Classe vs Luxman any thoughts on the Stereo power amps?

I would like to know would it be a wise decision to go with the Classe or Luxman for my 805D3.

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I have heard both played on the big brother to the 805s. The Luxman M10x bested the Classe to my ears. 

I would definitely take Luxman over Classe.  There are other brands I like better but in the binary, this is an easy one.  

If you had different speakers I think you could tell easier.

But you have your answer above  x 3.

Classe is passe 

Which Classe versions are we talking about? I would take the older CA-xxx (I had the ca-200 over 20 years ago) over the luxman of the same generation. I also owned many other Classe amps, preamps and cd players back then, the CAM and Onega series which I also think are better than luxman.
6 or 7 years ago, I owned the CT-M600 monoblocks which I would take over luxman.

The delta series, I would take the luxman. 
There is a reason B&W bought Classe, you need a warmer amp like the Classe or McIntosh to tone down the cool sounding B&W’s.

@rbstehno ......interesting.

I think the Classe (I am still running a CA-200 and a CP-800) is a lot more clinical than the Luxman. I've heard several iterations of Luxman amps, and always found them to be warmer than the Classe.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

In this instance, I would choose the Luxman, but I guess it would depend on what sound you're going for with your B&W's.

Both are very good amplifiers, they just bring different characteristics to the table.

I won’t argue with you on that, but the Classe will control the bass drivers better than the Luxman, especially the omega, CAM, and CT series, plus the Classe is still on the warm side of sq, to me the best of both worlds.


I own both the  CT-M600 and Delta mono blocks.  Can't speak to Luxman.  Both companies are now owned by a conglomerate. I love my amps! The Delta's are better than the M600. Both amps got rave reviews and their specs are ideal.  That said I don't think Classe will make it going forward as they don't seem to have any new products in the pipeline. My speakers are Magico A-5 and Alexx V.