Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.

Funny how manufacturers of streaming and digital gear continues to chase that elusive analog sound. I thought digital was better?

Before you all get your panties in a wad I enjoy both Digital and Analog but much rather listen to an analog source than digital.

So today I see  Innuos Introduces The PhoenixNET – A Network Switch For Audiophiles @ only $3500.00

Guess I do not see the point you can get superior sound for say $2500 or less with a decent turntable cartridge combo and phono stage. Hell Clear Audio has an all in one for $2500.

I just don’t get it and I do not care to either.
Glupso  up to this point I liked you, but now I wouldn't give you you a hug from behind...lo.
"...for freaking on where someone lives.’
It is not about where someone lives. It is about admiring architecture. I am all into landscaping (not doing it myself, but admiring it myself) so I do see some trendsetting on those pictures. It looks like a warning sign in someone’s front yard.

The last time I saw something like that it read "Keep out! Minefield!" I am not even joking. Neither were they.
He freaked on where somewhere somewhere somewhere someone lived.  He is a douche nozzle. Not the douce proper, but just the nozzle.
Actually I don't care. Too drunk to care unless you freak on where someone lives the`it'll be on you like white on rice.... or
Except  for audio2design for freaking on where someone lives. That ticks me off more than a 777 breaking up over  a subdivision.
Wow... I actually made it through this entire thread. Quite amusing I must say! Lots of back hugs and douches... NOW THAT IS A PARTY!! As to the actual topic? F!ck it... it really doesn’t matter!
Ok Lady’s and Gent’s, let’s be of good cheer. I assure ALL of you I can be the BIGGEST ass of all.. Really I can.. BUT we’re having way to much fun here.. Everyone is getting mixed up on who is talkin’ to who, and AND I’m gettin’ all emotional about this.. snellville, snellville.

NO HUGS EITHER.. Keep your hands to yourself.

Unless you mean it, and I ain't wearing no body suit, FIRST.. :-) can play dress up..


Having some self-restraint will not give you negative points.
No, directed at audio2design.

I want to hear your r2r setup because it may be the only time I get to hear one that is properly set up. I have nothing but props for you bro. Do you have an Otari deck? You mentioned a 5050, so thats what came to mind. How much refurb did you have to do on it?

I have a real problem with those that poke at how/where others live. Audio2design did that. My house isn't grand by any means, but it's mine. It needs more work, but I am doing the best that I can. I am spending my life's savings on redoing my kitchen so it will be presentable when people come over. So when someone like audio2design calls out someone about where they live, it really ticks me off.

It had NOTHING to do with you bro. Nothing at all. I honestly DO want to hear your system. Digital or analog. You are rocking r2r and for me that is a fantasy/desire of mine and I give you props for it in a major way. I honestly admire you.


You are getting ME confused with Audio2design.....
I did not say anything
Audio2design did working for Broadcom make you this much of a douche or were you always this way? I was with you on the network switch thing but bud you have some personality issues here. Does the internet make you bold and brazen or are you like this in real life?
Skychild you post pictures of a small resort common areas and call it your house. It's obvious zooming in. Maybe you have a condo there but that's not your house. Please join reality with the rest of us.
Oldhvymec .... never a truer word spoken. I wish that I  could afford r2r, but at 60 bucks a pop for tapes I just can't do it. My wee wife would string me up for sure.

I have always wanted a r2r deck, but the price of tape always held me back. I have to be satisfied with Dolby s cassette and hope for the best. Its a very pale comparison to r2r.

You are living the dream in my estimation my friend. Would love to hear your system some day.
It's not superior, I just like, same way with RtR I hate most of the crap they recorded on RtR. I do have 3 that are wonderful. The Doors, Cream and Chet Atkins. The digital versions are better and higher quality playback.  I play the vinyl remaster of Chet Atkins vs my RtR vs The SACD.

Geez I like all three to tell the truth. BUT the digital through a 777ES or my server a simple Cocktail X40 with or without a Mac C2500 frontend.
It's better. No doubt about it either.

BUT oh yea there is a BIG ol BUT for me.. I'm waiting on a really good phono/tape preamp for direct head playback. My current vinyl rigs are OLD but very nice to listen to. Thorens TH124s/SME 3012/3009 (OLD)
and Russco.. and 303s with broadcast shure carts.

The RtR, I'm just setting down with it after 25 plus years. I'll check it out.
Tune it set the heads and bias. I went over the preamp boards, OLD stuff
5050 BII 2. I just need to wire it for direct head out.. 2 channel, I still have two months to wait on the darn preamp, CRAP.. 4 months now..

I'm playing back through hotroded C20 Macs with VERY nice phono and tape sections. WAY to much time for sure.. 10 years of tinkering..

I listen to more streaming than anything, then CDs, Vinyl, and tape 15 or 30 ips VERY good stuff. Is it BETTER? Sure better than live, recordings, most of those don't work out to well, for me. I like studio recordings.. The better the studio the better the music..FOR ME.

