Creedence Clearwater Revival - John Foggarty

I just picked up his new disc in which various artists all collaborate in re-doing some of CCR's old favorites. Great disc and most of all great music. I had a few of their albums back - '' in the day'' and stupidly traded them or gave them away. I would like to re-start up CCR's collection on disc as I do see where many of them have been remastered.....let me know your thoughts on which one to start with.
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"A very weak release."

I've steered away from this thread because I'm not a huge CCR fan so there's no point in me commenting. You and I think differently.
During the trial Fogerty sat on the witness stand with his guitar and ran through several of his songs. Basically he told the court "you see, your honor--they ALL sound the same!"
Did you know that the song "Run Through The Jungle" was later the subject of controversy when Saul Zaentz, the boss of CCR's record label, Fantasy Records, which owns the distribution and publishing rights to the music of Creedence Clearwater Revival, brought a series of lawsuits against John Fogerty, including a claim that the music from Fogerty's 1984 song "The Old Man Down the Road" was too similar to "Run Through the Jungle."

The judge found that an artist cannot plagiarize himself.

After winning the case, Fogerty sued Zaentz for the cost of defending himself against the copyright infringement claim. In such (copyright) cases, prevailing defendants seeking recompense were bound to show that original suit was frivolous or made in bad faith.

Fogerty v. Fantasy became precedent when the United States Supreme Court (1993) overturned lower court rulings and awarded attorneys' fees to Fogerty, without Fogerty having to show that Zaentz's original suit was frivolous.
CCR's original stuff was full of meaning for me as in high school I played in rock bands that did a lot of covers of their material. I left college after two years and got sent to Vietnam where the song Better Run Through the Jungle was a big hit for the obvious reason (thank you Un cle Sam for paying for my third and fourth year at Syracuse U.).
Last night, after Susie Q, I had to walk out of my soundroom to wipe Fogarty's spit from my glasses.

It was awesome.
I listened to John's latest on an island, on a lake in Northern Maine, on a beautiful day...sipping on some 12 year old Canadian Club with some suck clause in effect.
I agree and if ; ''old pop/rock '' stars want to use Country as their medium of getting good music to us, then that is just fine by me. You can call me old as well. Because if what's out their now - rap, urban beat, American Idol ....The Voice, MTV considered good music - you can have it
I'm not sure what you're point is, but Fogerty was playing country and bluegrass 40 years ago. Check out The Blue Ridge Rangers LP. It's good.
There is a pretty long list of old pop/rock stars attempting to be relevant today using Country music as their medium. Rumor has it Kenny Loggins is next.
I have the live CD he did (Premonition) related (I think) to the "Behind the Music" show he was on. I like it quite a bit, but always have preferred his singing voice on the CCR Records.
Chronicle and Chronicle Volume 2 pretty much do the trick--40 songs that cover it well. But die-hard fans will want the original albums, I guess. I'm good with the 40 selected tracks--those two CD's do not leave me wanting.

The "live at Royal Albert Hall" is a nice change of pace from the recorded versions that you've heard a million times.
One of John Fogerty's greatest performance's ever is a film
concert done by Warner Brother's in 1997 inside one of their studio auditorium's on Stage 15. The title of the DVD is "Premonition". The backdrop on the stage set is a authentic Bayou swamp with a rustic cabin at night time. The opening number is "Born on the Bayou" done to perfection. The band puts out the power and the drummer is excellent. John perform's all the great Creedence song's to perfection as well. This is a must have DVD. I bought it in the summer of '98 and played it every night for a week. Very addictive performance.
Even though those albums were made long ago, I still regularly listen to them.
For me, the amazing thing about CCR is that not only are all of the first 5 albums terrific, but all 5 were released within 24 months of July 1968. I think it might be the best 2 year run in rock n roll history

love classic credence, but agree with mofi & ozzy--the tribute disc bit the big one.
as for where to begin, i'd actually start with their debut and work your way up to their fifth and finest record, cosmo's factory. (everything thereafter is dispensable or worse). alternatively, chronicle vol.1 and vol.2, which are sorta-greatest hits comps, are really excellent collections with lotsa obscurities and deep tracks. enjoy.
I agree the " Wrote a Song for Everyone" was a big disappointment.

Try to listen to the live version, which basically only includes John Fogerty playing the songs. Mystic highway on the live version is very good.
I listened to the new John Fogerty album "Wrote A Song For Everyone" and really didn't like it that much.

I'm an old school CCR fan and just didn't like the renditions on the new record? I'll have to listen again and see if it grows on me.

My favorite CCR albums are:

Green River
Willy and the Poor Boys
Cosmos Factory

You could always start with "Chronicle"