Creek- Arcam- Rega.... best tuner of the three??

Of course hands down the Magnum Dynalabs are the mark to beat, but which of these three is the best choice?

I know the Creek has been well reviewed, but can't seem to find much on the Arcam or Rega products.(?)

I'd REALLY appreciate you help!

Hands down, included in the mark to beat should be the Fanfare FT-1A and the Rotel 1010.

As for the best choice of your three, listen to them yourself and don't rely on others ears. This will give you your answer hands down.

Happy listening.
I have found most Britsh tuners while having decent sound, seemed to be challanged by U.S. broadcasts. I seem to hear subtle but consitent background noise. I bet Sean could shed some light here.
I have the Rega tuner and it sounds great. I also have other Rega gear which it fits right in with. I have not heard the others. As mentioned above, the Fanfare is loved by many. I also have an old Tandberg tuner and it is magnificant. You can find these used for $350 or more. However, they should be updated. Soundsmith can do this for you.
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I have a Creek CAS-3140 that I've had for about 10 years now and it is great sounding.  I got it in trade for a NEC T-710, where on another Audiogon tuner forum, someone said that this was one of the best sounding tuners around that no one knows about.  A real sleeper.

Fmtunerinfo has some very positive words about the Creek 3140 which d I can attest to especially when using a quality DIN to RCA chord.  When using a nice DIN to RCA chord, this tuner goes to a whole other level.  

I'll be selling mine soon, just because I've had it for 10 years and I want to try something different.  

I can't speak on the Arcam or Rega tuners, thanks.