Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of securing Devore 0/96s with A23 cables.  My source will be an Auralic Vega G2.  I have narrowed my list of integrated amps to some tube and SS (Class A) gear.  I am looking for some help from those that have experienced this speaker and amp combinations.  I am moving from a very transparent system and looking for a little more warmth, musicality, and a system that is more emotionally engaging.

Tube amp potentials:
Leben CS300
Leben CS600
Line Magnetic 845
Maybe a simple SET (Unison Research Simply Italy)

SS Class A potentials:
Pass Labs INT-25
Sugden A21se or Masterclass IA-4

Looking to end my constant desire to make system changes once and for all! LOL
Late to this thread. I’ve owned the Nines and now the 0/96. I’ve heard many of the amps mentioned here and owned several too, including the Air Tight and more recently the Leben 600x. The Leben is a terrific amp, and the 600x is essentially many amps rolled into one, as it supports at least 8 tube configurations. I’ve been happy with KT77s, and most recently experimented with 6L6 variants. The Leben is very neutral and takes on the tone of the power tubes used. Want warmth and SET like presence - try the TungSol 5781a. Want more dynamics - try the Gold Lion KT77. Want a more sparkly top end and solid bass - try the 6550. But absolutely swap out the stock line stage tubes for some NOS versions.

I’ve also tried a number of 300b amps and they are magic on the O/96. Depending on the quality of the transformers and coupling caps, you can get classic SET magic, or even robust bass as well. I’m keeping the Leben but I’ve got a second setup using a Bottlehead 300b pre amp with Vcaps, coupled with a custom built Bottlehead 300b amp using vintage nickel transformers and exotic Mundorf silver foil oil capacitors. 8wpc and it will outcompete a number of big ticket competitors. 
Off the shelf, my vote is Leben 600x, AirTight ATM300 or 211, I’ve liked the LM and LTA amps, and while Shindo is nice I find their sonic signature a tad dry for my ears.

I have not tried a Class A solid state amp with the Devore but have eyed a First Watt. Accuphase also seems interesting, as do certain of the Luxman integrateds.

The O/96 does not need very much power but the quality of the transformers (not their weight) along with the caps and resistors can make the difference between typical gooey midrange and polite extremes, and wonderfully defined bass, clear musical highs, and that eerily “in the room” presence that only a SET can bring. 
Let us know what you end up with.

I was not aware that the Bottlehead  components offered that level of optional upgraded parts. I’m sure they sound as exceptional as you describe. I definitely agree with you in regard to the importance of high quality output transformers, crucial for excellent sound quality.
@davehg thanks for the response.  My order is in for the 0/96s.  The Leben CS600x is at the top of my list.  There are some great recommendations on this thread but some are out of budget range.  The Luxman LX-380 is also a contender but the Leben definitely seems more flexible with tube options.

I am also considering building a Bottlehead setup for the 0/96s down the road.  I built and use a Bottlehead Crack in my headphone setup and love it.

Well said as I am a huge fan of the 600x and the o96. I do however find Shindo far from dry but I am also aware that alot of nuances combine to determine sound. Shindo with shindo interconnect or a23 or brand x? Shindo with which pre? Stock or did someone roll somthing in? Stock power cable into a Mr. T or some other power conditioner. I have found that the 600x in the exact same setup as a shindo combo can sound a bit too “wet” although I like both more than almost anything else.
Let me save you some money! Only Leben, Shindo, Air Tight or Kondo (Audio Note) can make your speakers sing! Please don't get Luxman or Accuphase or even Dartzeel for that matter! Gl 😆
@kw6   You'd be shocked how well the Luxman MQ-88uC pairs with O/96's.  And the MQ-300 pairing is stellar - even more so.
"@kw6 You’d be shocked how well the Luxman MQ-88uC pairs with O/96’s. And the MQ-300 pairing is stellar - even more so."

