CD Player with Volume Control

Looking for CD Player with good quality volume control for second system. Will probably buy used, but looking at list price players up to $2000. Prefer a player from past 5 years or so...Thanks


In fact I will be borrowing a friends 851C next week. I like it as a CD Player but never tried the volume control. And I will use the XLR. Thanks 

Cambridge 851C is vert good. Has DAC input which I ran my BS Vault II into for awhile as it’s DAC was noticeable better. If your amp is balanced and has XLR inputs the Cambridge sounds better balanced out. Changing out fuses helps and definitely a quality digital power cord makes a difference. I’m sure there’s better out there but probably not under $2k even used. Very neutral so if you’re looking for something real warm it’s not the player for you. Built very well.

The EAR Acute is a CDP i have had an experience of in a very well known system and it has proved to be very memorable performance for all the right reasons.

Asks about a CD player, immediate response is ripping files and laptop computers….

I recently purchased a Mark Levinson 39L as a "temporary" replacement for a CDP that was fried during Hurricane Ida. The 39L was not manufactured within the last 5 years; it cost 2500usd, pre-owned; and it only plays redbook CDs. It fronts a 300b SET that drives a pair Zu Def 4s. It is built like a tank and has a full-function digital pre-amp. I did not expect a lot, but have been blown away.

I do have a good homemade (not by me) passive pre...looks like that will be the way to go...and yes, for this project, CD only, not computer or streaming...

"...attenuating in the digital domain..."

Not my favorite thing for many reasons. OP just needs a passive volume control, much better without stripping information.  

Do you own a laptop? Try ripping your CDs to hard drive and attenuating in the digital domain with a high quality digital volume control - either in a dac or playback  software such as foobar or jriver.