upon reading and re-reading this review scott, the only comment i would make is that this one, like too many others, as well written as they are, do not compare the review subject with other likely competing ones that a potential buyer may consider...
to me, i always get a better understanding of how something new on market sounds when it is compared to others, one or more of which i may have personally owned or heard, and thus can better place the new kid on the block ’on the sonic spectrum’, so to speak
perhaps you would, when you have time to do so, give readers here a sense of what your objectives were in designing this flagship monitor, and how it may compare, as you voiced it, to other well known higher dollar standmounts, say
-- focal kanta 1
-- proac k1
-- wilson tt
-- sonus faber electa am 3
-- lesser priced but excellent monitors from atc, harbeth, salk, fritz and so on