Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?

   Considering the many, many brands of power cords I've tried in my very well accomplished high-end system, I have never been so impacted by these Core Power Technology power cords. Within a very short period(15-20) minutes my system literally came alive. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control. My Rel G1 which is a fabulous sub on its own but with a CPT 150 on it is another story. Running high pass from my sub to my Audiozen Noah amplifier, music depth is just stunning. Lower end bass is authoritative and clean with solid grip and impact. 
   My experience with these power cords is truly magical. The scary part of the above is I only have one 150 on my sub and one 300 from my wall to my 6 outlet bar. I still need 3 more to complete my system. I could just imagine the level after that...In closing, I cannot emphasize enough to try one of these in your system. I CANNOT and WIIL NOT take these out as they are that good. But hold your jaw, cuz what you've been listening to will just become real after Core Power Technologies. 

Cheers....and let the tapping begin.......


Thanks for your note here. We love the new corner extrusion and it allows us to make an even better solid package. 

Please note that the "guts" are 100% identical... :)

Thanks so much,

update...the CPT-300 continues to tighten up. very tight and quick.Sound more articulate now.Definitely a keeper. Already better than the CT-1 it replaced.
After reading through this discussion and all of the praise for the CPT, I thought I would give one a shot.  Honestly I did not think it would do much for my system.   I already had a Shunyata Anaconda, Shunyata Hydra 6 as well as Triode Wire Lab cables throughout, but thought that maybe running a CPT in to my Hydra 6 may help.

After contacting Mark I had him help me out on what size CPT I needed to plug in to the Hydra 6 to run my front end(Ayre KX-5 Twenty Preamp, Oppo105, Classe SSP800, DirecTV and Xbox one).   He was incredibly helpful and even responded back to my emails on Sunday, even though I insisted it was fine to get back to me on Monday.   We settled on the CPT300, which I received a week later.

Right out of the box I really did not expect to hear much a difference and, even if I ever did, the differences would be very subtle.  All I can say is, "WOW".   Seriously, everyone is right when they say that the backgrounds are blacker and you are able to hear things you have not heard before.   After listening to the same songs probably hundreds of times before I was surprised to hear new things and a real separation between the instruments.   What everyone has not mentioned is how much deeper the soundstage became.   At least on my system it became much more 3D than it has ever been.  

I did not believe a powercord could make that much of a difference, but I was wrong.   Very happy!

@rshad0000, so glad to hear what the CPT 300 did for your system. It is rather amazing what we were used to listening to before these cords go into our systems and the huge transformation they make....as you add more with your components it just gets deeper/wider/quieter/blacker/livelier...etc..........

rshadoooo...so glad you like the CPT..it is a great pc...mine continues to improve daily..
I improved the sound of the CPT 300 by setting the box unit on four 1 1/2" Star Sound brass Audio Points. I just thought I'd through that out there, I'm sure there are other tweaks what would work also.

I improved the sound of the CPT 300 by setting the box unit on four 1 1/2" Star Sound brass Audio Points. I just thought I'd through that out there, I'm sure there are other tweaks what would work also.
BTW: all power cords and speaker cables are elevated off the floor and I believe that also adds to a blacker background.

Post removed 
A bit late to the game, but I’d like to add my own two cents (well, maybe a nickel).


Having spent 15 years (give or take) as a reviewer and audio magazine Editor, I was fortunate in being able to audition – often in my own system – a wide variety of audio gear, including power cables. Like many audiophiles, I found that power cords sound different from one another (or more accurately, make the equipment to which they are connected sound different), and that the careful selection of a power cord(s) could make my system more to my liking.


Last year Mark contacted me and said that he wanted to stop by so I could hear his new EQUI=CORE “fully balanced AC power sources.”  I had some familiarity with balanced power, and knew that it could dramatically improve a system; however, I also knew that most balanced power systems were quite expensive, usually in the neighborhood of $5000 and up. I was thus more than a bit skeptical when Mark told me how relatively inexpensive his products were.


I try to always keep an open mind (though some might say it is an empty head-!), so I agreed to give it a try. I decided to begin at the source, which was (and still is) an EMM Labs DAC2x. Though not to everyone’s taste (nothing is), I think most would agree that the DAC 2x is a pretty fine piece of equipment, and I used it with a power cord (a VERY pricey one, at that) that I felt optimized its performance.


