Have l become unstable?

I’ve always had nice audiophile quality gear and now I’m considering moving to something that’s capable of giving me an “auditory triple-bypass” if so inclined; the ATC 40 SCMA active paired with my JL e-110 sub.  I’m mostly not a volume listener, but find Buddy Guy too polite through Manley Mahi monoblocks and Merlin monitors.  Will I lose the great micro detail, imaging and sound stage depth I enjoy now?

Thanks for contemplative input.

Naim UnitiServe, Naim DAC 1, Shunyata Valhalla digital cable, Manley Neo-Classic pre with upgraded tubes to include Takatsuki 300B, Mahi Mahi monoblocks with upgraded tubes, Decware cabling, Merlin Black Magic monitors on Sound Organisation massed stands.
@celtic66 -- yeah, I'm a Merlin fan too.  Still sad about Bobby.  I have to say active ATCs will blow you away.  Literally.  They are like nothing else IME when it comes to effortless and undistorted dynamics.  Now, will they portray that almost surreal 3D soundstaging and imaging like a Merlin, Vandersteen, ProAc, Joseph Audio, Audio Physic, etc.?  No.  Just no.  But they do portray a realistic soundstage like you're more apt to perceive at a live performance.  And here's the thing, the incredible and palpable dynamics that ATCs can generate will very likely leave you not caring about images disappearing through your back wall and just leave you with a sh*t-eatin' grin on your face due to what's being revealed in front of you that just sounds for all the world like live music.  And I'm like you -- I LOVE that extreme 3D disappearing act soundstage thing, but I gotta tell ya, I'd be perfectly happy living the rest of my life with a pair of active 40s.  I used to work for an ATC dealer a while back and got to hear active and passive 20s, 50s, and 100s extensively, and as good as the passives are -- and they are outstanding in their own right -- the actives are special.  And since you'd need to replace your amps anyway, to me it's a no-brainer.  

Sorry to drone on here, but I hope you get the picture.  My absolute best advice would be to do whatever it takes to go listen to a pair of ATCs with your music.  You'll know in two minutes if they're for you.  My guess is you'll end up with that same stupid, sh*t-eatin' grin on your puss as me.  Best of luck. 

"To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity." William Arthur Ward
jay23 collects the ‘Eye for Detail’ award as I misspoke my digital cable as a Shunyata Valhalla.  Must be a hybrid.  Nordost Valhalla.  My Homer Simpson moment.  Thanks jay23 for my Sunday morning humbling.  

Thank you everyone for great feedback.  Ciao
I can say with certainty that you’ve become unstable. How do I know? What the *#%! is a "Shunyata Valhalla digital cable"? 😜

I'll work on getting up the courage for the white polka dots.....  Thanks for input.

I just need more dynamics.  I realize I could buy Manley Snappers and power the Merlins harder, but at the end of the day I need a speaker designed for more SPL on the occasion I want it.  BTW, the Merlins are terrific and do so much well.  Never any listening fatigue and they check so many of the boxes of resolution and soundstage.  That's all.  Ciao
@celtic66 -- can you be more specific about what you mean by "too polite," and what parameters would you most like to improve upon over what you have now?  Thanks. 


+1 ATC. Supertramp. Pink Floyd. The Police. AC/DC. Mark Knopfler. Jethro Tull. More recently The Killers, Diana Krall, Jack White, The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty....
Yes ATC’s . But for Buddy Guy , you’re gonna need Polka Dots too! I’m envious, I can’t afford ATC . One of the most powerful , clean sounding shows I ever saw was Supertramp’s Crime of the Century Tour at the restored Warner’s Theatre in Fresno . I talked to a sound engineer and he said “ ATC”. I realize your not doing live music but it applies in this senereo. So if you go Gloss Black , get the white polka dots ! Cheers . 
One relatively low $ way to “shove the envelope a bit” is improve your IMO excellent Unitiserve front end with HRS isolation, damping block and a Pardo LPS

works.... for me....

