truth depends on your vendor, your gear and your ear..i have a mix of new and nos. My 6L6 in a very heavily modified MC240 are Sylvania.
Is that a Samra 240, tomic601? The new Tung Sol sure sound good in his Russian PIO rebuilds.
Telefunken and RCA/Tung-Sol in a MC240/MX110z has a full blown cult following... Truly one of the Holy Grails of the stereo world.. 225 and 275s are in a close second..
I just tried Sovtek 6L6WXT, they use them in Migs, they are that tough.. THICK black plate....Quiet...
Try them, you'll be surprised, Amperex small valves smooth combo..
I’m listening to a MX110z a 225 and a pair of RS4b right now. There isn’t a part there under 50 years old.. LOL The surrounds.. and 2 PS rebuilds.
FM is as clear as a bell.. The station is 53 miles away.
70 degree autumn night. It is as dry as the Mojave desert here.
They just played "Anna Gotta Devita" and "Born to be Wild"
I think I’ll watch Easy Ryder, LOL