Changing Tubes

Looking to change the Electro Harmonix 6922 tubes in my Aesthetix Pallene preamp 

What would you replace them with


Is there something you don't like about the EH? What sonic characteristics do you seek?

There are many great tubes in the 88 family but these four would be sonically my first choice.

Voskhods 6n23p 1975-1977 period (best bass, flow, effortless, extended, holographic), my best choice and the greatest value, fit and forget.

Siemens E188cc A frames 1970-1973 period (more detail than cca).

Reflektor 6n23p 1974-1975 period, most likely at the top of 88 family of tubes. Very expensive (the only one i do not own but have listened).

Amperex Holland ecc88 (Bugle boys) and e88cc D-getters 1958-1959 period.

The first three extremely quiet, very difficult to go microphonic, linear tubes and close to character compared with your EH but way much better. Reason for noting close to character is that your pre was created with such sounding tubes in mind.

Amperex are very transparent, extended and especially the ecc88 has great mids but can go microphonic.





More air and bigger soundstage if possible 

Change out EH 6SN7 out of my Atlas amp  with Tung-sol 6SN7GTBs

Haven't done any tube rolling was amazed at the change in the amp

more air and bigger soundstage

Email Brent Jesse for advice.

Mention what preamp you have, how many tubes you need, what sonic characteristics you’re looking for and your budget. 

I’ve gotten tubes from Brent in the past and he was always spot on with a recommendation. Good luck!

When a tube is upset mechanically by external vibrations and those are passed into signal. Due to construction most signal tubes are inherently microphonic but their location on a board can expose this phenomenon further.

Effects are feedback, ringing, hiss, rattle noises, static noises, distortion, high pitch noise, anomalies in frequency's response.

More air and bigger soundstage if possible 

bigger soundstage = siemens, voskhods, reflektor

More air = amperex, raytheon, french made 88, tesla, telefunken

Above are only my general observations and as  i am not familiar with your preamp you may find something that fits your requirements better.


I will suggest that you first research if your pre is OK with 6dj8's VS 6922's.

If it runs the tubes (6922's) hard 6dj8's will not last as long.

If it runs the 6922's harder you will need Russian/Soviet/Eastern European 6922 equivalents and/or 7308's.

Some of the Russian tubes mentioned seem to be the currently available non EV/EB types (which are not the long life versions like the EB/EV's).

For example -  well testing/long life EB/EV versions of the Rocket/Voskhod 6922 types have not been readily available on the market for the past 5-10 years).

I agree with the Brent Jesse recommendation as he seems to have a current stock of reasonably priced Amperex 6922 types, though assume that he is swamped as of lately.

This (reasonable prices) may/will change in the very near future.





I have been playing with tubes and found a reasonably priced good sounding tube. Sovtek 12AX7 WB. Surprised me and cheap. I compared it to PSVange and Gold Lion.