David Elrod. the man , the cable the company.

Having been a strong advocate of his pcs for some time now i wasnt sure there even was a real man called David Elrod behind the company ... until the other day. I have recently had reason to contact him and get advice on some issues. Not only was he very generous with his time and suggestions , he made numerous follow up calls to insure I was satisfied . He is one of the "White Hats" of audio in my opinion. Great man, company and product in my opinion . Has anyone had any experiences with David Elrod to share or has anyone else in audio touched your life in a positive way that is worth commenting on ?
I've known David Elrod for a few years and I am not at all surprised by what you have to say. He is always a gentelman, courteous, and informative.
Dave is a fine man and fine products. There are others in the cable industry that I have had the pleasure to deal with:

Ray Kimber-Kimber Kable
Max Kriefelt-Silver Audio
Tom Swenson-Pure Note
Robert Schultz-Ridge Street

Hope I got the spelling right.
For absolute sure; Foremost, Keith Lockwood (you see alot of him here) he is simply the very best of the very best there is, his genorosity and guidence has sent me light years ahead of any learning curve there is and he continues to provide an excellent and stable opinions on any changes that I have in mind. Additional gigantic cudous to Lee of CryoParts/Locus Designs, here again is someone that is just plain selfless in his help and his information, add to him Robert of Ridge Street Audio, you can call and ask Robert anything and he will never talk down to you (as neither of the others mentioned will either)and add to this Barry of Bright Star Audio. These are also very very special people who have lent and shared many hard years of learning so generously and so graciously that they also deserve to be help in the utmost of high regards, as well as David Elrod these are audio Pioneers and missionaries in the pursuit of helping everyone wring the maximum listening enjoyment for the most cost effective investments.
Thank you all so much for your help.
When we first pushed off into the sea of audio confusion, members Jax2 and Jordi helped us to quickly define what it is we want out of this hobby. They listened to what we wanted, and recommended equipment to match those desires. More recently, Alex Peychev of APL Hi Fi has been instrumental in defining our understanding of the equipment itself. We live close enough to him that we've been able to visit at least five times, and aside from the gracious hospitality we always receive from him and his wife, he has taken the time to educate us on how the machinery works. Not simply his own creations, but audio systems in general. It's added an essential dimension to how we determine what we want from our system, a perspective on the hobby that I didn't even know to look for until Alex presented it.

I'd also mention Robert at RSA. His knowledge, experience, and friendly sense of humor are what makes this often highly biased and opinionated hobby very refreshing! :)
Other good guys I've spoken with over the years-

Jeff Kalt- Resolution Audio
Nelson Pass- Pass Labs
Dennis Had- Cary Audio
Julius Siskinus- Audire
Roger Modjeski- RAM Labs

All these guys take this hobby seriously and stand behind their designs and philosophies.
Bobby@Merlin...Leonard@ ARC...Mike@ Altavista....Ric@EVS.If they say it weighs 5 lbs.,you can wrap it,Bob
Always found Lew Johnson from cj as a wonderfully honest gentlemen and always happy to answer any questions.
Haven't had the chance to deal with David Elrod but must agree with Kehut, Robert at Ridge Street has become a great asset to this crazy business.His great attitude,sense of humor, honesty and downright great product is amazing....
Hey, don't forget Ralph Karsten of Atma-Sphere. When you call Atma-Sphere with any kind of question, no matter how trivial, he usually answers the phone himself and will talk to you for as long as it takes. Not to mention his superb products. He will stand behind anything with his name on it. Let me also tell you a story about David Wilson, of Wilson speaker fame: In 1990, an unscrupulous dealer took a deposit from me for Watt-Puppy speakers, to be delivered in 1 month. (50% of retail price as deposit given to this dealer) After 2 months, no speakers. Called dealer - phone disconnected - called police - they went to the dealer - empty store - skipped town. Called Wilson - he immediately sent me the speakers direct, less what I paid this "dealer" (who apparently fled to Florida with $$$$$$$$ of Wilson's, not to mention other manufacturers' money)less what I had given this blot on the audio landscape. That is memorable.
Thanks, again, Mr Wilson.
Ken Lyons, I almost forgot. Thanks for the reminder, Dan. When I placed an order for Ken's Neuance shelf, he phoned me a couple days later to tell me in detail the procedure for constructing the platform, when I would receive it, and how the sound would be affected. What service!
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Steve Bednarski from Balanced Audio Technology is good as they get in my book. He has always given me his time and has gone out of his way to help me and others even when it wasn't in BAT's best interest. I can't speak highly enough of him or the rest of the good folks at BAT.
Thanks, Oz....the check is in the mail. :--)

I'll ditto David Elrod, Ken Lyons, Philip O'Hanlon, and Ralph Karsten....(the other fellows I don't know directly)....and would enjoy adding Dan Meinwald of E.A.R. USA, Garth Leerer of Musical Surroundings, Dan Wright of Modwright, Richard Smith & John McDonald of Audience, Terry Cain (& Cain), Joe Cohen of PranaWire, Robert Stein of The Cable Company, Jim Ricketts of tmh audio, Arturo Manzano of Axiss Distribution, Tri Mai of Triplanar, Jim Smith of Avantgarde USA, Duke LeJeune, Phil Clements of Clements Audio, Scott Frankland of Wavestream Kinetics, Joe Fratus of Art Audio, Anthony Gallo, Bill Parrish of GTT Audio, Ron Hedrich of Marigo....geez, these just off the top of my head. All first class. There are so many good guys in the biz!