You probably know where this is going: To my considerable surprise, the EQUI=CORE trounced my reference power cord. As this is by no means a formal review, I will keep it short and sweet: With the EQUI=CORE in the system, the noise floor was considerably lower, resolution was enhanced without any apparent frequency anomalies, and most saliently, the system sounded more natural. I have since tried the EQUI=CORE with other components in my system, and the effect has been consistent. This products amazes me when I consider its price and pure value for money play.


As coincidence would have it, around the time of Mark’s visit, I was about to embark on a career change. After 17 years in the field of pharmaceutical and biotechnology patent law, I was starting a home-based audio retail business. Mark agreed to allow me to be a dealer for his EQUI-CORE line of products, which (not surprisingly) is what brought me to this thread.


To simply introduce myself, I am Larry Borden and I am located in northern NJ, 30-45 minutes from Manhattan, Westchester, Connecticut, Rockland County, and of course northern and central New Jersey. If anyone is interested in demoing or chatting further with me about EQUI=CORE, please feel free to contact me here, or through my Distinctive Stereo web site.


I’m really happy to have found this thread and to find so many satisfied users. This is a great product and one that needs more exposure for sure.

Hi Larry, nice to hear your experience with the Core Power Technology. I do think it is a quality in itself that no other has done. I do think placing resonance control feet would enhance the characteristics. I have mine elevated with solid park wood blocks(HIFI PyonSound)about 6-8 inches off the floor. It is just enough to notice....

Post removed 
Damn spell check substitution on my iPad!
I'm glad you like the SR black fuse.

I failed to mention that the audio points are also sitting on a large block of Mocca wood that's on the floor.
@rshad0000 Can't thank you enough for your evaluation. I'm really thrilled that you are happy and that our E=C is making a profound difference. 

I'm trying isolation feet myself right now - metal cones and wooden platforms. Early tests are quite positive.

Same as above. Thank you guys for touting me on to this. :)

Larry - so pleased to see you here. Your room is amazing and the listening sessions at your place firmly allowed me to move forward with these products. I can't thank you enough. I miss listening in your amazing room - hope to be back again soon.

Best wishes,



PS - thanks for your updates as well. 

Here are some of my thoughts after 72 hours of break in on my CPT300.First I want to mention that had problems inserting the female connector into my Spectral preamplifier, this is the tightest fitting cord I have ever used in my life. Out of the box the CPT300 sounded OK with blacker backgrounds than I was accustomed to and there was some extra detail. I waited 24 hours and went back for a second listen and the system had more separation than my previous very expensive power cord. There is a lack of color with this cord while giving my system extra micro detail that I have not heard before. After 72 hours the CPT 300 continues to increase in frequency response, deeper bass  and a touch more top end. I would say that things will get very interesting over the next 500 hours because currently after 72 hours this one of the best power cords I have heard. I will be ordering another one next week. I have own several of the mentioned expensive power cables on this thread from $5000 and down and I would prefer not to put any of these other cable manufactures down, so no name calling here
paz307...could not agree more....The CPT-300 on my Lumin player gets better each day. A great find. Thanks to whoever started this thread..
It's so great to hear that you all are having game changing experiences with these CPT power cords. It's always nice having things simplified with a smaller range of products needed for each device to achieve its fullest potential. We all do like experimenting, but this was as easy as plug-n-play like I mentioned from the beginning. I'm happy for the believers and can't push enough for the doubters-if any......

it's the "live" sound that these CPT cords have that is sooo addicting...

Hi Bacardi.

Thank you for the cordial welcome.  I will give your suggestion a try.  

Best regards,

Good Evening Bacardi...

If you get a moment (knowing it's Father's Day Weekend) - please e-mail me...

Thanks so much,


As for elevating the central element of the CPT-pc i used 4,  2" x 3" solid carbon blocks under mine and it improved the mids significantly..great idea to isolate the unit..My CPT-300 continues to improve..GREAT pc..

Doing something similar here and YES, I am hearing deeper into the soundstage than ever before in my home system. I have not been doing this at the office or at shows - but you can bet I will be doing it now.


