Great Trumpet Players and Albums - recommendations

I'm looking for well recorded masterpiece of trumpet albums. Can you recommend a few players and their albums. I like the trumpet performance in "Hope" by Hugh Masekela.

Happy listening! Thanks.

I suppose Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" is the gold standard. There are a lot of great Miles albums. Another one I would recommend is "In a Silent Way." If you enjoy both of those, you have a lot of fun exploring to do. "Love Songs" is a beautiful compilation to seek out.
If you want a well-recorded masterpiece and like big-band style trumpet, try Harry James, "The King James Version" (Sheffield Labs, 1976). Vinyl, of course. The album is recorded direct-to-disc, sounds fantastic, and captures Harry at his best.
Arturo Sandoval is of a higher calibur than Hugh. You'll enjoy lots.
My favorite Miles album is Amandla which is not gold standard. What's not standard is usually great.
Lately been diggin' onto Roy Hargrove performances. He's simply brilliant.
Another cool modern trumpeteer is Nils Petter Molvaer and young fella from Germany Till Bronner(sorry I don't have double dot german o :)
Current trumpeters, Nicholas Payton, Roy Hargrove, Terence Blanchard, Wynton Marsalis.

All timers, Louis Armstrong,Miles Davis, Lee Morgan, Chet Baker, Kenny Dorham, Art Farmer, Freddie Hubbard, Jack Sheldon, Joe Gordon, Dizzy Gillespie, Fats Navarro, Howard McGhee Thad Jones.
Anything by Doc Severinsen!
My favorite LP of all time is Doc Severinsen with the National Philharmonic Orchestra 1980 on Firstline - digitally recorded Cat. # 51-3018. He plays his heart out!
On CD - Try Trumpet Spectacular 1990 Telarc Digital CD-80223.
You may still find them on Amazon.
Louis Armstrong – Satchmo Plays King Oliver
Louis Armstrong & Duke Ellington – The Great Summit The Master Takes
Terence Blanchard – Wandering Moon
Clifford Brown – Study in Brown
Roy Hargrove – Parker’s Mood
Freddie Hubbard – Open Sesame; Straight Life
Tomasz Stanko (Manu Katche) – Neighborhood
Wynton Marsalis – Live at Blues Alley
Lee Morgan – Search for the New Land; Cornbread
Donald Byrd (Doug Watkins) – The Transition Sessions
miles davis- kind of blue, walkin', steamin' , 'round about midnight, liave at the blackhawk

lee morgan- candy, cornbread, sidewinder
Clifford Brown- Study in Brown.
Miles Davis -Kind of Blue (gold standard)!
Freddie Hubbard- Red Clay

all of these titles are unique and represents the artist at his peak.
Sheffield Labs direct to disc of "The King James Version" with Harry James. Don't miss this one!
Lee Morgan - Cornbread
Thad Jones - The Magnificent Thad Jones
Woody Shaw - Stepping Stones
Kenny Dorham - Una Mas
Tom Harrell - The Time of the Sun
Dave Douglas - Soul on Soul
Jerry Gonzalez - Rumba Para Monk
Arturo Sandoval - Trumpet Evolution
Roy Hargrove - Earfood
The Quintet (Dizzy Gillespie) - Jazz at Massey Hall
of my favorites not yet listed -

Lester Bowie - various

very current - Christian Scott - "Anthem"
Thanks for your recommendations. I'll get a few CDs as a starat.

Sheffield Labs direct to disc of "The King James Version" with Harry James was mentioned a few times. However, I couldn't find any CDs or Vinyl new at a reasonable price. Anyone knows a good source except Any chance of a reissue in the future?
Lee Morgan 'Sidewinder' and 'Cooker' and 'Gigolo' and 'The Procrastinator' and etc.

Paolo Fresu 'Chiaroscuro' and 'Mare Nostrum'
I have always liked the albums on the CTI label. Some have felt that they were not true Jazz, which I don't quite understand.
My favorite of that catalog so far is Freddie Hubbard's "First Light".
Freddie said this was the album that he was the most proud of.
I can surely see why!!
I agree about "First Light"; "Red Clay" is a another good one. CTI was criticized by jazz "purists" for being too commercial. It is true that many of their recordings were cross-over, jazz-fusion or whatever one wants to call the genre; and some, like the Bob James recordings were fairly "lite". However, some like Freddie Hubbard's, were really good jazz recordings even if they possessed some r&b and funk elements. Unfortunately, some people lump all CTI artists together as being less than serious jazz players because some, well, are.
Maynard Ferguson - New Vintage
Freddie Hubbard - SuperBlue
Woody Shaw - Rosewood
Chuck Mangione - Main Squeeze
B.L.U.E. -- Brufford, Levin Upper Extremities with well known trumpeter Chris Botti can easily blow your mind