallway not to far from listening area. Takes a special way to get this room anywhere near right.
Calvinj, nice speakers, I always enjoyed the designs of Kevin Voecks. Why are the speakers so close to each other, can you put them on the long wall? As for amps, have you heard the current series of Conrad Johnson tube amps like the LP140/LP275 or ART amp? Tube rolling (esp line stage) gives you a lot of options.

In the mean while, my additional CT1Us are getting some hours.
@ Ketchum I think they are around 86db. I have a huge room and the shape of it is extremely odd. I can only put my speakers about 7 to 8 and a half feet apart. The revels are known for performing better with huge amounts of current and power. @audiolabyrinth. Krell is known for being a little bright. I get ear fatigue easy. The others I have never heard in person. I will look into it. @lak, jazzonthehudson, tbg, Ddraudt and the rest of the high fidelity owners. Keep enjoying the high fidelity. I got my interconnects and power cord that I will be using for a long time whatever I get is going to fit with the high fidelity. Not the other way around. Lol.
Calvinj, time for an older Krell,Pass Labs, Boulder, solid state class A high current amplifier, your choice here, any of these would mate well with your speakers, cheers.
Ultimate interconnect and ultimate power cord are now in the system. Together the are creating speed, separation, detail and sweet highs with no glare. Excellent air and space
Calvin. Tell me more about the studio 2 and why they need a ton of power. What is the rated efficiency, for example?
Ok fellas I need your help. Need an integrated or separates with a lot of power and darker more full bodied tone. Help. I got my speakers, cables, and DAC in place. Need suggestions. I have revel studio 2. They need a lot of power.
HFC power cords: Good to see a discussion about these! I once tried the URR power cord on a Panasonic rcvr someone gave me and the results were nothing less than amazing! So It is hard for me to imagine an HFC power cord would be too Much improvement for anything. Friends and I continue to do tests and comparisons with these power cords. We've found that the PC's can limited by the duplex outlet system being used and by the components inlet also. I prefer ATL inlets and outlets and Furutech outlet plate and cover. the use of gold, copper, rhodium would be system dependent and personal taste. Power cables are sensitive about being moved and need to sit still for weeks to be at their best. ( as with all HFC pieces).
Full break in might take a month of constant playing. SO if anyone is doing comparisons…. it takes a long time to hear what they can really do in a system so take your time...
In my system, the most amazing place to put the cord was into my HF Magnetic Waveguide power conditioner/distribution center. Like Tbg, I have the latest HF Waveguide. I've also have done many tweaks to it..
Enjoy the music friends D
I was quite impressed with the first HFC Waveguide power center and then thought the first production version I received was even better. Recently, I got one based on the technology in the HFC Ultimate Reference Rhodium power cords. Frankly I thought I was hearing about as far as this new technology could take us, but when I am listening I just cannot do anything but listen to everything I can lay my hands on. I thought that the Ultimate Reference Rhodium pcs were the most important piece in the puzzle but now it is the Waveguide.
Ketcham, Sorry no pics yet. Perhaps I will enlist the aid of a photo person in time. I would never believe I'd spend this much for cables either but the sound is out of this world. I hope to be able to help you and others more. Cheers!! D
Jazzonthehudson, in answer to you questions below…
Can you please post some pictures under your systems page? (that need to be set up but would certainly help others to benefit from your experience). I totally believe in tweaking and am using composite isolation set up for my upstream equipment (wood, symposium svelte, stillpoint ultra ss). Also curious how to put on the aluminium shielding and still preserving the aesthetics of the system"………..
Sorry, I don't do photos because I'm not a picture taker and because my system has zero esthetics . It's an ugly system that is shockingly wonderful sounding. I'm glad to help and advise people. I have no wife factor,... no sense of style and care only about the sound and the reliability of the equipment.
Might get the power cord and try on both my power conditioner and also my Esoteric D-02 (preamp/DA) which is connected directly to Ayre MXR amps.
Ddraudt - if you are able to send me pictures of your setup, this would be very helpful. I never believed I would spend this kind of cash for cable. To figure the best setup for them is necessary. ...with appreciation.
Gfroman, it's impossible to tell which way would work best for you, but I would agree with the others on the power cord. You can move it around in your system.

I started, with the ultimate, on the power conditioner, and the effect, though muted was noticeable throughout the system. It was in your face noticeable when put on the transport and Dac. I have settled, for now, on the amp, because I have multiple sources. I do not know where yours would end up sounding it's best.

Jazz, although I will never know what " to much" is with the High Fidelity cables, I did wonder when the ultimate power cord was on my dac if the stronger magnetic cords might be to much on some systems. I guess you will soon be able to say, at least on your system. Good luck!
+1 Lak

Can you please post some pictures under your systems page? (that need to be set up but would certainly help others to benefit from your experience). I totally believe in tweaking and am using composite isolation set up for my upstream equipment (wood, symposium svelte, stillpoint ultra ss). Also curious how to put on the aluminium shielding and still preserving the aesthetics of the system.