That why I brought up Chet Atkins.. That guy had some BIG chops....

I say if he were alive today, he'd be all over digital..YUP.. I still like my vinyl, and RtR, I like tinkering....

Yes, I am a douche. An analog douche who doesn't compare his system to others. I am the quintessential Irish douche who would open his home to anyone who loves audio no matter the format. I am the kind of douche that calls out other douches for their douchiness. 

If you aren't ready to put up, then shut up bro. I don't mean that in the friendly bro that I give to skypunk, but in the non Irish "you be a major douche bag with a stick up your ass" kind of bro". Seriously... you have never heard my system so how can you ASSUME yours sounds better than mine? For all I know you are listening to a dogs phallus scraping miserably against some worn ass vinyl. 

My drunken 2 cents, take it seriously because we Irish can hold our liquor.

Love you skypunk....lots of hugs from behind bro :-)
Bro my room is suite and very far from purpose built. It sounds freaking awesome. Don't guess, come listen. You will do the nasty thing in your pants.

I have taken this thread to whole other level. You're welcome.
lexx, I have little doubt my analog system, well system in general, in a purpose built room, with properly designed, and tuned acoustics, with a carefully set up signal chain, is quite a bit better than what you have, I have no delusions about its limitations. I have it as an access method to otherwise unavailable media. No more. No less.
Audio2design .... analog is best. If you don't believe me then just ask me.

Skypunk play nice.... or relatively so.
And there you have it. Proof positive that skychild is just upset that there is yet another thing if life skychild can't hold over the masses. When you reach puberty maybe come back to the adult table.
Virtual hug to skypunk.... hug from the front. Not the creepy kind from behind.
Rita is my true Irish friend there laddy. It makes me hear the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Actually it was a great invention of the recording industry to compensate for the drawbacks of physical vinyl. It does a great job of it too.

I worked mostly on cat6k data plane running IOS.
I do not think they support it any more..

Post removed 
I had Cisco 2900 switches running 1080p to my TV with no problem. Do we think that a wee bit of audio would give them the least bit of worry?

I am sure your vinyl sounds perfect :-)
But do not forget that is the RIAA circuits doing all the corrections for you, not the vinyl itself.


IOS as the Apple's operating system or the old Cisco operating system before their Nexus class of routers ?

Cakyol..... come to my house bro.... bachs to tocatta and fugue in d minor on VINYL will cure constipation. Come check it out.....seriously.

Cakycom....... PREACH BROTHER!!!! AS A 27 year it professional who knows ios PREACH!!!!!
Audiophile network switches are snake oil. A $35 netgear learning bridge will do EXACTLY the same thing. Packets whizz around at 10 Gbits/sec on these guys, you think they need to introduce anything special for 300kHz at best.

What a joke...

Before you say anything, I do work for Broadcom as a senior software engineer and we design almost 80% of the routing & bridging chips in the world, and I do know how they work.

All you need to make sure is that you keep them (especially the walwart power supply) away from sensitive phono lines, that is all.

Audio2design .... spoken like a pontificating want to be of EITHER  analog or digital? Might we be a poor batista of questionable descent .... namely not irish? I pose to you this my questionable lad... have you ever heard a fine digital or analog system? My offer stands open to you as well....Irish or not... to hear a fine analog system. I promise to not let your irishness detract from your welcome there lad

I totally agree with you and you are not deaf, the ones who hear superior sound from vinyl are in denial and in nostalgia.

Vinyl by design and laws of physics, can NOT record base frequencies and hence need trickery like RIAA curve matching to get it to barely sound reasonable.  The magic is always in the phono preamp & the RIAA filters.

Get one proper DAC and you are done, you can listen to the original recording 5000 miles away without losing a single bit.
@audio2design........ @audio2design........ bro you are so full of sea monkey poo its amazing .

99.9% of the pontificating here have no clue what is actually being recorded. You have never heard what is coming off a microphone and what is being recording. You blather on about R-R without a clue of all the artifacts that bring what is played back away from the actual music that was played.  You like the result, often, but personal preference is not an absolute and for others their preference is much different.

Properly mastered for the medium, yes that $150 Chinese DAC presents a more accurate, more honest to what was played, and if live, a more accurate rendition of the live performance than that expensive turntable or R-R you covet. Sure that room with the expensive speakers and crappy acoustics may benefit from a more centered image from the poor crosstalk of vinyl. It can help compensate for the acoustic mess. That hiss on R-R can help extract details lost in the distortion of that expensive tube gear and that compression from magnetic saturation can emulate loudness compensation at typical non realistic listening levels. But all that is just painting a pig.
Audio2design.. geez doesn't this forum understand blitzed Irish typing? I have to correct my own mistakes.

Listened to a miles Davis album tonight. Sublime. Top that you digital hooligan.