Thanks so much for the conversation - I enjoyed our chat quite a bit and your passion comes through clearly. Really excited about CPT’s next steps and it was fun sharing some of that data with you. Thank you for lending me your ear a bit.

Best always,

I just put the 150 on my preamp.  My this is good.  And it gets better with more time on them?  
Hi Mark, will your PC work in 220 volt countries? I am thinking the transformers in your cables are probably voltage specific. And if not any plans to have other voltage versions?

@kclone , nice to hear. It will get better with even 200+hours to 500. If your pre has any noise which some do, it should rid that...

Thanks for your note.

We have voltage and frequency specific units in stock and ready for shipment. 

220v and 240v together with 50Hz are available in all of our sizes.

Thank You,

I want to offer my apologies at the outset for including this information in this thread - but I am very proud to announce that the room we were in at T.H.E. Show Newport has won The Gold Award (along with others) at AV Showrooms. This is a highly coveted award and we all feel very excited about this. Link here...


As well, we won a few days ago for Best Sound at the Show (Tied in Value Category) at TAS for speakers (systems) 15K and above. That link is here...


The Emerald Physics EP2.8 were surely the star of the room - but at the "foundation" the Core Power E=C units ran two rooms (and others after hours) with great success...

I'm very grateful...

Best wishes,

Congratulations Mark! The effectiveness of your balanced power delivered by Equi=Core cords is easily discernable, and with your larger units including duplex outlets built in, I think CPT will see wider use as entire systems can be connected to a single E=C unit.

Thanks so much for your comment. The larger units are cool - but we still think our smaller guys have a great place in all of this as folks are finding out. 

Just had a PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC customer write this morning to explain the differences he is now experiencing. His explanations were very specific with musical notes included. Really made my day. 

Last week we had two headphone customers write to say the same thing - the differences with headphones are massive (according to them) due to the "directly coupled" nature of that listening experience. I have not really tried to market to those folks - but perhaps I should.

Appreciate very much your comments -

Best wishes,

Well I received my CPT 300 the other day and it is fully broken in now. Last night I put it on my 55" Panasonic plasma tv for the first time. I have 150 on an amp in the audio system.
Guys, to say the results were astonishing is an understatement.
I thought the blacks were dark before, but the 300 makes them BLACK.
I’m talking.....black-black.
Also, within big patches of black, there are no artifacts of any kind. ZERO.
I’m FAR from an expert on video, but to me, this all results in more depth as well because shadows are more easily shown. I don’t mean shadows from objects in front of the sun, but FINE shadows. Like blades of grass have deeper blacks between them which shows more detail and definition as a result.
Colors are more vivid and have more "pop", if you will.
I don’t know how else to say it, as I said, I’m no expert in judging video, but I know when I see a beautiful picture and the CPT 300 delivers the goods.
If you’re on the fence about trying a cord, get off it. They’re that good.

@devilboy , great to hear. Would you say it has more of a 3D effect to the picture? I don't have one direct to a big screen but my Samsung LED LCD is connected into a 6 plug strip that is run to a 300 to the wall. The colour vividness, black and white accuracy is really noticeable. I currently have the cheesy figure 8 two prong cord which needs to be changed or the tv itself to run a custom cord. All in time...

Really please to hear about this devilboy. I believed it when I explained it to you - and I believe it more and more with each day. The E=C on Plasma and LED TV's is really wonderful. My set at home really shows this off well.

I hope the cord length worked out well. 

The issue as my Engineers explain it to me is that the SMPS power supplies used in these TV's just really don't work well. There is a TON of tech data about this - but the bottom line is this... these power supplies are used because of SPACE and COST. In the end these Switch Mode Power Supplies madly love Balanced Power.

devilboy - could you detect a different "whine" in your power supply on your Plasma when E=C is applied? I'd love to know. Free to write or call if posting is a hassle. 720.317.9141 or corepowertech@outlook.com

Tonight I'm on my own as Missy 2 Shoes (aka my wife) is out helping our daughter with Garage Sale duty. I see a nice burger in my future... :)

BTW - I guess I'm going to let the cat out of the bag here and let you guys know that we have some incredible Battery Power Supplies coming for wal-wart or plug in power supplies. Talk about the differences heard and measured.... WOW!


Appreciate very much your input and your call the other day. Very appreciated.