I am planning to go to full loom (again, 4th attempt) of CT1U - I have everything from source to amp as CT1U now - but am a bit wary to get "too much of the good stuff" and of course, the long burn in time.
From what I've read here on this forum I'd go for the CT-1U power cord to power your Audience Adept-12RSS Power Conditioner.
I'd be interested in the HFC power cord also if I found the right price, or maybe a CT1U interconnect.
From what I've read here on this forum I'd go for the CT-1U power cord to power your Audience Adept-12RSS Power Conditioner.
I'd be interested in the HFC power cord also if I found the right price.
What would you think the best bang for the buck improvement
in sound would be with my system -

1. Upgrading my CT-1 speaker cables to the Enhanced or
2. Getting a CT-1U power cord to power my Audience Adept-12RSS
Power Conditioner (everything is plugged into this).
Ketcham, Hello again, I'm a tweakers' tweaker. I tweak my tweaks over the decades. I isolate my isolation shelves and damp my damping blocks ect, so this is extreme...On my UR speaker cable wave guide I use a list of items to isolate, damp and shield. I have wood floor like Tbg. I use, from the Floor up, 4 inch squares of 3/4 inch pine plywood, Stillpoint Mini's, custom isolation platforms, more 3/4 inch plywood, WAVEGUIDES themselves resting on plywood (not waveguide stand), then more plywood directly on top of waveguides, followed by 6 damping blocks in 5 different sizes, then some heavy duty aluminum foil for shielding. Huge, Huge improvements over stock.
Custom iso shelves and damping blocks are available..
Also I do not let any cable or cord in my system touch the floor or each other. HFCables do not like to be moved at all. I know folks who smear anti static spray on the floor under cables with good results. but that is way too easy for me. ;-) Enjoy the Music !! D
Ketcham, I have wooden floors and the HFC speaker wires hate such floors as they also hate carpeted floors. In both cases I find that having them have no contact with the floor anywhere AND having a ceramic isolator between them and whatever you have holding them off the floor also is important.

None of my interconnects is allowed to contact with the floor either.

I also don't find wood is an adequate static isolator, only ceramics work.
Got high fidelity ultimates in again with KST 150 and manley shrimp on the revel studio 2 it sounded great. I'm rethinking my decision to go with an integrated amp. Thinking of doing amp and pre amp again. Studio 2 are starting to open up a little. Got about 30 hours on them.
Just received 3 meter ur speaker cable. Tips on setting up. Float them on wood blocks, etc. any suggestions welcomed
Speakers are up. All my other cables are sold high fidelity interconnect will be ready friday or Monday. High fidelity has won out over all the other cables I've ever heard. I can't wait. I'm really excited. I'm gonna start with ic then get the power cord on down the line. Rebuild in progress.
The revel studio 2 will be set up and ready to be fired up tomorrow. I will be using high fidelity cables on them. Integrated amp or amp, pre amp combo TBD. Gonna finish this up and just enjoy the music.
@tbg. Thanks that's what this forum is about. Sharing what we like as well as our experiences with cables, equipment and tweaks. We also get to share our preferences in what we like to hear.
Charles1dad, I think that we are getting very close to the maximum fidelity in systems, much like HD tv makes everyone look awful. But there are definitely taste differences.

I often feel guilty enough in reviews to noted that no one may hear this component, wire, etc., as I do in my system. I spend lots of time making sure that everything is well broken in. Right now I am awaiting getting a full loom of cables rather than mixing them in with the High Fidelity cables in my system as I think the HFCs may hurt the sound of the review cables.
Hi Tbg,
Fair enough, we all acknowledge that these are just individual subjective impressions. I was simply responding to your Troy with tubes comments. I'm not in position to judge your outcomes, for me this is a sublime combination.
Best Regards,
Guys, I am merely stating what I have found personally. Calloway, I have heard the Chalice but not under good circumstances and have not been able to avail myself of your kind offer. Please also know that I have had perhaps 20 tube amps and probably 8 or 9 tube preamps, including what I consider the best, my Exemplar XP-2. Amps have always been more of an issue, as my power needed have varied as I have gone from compression drivers in horns to dynamic drivers in small boxes. This is going from 103 db efficiency to 86 db. I have had amps with 1.56 watts output and amps with 300 watts output.

The best amp I have ever heard was made by Western Electric and use 2 WE 205 tubes putting out 1.56 watt into a beat up Altec 604. If only there had been two. I realize, however, that some music would not have been reproduced well on this system.

Finally, I have experienced miracles with the Tripoint Troy Signature, the StillPoints Ultras, the Star Sound Apprentices, the Koda K 10 preamp, and the HFC cables. Had I these devices long ago, my conclusions might be quite different.