Devore or Audio Note or other sensitive speakers: wanting to listen in Denver

I'm on the hunt for a sensitive speakers to play really nicely with my Quicksilver Mono 60 amps. I've heard some nice Spatial X3's here in Denver thanks to a local audiophile. I was especially taken by their AMT tweeters.

If you're in the Denver area and have Devore, Audio Note, Zu, Tekton, or any other speaker which has really worked well for your tube amps, please DM me. I would be deeply grateful for even  an hour of listening time. Thank you!



mud also recommend learning a little about impedance curves. These curves are much more important than a sensitivity rating if a speaker. Also realize that is no real standard in which the speaker industry measures

Good point's! There's so much focus on speaker  sensitivity levels (With little clarity on how they are derived) . It's really the impedance load and curve pattern that determines how hard the amplifier must work. Sensitivity  will influence how loud a speaker can go for a given amount of applied wattage. 


Both parameters are useful to know but it seems speaker impedance and its impact is under appreciated. 

Thanks so much. I’ve been studying the impedance curve aspect, too, since I tried out Focal 936 (based on nominal sensitivity) and it was a flop (due to impedance curve).

Wish Salk released such data but they said they get reports of their speakers but don’t keep them nor make them public. Shame, because that’s really a data point I’d love to have.

I was going down that road this past summer too Hilde.  I decided to go the other direction and just get a beefy solid state that will push any speakers but I totally get the appeal with tubes, its just that I run into the same issues as you.


The Devores and Spatials definitely look appealing!  I’m in love with these little Maggie LRS’s so I’d go for the Spatials personally.


You’re ear is improving though in that you are picking up on speed / shrillness.  Its always good to hear as many other peoples setups as possible.  A few peoples systems completely changed my outlook on what is possible.


I have heard a ton of systems but have spent very little to no time with high efficiency speakers.  

@b_limo I know what you mean about hearing systems. I heard a couple of really great speakers (including the Spatials) powered with simple tube amps and the combination had everything -- the full balanced tonality, nimbleness of movement in dynamics, clear and light high end, fully articulated soundstage, and quick but full bass. I have not heard solid state with harder to drive speakers do all that, yet. I will try this direction, first, especially as I have good subs and a recently upgraded tube amp.

Just discovered this website: 

I see competitors with Omega, Devore, Spatial, Klipsch, Maggies, and more.

Horns, planars, concentrics, more. Take a look.

Not in Denver, but I can say that the Audio Note AN E’s are a great match with quicksilver mid monos. The amps really came alive when I added an LTA MZ2 preamp last month. However. I’ve been running the LTA straight into the Audio Notes for the past week and the sound is really special. And that’s with the stock new production tubes. Tube rolling starts soon!  

Maybe he also adds these to the equation. I own the big brothers and are a match in heaven for my SET.



The specifications speak for themselves: Unique 18 Ohm high-impedance voice coil design, combined with a breathtaking efficiency of 107 dB. Possibly some of the best specifications world-wide for a series production loudspeaker.

  • 107 dB efficiency
  • 18 Ohm drivers with double-ferrite magnets
  • 500 mm spherical midrange horn
  • CDC system w/o passive filter
  • 100 V CPC crossover design
  • subwoofer with DSP control
  • 2 x 10 inch bass drivers
  • 1000 W bass amplifier

Zero 1 Xd

  • 3-way active system
  • 500 W Class-D + 2 x 50 Watt Class A/AB
  • FPGA-based FIR filter programming
  • 5 digital + 1 analog input
  • Remote control for input and volume
  • 104 dB efficiency midrange and tweeter
  • 130 mm spherical tweeter horn
  • 400 mm spherical midrange horn
  • 12 inch bass driver


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I'll just throw out another favorite that I heard recently, the Cessaro horn speakers. I've always used the term effortless, but these speakers redefined that term for me. My logical self melted away and I wasn't listening to frequencies or extension or stage, just awesome music. They were out of budget but I didn't care about that either. Dream speaker for me. 

What do folks like with horns that others weren’t doing? What do horns do less well?

@jjss49  Awaken the beast? On this nice thread? No!

The question comes from a place of naiveté. The proposals of some of these lovely horn speakers seem like a very interesting alternative, given the OP's parameters.