No doubt I forgot to mention some....but everybody loves what they do, and love music first and foremost....no doubt about it.
I just purchased a used pc. It has a rather large crease in it. Is this cause for concern?
The crease is normal in used Elrod pcs as they are stiff and are usually bent to the prior owners needs. Elrod Pcs are some of the finest made and this bend will not affect the performance. The more Elrods you put in the system the greater overall effect so save up !
Allow me to add the name Bob Grost of Unity Audio and more recently Cerious Technologies(www.cerioustechnologies.com) to the list of gentleman who grace this world of audio we inhabit. Besides being a first rate speaker designer, Bob is as fair, honest and generous of his time and energy as anyone you are likely to meet in this hobby. He treats his customers as friends and is always willing to do what is necessary to satisfy you in anyway he can.
Steve Huntley from Great Northern Sound is a honest and forthwright individual as well a Emmanuel Go from First Sound.Also Rick Shultz from Virtual Dynamics is another.
Alex Peychev, Dan Wright, and John Tucker, are all stand up guys, and a pillar in the audio community. IMHO.
Agreed, 711....though while all are over 6-feet tall, Alex would be considered a "thinner" pillar. :--)
I have to put Ty Lashbrook of Tyler Acoustics and Paul Weitzel of Tube Research Labs on this list. Just isn't right not to include them on this honor roll. :-)
Thats good Alanmkafon , pretty funny. He Is is however connected , a made guy ya know so play nice or mr horsehead may pay a visit. :]
Bob Grost of Cerious is great. I can;t wait to hear his latest cables and speakers I have on order.

Bob Crump of TG Audio is also gentleman and fantasic builder.

Stan Warren and Paul McGowan should also be on the list.

Michael Green of Roomtunes as well.
I'll also recommend David Elrod. David reterminated my Statement - essentially eliminating the hump - to better facilitate the cable into my system. He listened to my issues and dealt with them in a very timely manner. First rate guy.

Having said that, Grant Samuelson of Shunyata has also always been right on with his recommendations, looking to establish longtime relationships rather than onetime sales.

BAT guys have always been great to deal with, as are the folks at Globe.
Well, since everyone in the audio industry is so great, who is not? I can't think of any any bad apples, IME. Name some names if you can.
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Don of DCCA Audio provides the most thorough and attentive service I've received in this industry.
John Wright, the word "humble" doesn't begin to explain or describe this man.
Agreed Boa2...Don of DCCA has been awesome to work with, and has gone out of his way to make sure I am pleased with his power cables. He has cutomized his Extremes for me by making 90 degree bends to my specs, so that I can incorporate them painlessly in my system. What cable manufacturer does that for you?

Yet another vote for both Don of DCCA and David Elrod. Both of these gentlemen have arranged lengthy auditions for me and kept in regular contact during the time I had their cables to answer questions and get my feedback. Not only are these guys terrific to work with, but their cables are outstanding.

I would also give a shout out to Dennis Had of Cary Audio. I happened to be in Cary, NC, earlier this year to pick up a car I had bought and stopped by Cary Audio on a lark, expecting nothing. As I was being told very politely by a woman at the front window that there was no showroom, I heard a voice from another room say, "Let him in, I'm sure I can set up something for him." The voice was Dennis Had's, and what he set up for me was a private listening session that included Cary's brand new digital amp, which had not yet been released at that time (and may not yet, I am not sure). After I had a good session playing a number of cuts from various SACDs, Dennis arranged a tour of the factory for me.

There are a lot of good folks in this hobby.

Waltersalas , totally agree on Dennis Had of Cary. I have had fabulous experiences dealing with him as well.
Well Ernest Farley owner of ELF Audio also should be in the "White Hat" catagorey.I bought a pair of his speaker cables on ebay and two month's later Ernest followed up to see how they sounded in my system and to see if I wanted to try a pair of his new Super Helix speaker cables for a free audition.I was so amazed,I ended up purchasing them and Ernest even paid for the shipping both way's.

Over the past few years I've had the good personal and "audiophile" fortune to get to know David Elrod and to use several generations of his power cord and interconnect designs. Not only do his current cables bring an energy and realism to my system and really blow the doors off the performance of the system as a whole over anything I've ever utilized before, but they are also provided by a gentleman that has an amazing ability to translate technical know-how and love for audio into his designs and pair them with the most amazing customer support pre-sale and post-sales experience you can imagine. I found this thread while searching for posts this morning and had missed it back in 2005-2011 for some reason so it seemed in need of a wakeup call so to speak. If you have not tried these cables or discussed your system needs with David , I'd suggest you do so as soon as possible!

I could not agree with you more. I have recently started to add David Elrod's cables to my system. They are incomparable. Having spoken with him recently, I totally concur that he is a true gentleman who provides the most exemplary service to his customers.
Which are you adding to your system, Silver or Gold Statement of Musical Bridge (MBX) or Diamond?
I also could not agree more with the very positive statements about David and his cables. He is a true gentleman.