eARC to HDMI converters

I'm trying to use a new Sony TV with eARC with a pre-ARC Bryston SP3 processor.  I think there are devices that take in eARC from the TV and output HDMI to the processor.  I've tried two by OREI, but the processor gets no HDMI input.  Looking for recommendations.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd


Are you using the TV as a source into your system, or are you talking about the TV Speakers?

erik, I can, but HDMI is better and the widget that takes in eARC and outputs HDMI works flawlessly. I’ve been doing quite a bit of comparative listening, and think I slightly prefer the Sony TV sound for HT.

erik, your better answer is the last of three I’ve tried, the least expensive at about $25, and the only one that works. But last night when playing Legend of the Ring -- maybe it was Lord of the Ring -- I discovered the immersive sound from the 85" Sony TV is amazing. I don’t need to connect the TV to my audio setup. I can reserve that for DSD and Blue-ray.

OK, it looks like this is going the wrong way.  It ADDS eARC to televisions which didn't previously have it.  I need to do more research.

I have no personal experience with this unit but please let me know how it works out for you because I am definitely interested.  I have an Anthem processor I may return to service.
