@magister Great post. Glad you have finally see Amir clearly as the Sheldon of the audio hobby. Just like Sheldon, Amir claims to know everything and dismisses everyone else as ignorant. Just like Sheldon, Amir is threatened by mention of anything not in alignment with his belief system.
@kevn You nailed it. Amir never actually engages in an honest discussion, instead replies with dismissive language, tangential topics, and long ramblings. Anyone that wants to examine all the charts, graphs, measurements, and opinion Amir produces can find it on ASR. Repeating all that ad nauseum here is proof positive Amir has no ability to communicate without constantly beating his chest - "Look what I did". Repeatedly points to previous audio research or papers to support his position. Others point to papers or subject matter experts that question Amir's orthodoxy and they are dismissed as not applicable.
A prediction. At some point in the near future Amir will reference this Audiogon forum thread as proof of his far reaching audience and immense influence on the audio hobby.