Genesis digital lens

Hi all

 need some advice....., I’m looking to to buy this device. I have a Wadia 830 CD player. As you may or may not know, the Genesis digital lens is suppose to remove jitter and to reclock the digital material. Would this device improve the final output or just can I exist without adding the genesis digital lens???? I hope I represented this properly. I’m still a no you. Thanks. 

Interesting as I bought a mint condition Digital Lens earlier this year. 

Assuming you are using the Wadia as a transport into a DAC, I doubt that any transport is so good that the Lens can not improve its output.  As pointed out above, it is only useful on 16/44.1.

I still use my Digital Lens.  It is particularly helpful on the output from my cable box.   
The Digital Lens was developed long before the likes of Geoff Kait (Machina Dynamica) realized a major problem was/is the laser light scatters all around the insides of the transports

I remember some 20 years ago, a company that sold small metal caps that fit over the laser with small holes to focus the laser (like an aperture). I used one on my TOP LOADING Audio Alchemy transport, and later on my TL CEC transport. They worked extremely well

Geoff's New DARK Matter is a smokey plastic type wafer material that one cuts to size and affixes to the cd tray. By far the best $39 one can spend to improve digital sound. That, plus his springs which minimize vibrations, placed under each component is another giant leap

As always I can count on you Agoners to give me great and thoughtful advice. Thanks. You’re a a fantastic bunch!!!
I think that in modern times the digital lens is more of a collector's item than a real benefit.

The better DAC's in the last 10-15 years have outstandingly good jitter rejection already, most likely much better than the DL could do. 

Mytek, Brooklyn, and others are in the reasonably affordable and amazingly good jitter rejection camp. I'm sure there are others. 
As you may or may not know, the Genesis digital lens is suppose to remove jitter and to reclock the digital material. Would this device improve the final output or just can I exist without adding the genesis digital lens????
It helped the sound of my old Wadia WT2000 transport into the Wadia 64.4 Dac
It shows you the jitter coming from transports as a number in the read out, and then zero's it, and there are big differences in transport jitter I found.

The good transports today don't have much jitter these days, and something like the Genesis I think would be detrimental to the wave form that they can give out, as it's own wave form would not be as nice and square as this one from my Cambridge CXC.

Cheers George
Post removed 
IMHO, money would be better spent updating your CD player.  There has been a lot of digital advances since the launch of the Digital Lens some 25 years ago.  Also, the Digital Lens is limited to Redbook 16 bits 44.1kHz sample rates.