???Compare-Contrast & Comment???5 Pairs Large Monitors

As stated in the title,seeking comments,comparisons & contrasts from anyone & everyone who has ears on experience with any of these large monitors in the last 1-2 years...
Spendor Classic 3/1
Harbeth M30.2/30.2XD
Reference 3a MM De Capo BE/BE II
Sonus Faber Sonetto II G2
Fritz Carbon 7 SE Mk.II


Well, I own the Fritz Carbon 7 SE MKIIs. Can't make any comparison to the others mentioned. I find the Carbons to have a very even tonal balance, play deep enough into the bass region for my tastes (room about 11x15x8.5'), great soundstaging and image focus, with good dynamic range. A side from the sonics they are easy to drive having reasonable sensitivity and I believe more importantly a flat *ohm frequency response.  I drive them with electronics (pre & amp) costing 3X their price.

Post removed 

Side bar: if my mammary serves me right, the De Capo WAS the stand mount monitor that made the BBC's insignificant by audiophile standards.

Not to stir the pot too much.

With my personal experience, not ever hearing the Sonetto's, I would choose between the Fritz and De Capo's. Slightly leaning to the extremely efficient Carbon 7's. Those are all great choice however.


https://speakerchoices.com/ has all these except a different Spendor Classic version as well as the Fritz. You can select and compare the specs of all if you wish. I have only heard the Sonettos

it was a joke (attempt at least). Not in any way an attempt to pick a fight.

If I freaked out and threw obscenities at everyone who made irrelevant comments under my posts, I would be messaging all day. I think you overreacted but that's just me. 

I have duly noted, no jokes with you. My sincere apologies for upsetting you.


Jokes and audiophiles usually don't mix well.

THOUSANDS of Audiogon users,I would think at least 1% own one of the speakers I listed & yet only 1 response,SADDD,very sad..

Man I wish this thread would get some attention..Many of the speakers I listed haven't had recent input,some not in 10 years!

You can find my take on the Spendor SP2/3R2 against the Harbeth M30.2 Anniversary here: https://forum.audiogon.com/posts/2700741

I have found the Spendor Classic 100 (same series as the 3/1 you are inquiring about) to sound even more colorful than my SP2/3R2. As a side note, I wouldn't call the 3/1, M30.2 etc. "large"; 2/3 are "quite large" (but my brother called them "huge", to my amusement as I was also having a pair of Martin Logan Impression 11A at that time, so I guess it depends on one's point of reference); Classic 100 and M40.x are "LARGE"!