At your budget a mistake could prove really costly, audiophile1's advice is a good one. Now i am more inclined to Japanese thinking of cables so if it was for me i would chose cables from, Kondo, Acoustic Revive and Furutech. I believe The Cable Company has some of these brands.
Choosing new cables
I am looking to upgrade my current cables. This should be my last system as I retired a few years ago and most of my components have been seriously updated in the last couple of years. I have been in this audio hobby for about 50 years and have always have great sounding musical systems.
My current cables all work and sound great but are 15 - 20 years old. So updating is what I need. I am budgeting around $10k - $15k for all new cables.
I have always felt the i/c's were the most important cable followed by the speaker cables and the power cords. However I am now leaning towards spending more on the power cords followed by the speaker cables and last the i/c.
I know all cables are very important but how would you prioritize the cables? Any suggestions on any brands would also be appreciated!
One line of cables not often spoken of on these forums but worthy of serious consideration is Purist Audio Design. They are not glamorous looking and come in a canvas bag. You can audition them through The Cable Co. $15k might not be enough depending how far up their line you are willing to go. Based on my experience I recommend this: Start with Power Cords. They have the most impact and then speaker cables. Interconnects (balanced) can fill in that last little bit of gain in sound. I'm at the middle grade of Purist Audio Design cables. I find them detailed and open but very clean with no sibilance or irritating harshness in the highs. I heard a big change switching from their lower grade to mid grade power cords. Their digital power cord was like an upgrade to my DAC. Just know that once you hear them- there is no going back. |
@bobheinatz if you are planning to buy new, I would highly recommend contacting The Cable Company and borrowing a full cable loom from them. The fees you pay for the loaner cables apply to your purchase if you decide to buy them down the road.
@bobheinatz specifically which interconnects and speaker cables from Jade audio, I'm very familiar with Jade Audio. Depending upon which Jade Audio interconnects and speaker cables you own, the improvement might come from an upgrade with your power cords. |
You already know that choosing your your cables array is ENTIRELY bespoke system dependent. Anecdotal generalities or one-size-fits-all choice pontificating is an anathema to cable upgrade success and audio performance satisfaction. When I changed speakers last year, my incumbent NORDOST FREY array ( array meaning all of IC, power, and speaker) just didn’t work anymore. It did involve experimentation with visits to dealers to separate the contenders from the pretenders . An upgrade step plan from silver coated to a premium OCC was done sequentially …. ICs first, then power, and finally speaker cables. - in my case, there was a clear improvement at each step. - When I finally completed the trek with an upgrade of the last step (speaker cables ) an ethereal “ full system “ was added , and it was not subtle. FWIW,,,,There are good reasons why NORDOST VALHALLA / ODIN and CARDAS CLEAR / CLEAR BEYOND usually form the major preferred choice at audio expos . in MY system, an all CARDAS CLEAR plan was the preferred choice with a final tweak for speaker cables selected wherein I chose CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTIONs. Let me explain. Completing the full Monty array with CARDAS CLEAR speaker cables was the plan intuitively,… however a new hurdle arose because the room acoustics and taming its bespoke warts will ALWAYS be a contributing factor. On the recommendation of Josh Meredith at CARDAS - who had the same glass wall chsllenges in his home,- he suggested from personal experience to go with CARDAS CLEAR REFLECTION ( one modeled down) speaker cables that have a “warmer” audio presentation signature without any loss of resolution, deatsil and slam. INTUITIVELY… OTHER BRANDS may be your pathway down the Yellow Brick Road to Audio OZ. There is no substitute for experimentation , Choose wisely, sir.
Yes I should have listed my system and cables. Boulder 866 integrated, Playback Designs mps8, Artisan Fidelity Garrard 301 table and Dynaudio Heritage Special speakers. All cable is Jade audio. Power cables basic inexpensive brands. The jade cables were very expense when new and it still is a top performer to my ears. I just feel that there must be some advances in cables in the last 10 - 15 years. My system is very high resolution so I would be looking for cables that would highlight the resolution but certainly I am not looking for anything that will be bright sounding. I hope this helps what I am looking for. |
bob, we can help you best if you carefully list your system and your cables (as well as what aspects of sound you would like to improve) may take a little time, but i think it will be worth it in the quality of responses you get if you have a highly resolving system carefully assembled with already good quality cables, the generalizations around which segment to prioritze is neither here nor there, only the specifics matter |