Thank you so much for insightful and useful information.  I've enjoyed the current system for years, just wanted to shove the envelope a bit.  Thanks again.  Ciao
ATC are extremely natural sounding and sound much like live music. You will however lose some typical “hi-fi” treble and bass emphasis as ATC are voiced very neutral (unlike most designs). Relatively speaking this means the mid range is more forward than usual because the response is flat both on and off axis throughout the frequency range (most designs and especially two-ways tend to be weak off axis in the upper mid range resulting in a “U” shaped EQ presentation. This “hi-fi” style speaker sound is incredibly popular but not quite natural sounding)

The detail is all there with ATC especially in the mid range - just turn up the volume a bit and the bass and treble details will blossom too.
No, not unstable, at least no more than the most of us, given the territory.

As far as your ATC's go, it might be worth considering whether if any loudspeaker/amp combos get much better than yours. Exemplary engineering, legendary midrange unit, first class in house customised treble unit etc. I suspect you will lose nothing but gain a lot in terms of bandwidth and dynamics. As far as kick-ass speakers go ATC are up there with classic high end JBL's.

The SCM40 SMA  not only an obvious contender for one take on the current state of the art, but it's also one massively favoured by many, many recording/broadcasting professionals.

@lowrider57  Yes, and hardly surprisingly it's also something that many try to foster and exploit. Just look at the most common type of ads compared to those from yesteryear. They promise nothing, and suggest everything.

Which of us has not been taken in at some point? Until you realise and accept the limits of what is possible in audio you will never have peace of mind and always be at risk!

Many experienced audiophiles feel that in real terms little progress outside loudspeaker design (and some fans of Quad, Klipsch, JBL, Tannoy DC's etc would even dispute that) has been made in the last 50 years in both the fields of recording and playback.

Hello Celtic,
    I'm listening to my ATC 40's right now, but in my case they are the somewhat unusual ATC HTS40's, the same as the SCM 40's but in an on wall configuration. Powered by an Accuphase E-470 with a pair of the small but tight JL Audio Dominion D-108's, they freakin' rock. What can I say? Sometimes I love to open them up and just get carried away. Today it's a selection of Reggae and holy crap, you can't go wrong with ATC if you get that occasional urge to hear some live music right in your own house. Get those ATC's and let us know what you think!

The ATC SCM 40 are fantastic loudspeakers  and are very dynamic. The issue with your current setup is not enough power to get you the dynamics and liveness you crave.

The ATC three way have a better image, with a stunning midrange that is neutral and clean, good treble detail. 

We became an ATC dealer after hearing the active SCM 40.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Whart, I believe the disorder would be Neurosis. Something that many audiophiles experience.
I own a set of ATC SCM-20A active monitors. They replaced Dunlavy SCIVa’s powered by one of a variety of amps and speaker cable combinations. I never turned back. Simpler is better. No longer do I need or worry about the adequacy of speaker cabling or amps. 

Your ATC choice is a good one; I believe your will likely enjoy improved sound reproduction. But I agree with @whart, listen to your candidate speakers, preferably in your home audio listening room before deciding. 
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I can’t answer the question in the title of your thread, but the fact that you are deeply engaged in audiophile gear may be a sign of some form of psychopathy. (I’m not qualified to make those judgements).
As to the rest, I get it.
Can you audition some active monitors?
I’ve heard plenty of systems break through the barrier and they weren’t all of the same type, e.g. big dynamic speakers with lots of power, horns with tubes, etc.
I like that ’performer in the room’ character and listen to a lot of electric guitar recordings (mostly old very hard rock of the ’proto’ or post-psych type- (e.g. May Blitz, 2nd track first album on Vertigo Swirl- power trio with deranged guitar work- very visceral).
Love Buddy Guy, but the recordings are no substitute for hearing him live.
Favorite recording is his version of ’First Time I Met the Blues" from the "Chicago Blues" film soundtrack. Not a terribly good recording but that rendition--he’s recorded and played it many times- is bitter and biting like no other.
My only recommendation: don’t dump the gear you have ’til you’ve listened to what you think you want.

postscript observation: a lot of the audiophile attributes like ’imaging’ and ’soundstage’ seem beside the point when I listen to my horn-based system-- I get plenty of detail but the ’in the room’ character of delivery makes these other attributes almost irrelevant.