Have Luxman 509x. Considering Pass Labs INT-250 or Dan D’Agostino Progression Integrated

Hello Audiogon community.

I currently have the Luxman 509X, Isotek V5 Aquarius power conditioner, VPI scout turntable and pair of Wilson Yvette. 
I really like my current set up but I’m looking for an upgrade. I know upgrade is such an ambiguous word with nothing in particular as to what I’m looking for, but curious to see what others feel about the two integrated power amps being considered?   

Thanks in advance. 


As a known Luxman fanboy I’m glad to hear of the positive experience with the latest generation, but man, those prices!!

AFAIK I got the last new 507ux in the US and if I told you how inexpensive it was you’d all be mad at me.

Seeing $9k for the 507z and $12k for the 509z... ouch! No wonder Fritz keeps wondering if I’m selling mine. 😂