Best wishes,

@bacardi, I can’t say that I see more of a 3-D affect per se, but there is nice depth to the picture.

@Mark. I’ve been extremely busy all weekend and haven’t checked to see if I hear more of a humming (or any at all for that matter). The length is PERFECT by the way. I’m selling a lot of stuff as my system has taken another huge turn, so I have that on my plate too. Pretty soon it will all be over and I can go back to listening to tunes again.

One day I’ll connect the 300 to the Exactpower and check on that for you too.

What's the CPT 300 sonic signature?   Is it warm, neutral or lean compare to HiDiamond, High Fidelity, Nordost ...


I am using the CPT300 on a DIY power strip. My front end components are plugged in that power strip with Cerious Technologies Graphene cables. Together this combo far exceeds anything I had with the HiDiamond, High Fidelity in terms of transparency and natural sound. Not warm, not bright just right.


Thanks so much - most appreciated

Wondering if you anything in your system that uses a small Wall Wart or external Power Supply. Our new Battery PSU tentatively called Super Core is about ready. We should have some beta pieces in 3 weeks or so. 

1200's and 1800's are now VERY close as well

Many thanks



text or call 720.317.9141

PS - Happy Holiday to all



Please allow me to ask for two beta testers from this forum that have a piece of gear (DAC, Preamp, Phono Stage, USB Regenerator etc. etc.) that uses an outboard power supply.

I will have two units available for testing. There is no obligation on anyone's part to say or do anything here etc. We just want to get Super Core into a few systems 3 weeks from now. 

Please reply here - or to corepowertech@outlook.com

or text my cell 720.317.9141

Thanks - and Happy Holidays...


Entirely grateful to report that our EQUI=CORE was part of a room at THE Show Newport that has won an Audio Oasis Award from Positive Feedback from it's estimable Editor - Dr. David Robinson. 

I'm extremely appreciative to be part of a room with Merrill Audio, German Physiks, EMM Labs, VPI etc. etc. 

Thanks all,



@corepowertech What would be the interaction of your power cord with other power conditioning equipment:

- Isolation transformaer: Torus
- Power regenerator: Purepower, PS Audio
- Passive filter: Shunyata.

Really appreciate the input
Just curious, would you be plugging in the CPT power cord to the Power regenerator, to power other components? Or are you using the CPT power cord from the wall to the Power regenerator?
How and where is the Passive filter used in your system?

Thanks for your note.

We have many people using E=C units POST Regenerators like PS Audio, etc. 

I do not have experience with the Torus equipment but I know the man that owns the company and he builds wonderful transformers. 

We do have a solid group using Filters - and these people are running POST the filter as well. 

So output of the filter to input of the E=C and then output of the E=C to the gear you wish to drive Balanced. 



Thanks a lot for your input. Regarding your new products in the future, will you look to make large power conditioner than your current 300W?

Oh yes... the EQUI=CORE 1200 and 1800 are moments away from launch. 

If you are interested in further reviews, I understand that the Greg Voth review of the E=C 300 should go live next week on stereotimes. It's an amazing review - I have seen an early "fact check" copy... 

Many thanks,

Huge congrats Mark for your stunning results at the show. Great products. 

In regards to seperate power supplies and your new product. The three Audiozen pieces I have all have them. I wouldn't buy anything without one. A must have. Greatly improves performance to a whole new level. 
After 500 plus hours, my CPT cord sounds stunning. The difference between my CPT 300 and other more expensive cords becomes more noticable every day. Everything just sounds more live with the CPT cords. A guitar sounds more like, live plucking of the strings and when the artist taps on the guitar you can clearly hear the wood vibrate. Little micro nuances come through much more clear with the CPT cord versus other expensive cords that I own. I also have 2 very high end conditioners and I prefer the CPT 300 straight to the wall over the conditioners.

Thanks for your note. YES, I'm hearing that these Audiozen products from Italy are AMAZING - and an incredible value too boot. 


Thank you for your kind words and observations. E=C is making it's first shipment to India this week and we are excited. Word is spreading quickly - and after Capital Audio Fest I'm receiving all kinds of Industry Requests now also. 


Many thanks - sincerely appreciate your kind words. 

Off to Baltimore area this week - best to all,
