Good 2 channel receiver

What’s a good solid 2 channel receiver for just playing music?
If you want to buy new, Yamaha makes a receiver in your price range I would consider. I forgot the model number.

Teo_audio does make a good point. One could purchase an new integrated amplifier and a used tuner. Just as a way of making a point, I have two tuners (NAD, Yamaha) in my collection and would sell either for $25. Problem is that shipping would double that. I am not interested in selling them on-line. I good used tuner should not be too hard to find. 
Ok my budget is $500, so what are some good separates? This is a system I want to buy and put on the shelf and forget about it. Use everyday and not worry about it breaking down. Something simple, but good and dependable.
high quality integrated with a separate fm tuner, is probably easier to obtain and would probably be of much higher quality.

Just a tad taller on the shelf, is all....(two boxes, not one)

I say this as all in oine boxes are the bain of quality and longevity.

that..maybe what...75% to 95% of all VCR/DVD TV combos where thrown in the recycle bin or garbage...with broken VCR’s or DVD players..with the integrated TV still good for another 10 years.

The same thing happens with the modern LCD TV’s with integrated dvd players. The dvd player pops and then the LCD TV part is perfect for another 5-10 years. Never buy one of these things. Point is, a good FM tuner is not found in new receivers, it is found in old ones.

and old ones are ready to break. too complex, to many parts, too many circuits.

Thus... if one wants a quality amplifier section with two channels and an FM tuner section, is used gear, an integrated amplifier.... with a separate tuner. 

Where cheap high quality older tuners are more plentiful and cheap--than grass. eBay is filled with low priced high quality FM tuners that no one wants.
I would go for the Outlaw. If looking at a lower budget check out Yamaha. 
A Carver receiver from the mid-80's is still a formidable contender! I have two! With separate preamp/amp jacks it is versatile! Plus one of the best tuners, too! I used one to drive the KLH Nine electrostats with excellent results!
Thanks guys for the help, downgrading out of theatre surround because I never use anymore.
just want to get back to a simple 2 channel music. 
Check out the Outlaw RR2160 receiver. Looks like an overachiever and a bargain.