I wonder if @kw6 was referring to the Luxman solid state amplifiers specifically. It’s difficult to imagine why their tube amplifiers (Particularly the MQ series) wouldn’t pair well with the Orangutan/96. I do not doubt that the 4 he recommends are excellent choices.
@charles1dad and crandell25, the stock Bottlehead offerings are ok out of the box, but they really benefit from substituting higher end pieces. These custom amps are built by one of their lead designers (a friend) who is sourcing some rare iron, and letting me spec the coupling caps and higher end parts. The amp design is not currently from BH’s product offering, so a bit custom, though the preamp (BeePre2) is available - I just specc’d higher end caps and a buffered output, plus upgraded NOS tubes. PM me if interested and I can connect you with him. I’m usually skeptical of custom builds but I compared 3 of his builds to my Leben and was shocked by the performance. It was interesting to compare identical amps where the transformer and caps were different - really huge differences. My build gives all the SET magic but with more flesh and bass slam, something I don’t think about when talking about 300b SETs usually, but clearly they are capable if built properly. Biggest gripe about the BH builds is they cheap out on the cabinets and switch gear, but all of those are easily remedied with custom parts and wood worker friends.
I do like the Leben. - it really does sound very different swapping out various tubes. And it’s built like an heirloom piece.

If I was buying a name brand 300b, the Airtight would be at the top of my list, along with an AudioNote, and some of the Shindos. I wish Leben would do a 300b integrated - I liked my Woo WA5.

@ghasley, I agree the cables and mix make a difference. I think the Leben can sound very saturated in a good way, and even while the Shindo is less “juicy” to my ears, I enjoy it, but I tend to like a sweeter, richer sound even if not technically neutral or accurate. On my Leben I’m using Acoustic Zen Silver Reference RCA and Satori speaker cables, but would like to test out the A23 cables (the dealer used these when I demoed the Leben and O/96 and it was a wonderful pairing).

"I’m usually skeptical of custom builds but I compared 3 of his builds to my Leben and was shocked by the performance. It was interesting to compare identical amps where the transformer and caps were different - really huge differences. "

Yep! I've never understood why some people are skeptical of the benefit of upgrading to better quality capacitors,  output transformers (Most definitely) and other vital parts.

Many stock parts are often chosen due  to cost considerations/price point targets and   can be improved upon. Just because a part meets"spec" does not mean it cannot be bettered. Thank you for providing the additional information. No doubt that you are enjoying some beautiful sound quality via your audio system. 
Three easy payments,

I have heard the Luxman MQ-88c! Has a rich dark sound lacking in air and lifelike tonality. Never heard the 300b one though. Leben will leave it in the dust!
@kw6   Did you hear the MQ-88uC paired with O/96's specifically?  I own a Leben CS-300xs as well and they both sound good but the Luxman does most things better than the Leben in my room with O/96's - including much more lifelike tonality, air, finesse, and neutrality.  Both very enjoyable!
Not to stray too far off topic but has anyone had the opportunity to compare Devore with Coherent Audio speakers from Canada?

Yes, I have had both O/93s and Coherent Model 10’s in my room at the same time. I prefer the Coherents on sound, and factoring in price it was really no contest (for me).

The Coherents have a wide open, see-through clarity in the midrange, whereas the 93 midrange is slightly more rich. They are livelier and more immediate sounding. They are extremely transparent, and if you want to hear the sound of your amp, these speakers will tell it to you. They are perfect if you want to explore low power amps. 

The Devores can dig a touch deeper in the bass (I’d guess the Coherents go to 38-40 hz) but have a bit too much "back of the hall" presentation for my taste compared to the Coherents.

The 93s can be a bit more forgiving and therefore a bit more amp friendly from a tonal perspective, however the Coherents are a bit more sensitive. Mine are rated at 94db but I would not be afraid to try them with any amp. I was able to fill a room with a half a watt from the LTA MZ2 from a high output DAC (I believe Frank at Coherent also uses the MZ2 in his shop to test speakers).

They are more alike than different but those are the differences I noticed.

I’ve had the Coherents now nearly 3 years. I run them mainly with one of the First Watt SIT amps.
Coherent Audio speakers fly under the radar amongst a plethera of available speaker brands. Yet from all I’ve heard/read about them they are genuinely excellent sounding and very easily driven as a bonus.
I almost went for the GR12’s. The O/93 was a poor match for me. I’ve found my mojo again in a pair of Verity Otello’s. The ups/ downs and unknowns of audiophilia are all blessings on the path.
Mastersound makes great sounding amp too.

Thank you! To KT-77s are a revelation on the Leben cs600x. They wanecthe amp up for more lively and complex music including pop and rock adding both dynamics and speed. Thank you for the suggestions @davehg.