Clint Eastwood


a general question & not & not sure this is right place?

I was listening to the Soundtrack of Bridges of Madison County & Johnny Hartman

Knowing that Clint is a big jazz fan 
Any idea " what his system is "that he listens to , to make the great Soundtracks

shooters muffs don't look great in western movies so his hearing is probably shot to heck and no matter what his system costs, he he probably can't hear it anyway..

No doubt, @wolf_garcia , Harry Connick Jr really kills me and so is Michel Camillo

I remember he was asked about desert island records and he said Oscar Peterson records would be his first choice. 
His son Kyle uses Phil Jones bass amps. I don't recall if Clint ever endorsed anything in audio in particular.
Boy, I'm glad I asked this question!!

Anyway, I called Clint directly and he said you guys a full of hoey!!

Ill be going to his house to listen.

He has my exact system......


Great, kdude.  Now, I'll never be able to watch a Clint Eastwood movie without picturing him chillin' in some monster music room listening to Coltrane on some monster stereo while chowing on a ketchup-slathered tofu dog.  Thanks for that.
He is a Vegan now and has been one for a few yrs.
I think he likes ketchup on his tofu dogs.
I love Unforgiven, one of my favorite movies of the modern era. Gran Torino, too. Hard to believe he's a Republican ;-).
Rumor has it, Clint's stereo is sooooooo cool it takes two weeks to warm up and for power has its own power substation!  
When I was speaking with Phil Jones a couple of months ago he mentioned that Clint Eastwood was using speakers he had designed.  can't remember the exact model but recall they were very pricey

Ye gotta be kiddin’ me

He’s got personal recording studio so he ain’t got any room for audiophile toys. He wrote lots of movie scores and he’s an excellent pianist who played with many noble jazz musicians of 50’s...60’s.

One of the brightest scores and movies is certainly Unforgiven.