Did someone complain about the price of Uptone EtherRegen switch?


Then how about this?
These audiophile switches must be doing ..... nothing. To the point of EtherRegen being sold out at every single batch, and other people rushing to bring a switch costing $3,500 to the market. Wow! These switches really do nothing, so there are no buyers, right? 😂
I would never pay for it but again I only stream occasionally on my main system.
I have an ER myself, powered by a Paul Hynes SR4T. Excellent return on the money. I've never had the chance to hear the ENO but wouldn't mind.
“what does another similar category thing priced six times higher do?”

You know the drill, the only way to find out is to audition in your system and trust your ears :-)

I was looking for alternative to Etherregen for a while and finally found it last month. The device called ENO Ethernet Ag Filter works passively so no wall wart or LPS mess...lol. And I’m done tweaking my Ethernet setup, atleast for now!
Me too with EtherRegen. Same exact experience and thought. But (and there is always a “but”), one has to wonder: if something as reasonably priced EtherRegen makes such a nice difference, what does another similar category thing priced six times higher do? 
I am a very happy customer and will not remove my ER switch; it made a very noticeable improvement, and compared to price of power cords, and footers, this improvement in my system was well worth it. It is well engineered, and has outstanding customer support.
You  can have my place in line , I would never pay more then $300 for a top quality ethernet switch ,never mind $3k , if using a computer the excellent
Jcat makes a great Femto ethernet card ,for $850  transformers your ethernet 
but a Sbooster linear supply to thst and a decent ethernet cat 6 cable from modem to router, and  Ethernet switch to Jcat card  great sounding setup
maybe $1500 plus dac  sonicly  like hires  check out the reviews on Jcat 
I have their USB card also .
LOL!! ASR militia figured it out EtherRegen made no difference one full year before it was launched 
@thyname -- did you see the youtube review by ASR's Amir where he compared EtherRegen with a $20 TP-Link switch and found zero differences in his usual measurements and graphs? I can almost imagine the frenzy amongst the "i-only-listen-to-graphs-not-music" crowd that must be peaking right now. It's amazing how chifi makers have mastered the art of building equipment that satisfies ASR's measurements first and foremost, music be damned!Â