As many would agree, there is no perfect speaker. So, if one gives up a certain kind of speaker for another kind, they have either found the perfect speaker (congrats) or they made a trade off for some benefit. 

So, assuming that the trade for a horn was from a speaker already well matched, power-wise with their amp, what did the horn get them? Was there a room synergy that is now possible? Is there something else they accomplished? 

And -- for those who lost something with the horn and are willing to discuss it -- what did they give up? And why is the horn better despite the new (more minor) deficiencies?


@jjss49 The room was large, larger than I would prefer, roughly 30X50 I think. The amps and pre were New Audio Frontiers, 211 monos. Sources were digital and vinyl, not sure of the name. What struck me is that the sound was so good, so effortless that I didn’t evaluate the typical characteristics. This is going to sound weird but the experience was similar to a dream in that in thinking back I can’t very clearly answer details about the sound like I usually can. I would describe the time listening to them as restful, which I haven’t ever used as a descriptor before. I’d really have to put them through the paces with my favorite music before spending that kind of money, but I could gladly live with what I heard. FWIW I’ve heard the big names over the years. Worth a listen.

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I've had the good fortune to hear audio systems set up by Jeff Catalano (High Water Sound) probably 5 or 6 times at various audio shows. In each instance the sound quality was consistent in its excellence and very natural presentation (Natural being the key signature). Usually the speakers were Cessaro horns or Horning speakers. Electronics either Tron audio or New Audio Frontiers.  Which ever combination of the brands chosen to demostrate,  same result of beautiful natural music reproduction. Jeff has an excellent ear.


If I find my way into investment banking or black market antique smuggling, I'll have the cash for those Cessaros. I assume that horns can sound great even without the NYC-Uberrich pricetags. Thanks @jjss49 for the links. I'll take a listen. Hopefully, I can get to hear some horn speakers in my area if our audio club ever gets out of lock-down!


sometimes friends come over say, man how much $ do you have invested in your hifi equipment? my answer is always, yes, some, i am definitely into this... but it pales in comparison to the house and room built around it, to have the gear sound really good 

i say this in relation to the sub-topic of getting such amazing performance out of horn speakers... as vilip says in the video... well altec voice of the theaters are actually modestly priced, only 2 grand for a decent set... ahhh but the room you need to enjoy them in... hmmmmm, 50-100x that???

@jjss49 Well said. And of course, my buddy with a modest boat paid $40k for the boat and just had to replace a trawling motor for $4k. He gets to use it maybe 1/2 the year, or maybe a bit more. Audio is there all year long. 

And the points about the room are so key, too. Thing about good gear -- as you've said many times -- is if you buy good stuff used, well, then on resell it turns out to be a pretty inexpensive hobby compared to other hobbies. Can't sell used skis like you can sell a used Pass amp.

Line Magnetic comes to mind if your budget is on the lower end of the scale, otherwise the Classic Audio Loudspeakers (Field Coil) Versions are highly recommended.

@phantom_av Thanks for the suggestion. The classic series looks great. Maybe I can find someone in my area that can give me a listen.

I haven’t heard Cessaros but have always wanted to do so.  Maybe if someone has some in the Denver area, you’d be kind enough to invite Hilde and I over for a listen 😀.



Agree on that Classic series.  The cabinets alone are amazing.  Field coil is very interesting as well.

What you really want is a high sensitivity speaker with 16 ohms and of course Field Coils if you can raise the budget higher.


I use Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers called the Nirvana, these are not posted on Atma-Sphere sites but can be custom built on order. It pushes i believe about 140 watts on the 16 ohms 100db Field Coil Speakers.

In the past few years my upgrade bug has been totally cured :-) i never think about changing speakers or wandering what others may sound like or what am i missing. Its been a long 28 year journey with lots of headache buying and selling speakers and amplifiers. Finally for myself in my treated room i can finally just focus on collecting and buying music instead of electronics.



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@chrisoshea Yes, I did. Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers (RAAL) tweeter. They work very well with tube and with my Pass XA 25. They are not likely my endgame speakers but are really excellent. I hope to write up a commentary about them sometime soon.

Here they are:


Someone on this thread in Denver with Devore's reached out to me for listening and I cannot find your name! Please DM me? I'm still interested in coming to hear these speakers. Thank you!

P.S. You were selling a Jay's Audio DAC, I believe.